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Honglian seems to be familiar with this, and Qin Yichen also nodded: “Then it will be distributed according to the amount of effort.”

Needless to say, this battle is still revealed by Monster Sovereign The strength is the strongest.

The reason why even Qin Yichen is afraid is that, fortunately, there is a person Monster Sovereign around him. Otherwise, even if Ziqiong Dragon Emperor helped him become a god, he would not be able to escape the disaster of Lei Wanze!

What surprised Qin Yichen a little is that in addition to Monster Sovereign, this battle also has a lot of Heaven Realm powerhouses!

However, in the face of a stunned pupil light, the nameless is just a chuckle: “Thanks to the ancestors for help, not to mention Xiaolu did not lose me, but the killing was not so heavy.”

Lu Xiaolu ’s killing is one thing. The key is to take care of Ziyun and Bai Qianqian and the others, and also protect Wu Yan and other demon gods from being killed by Heaven Realm powerhouse with a large number of people. Help companions, not kill enemies.

“Yichen big brother is also very difficult to deal with, just become a god, you can kill the son of Divine Emperor.”

However, everyone has n’t had time to tout each other, but see Monster Sovereign peach eyes flickered, suddenly waving his sleeves, I saw one after another Divine Item floating in the starry sky.

“These Divine Item cannot be collected, and there are Supreme expert divine runes. This matter cannot be concealed. Once investigated, it is enough for them to sense us according to the divine runes.”

Qin Yichen and the others were in a state of consternation for a while, while Monster Sovereign was still examining the spoils of war, and the Divine Item Divine Weapon was constantly picked out. They were all undesirable hot potatoes.

Ziyun ’s stunned look: “Senior do n’t pick it anymore! There will be few pieces left!”

Sometimes it ’s hard to fight, and the results of spoils of war ca n’t be Even Qin Yichen felt a little helpless.

However, Monster Sovereign keeps moving: “Although I can erase these divine runes, it takes time, and I ca n’t take this risk. It ’s a disaster to keep these treasures.”

Everyone is helpless There is no gain, at least it is better than the scourge of conspiracy, and it is clear how serious the consequences are if today’s events are exposed!

After a while, Monster Sovereign only took out dozens of Divine Item.

“Go first, it ’s not too late to go back and divide up.”

Finally, Monster Sovereign adds treasure to the starlight, but Qin Yichen ’s mouth is slightly drawn, but it ’s not distrust Monster Sovereign, but if you remember correctly, originally Lei Wanze alone, there are many treasures!

And what they can take away, but very few …

“Heaven Realm is powerful and powerful, and if it can kill them, it is also a way to make a fortune. “

But soon, Qin Yichen shook his head, I don’t know if Guren could tell, if not, if he took these hot potato, it would be a big deal!

After a while, Monster Sovereign looked at the chaotic starry sky, and many of the supernatural powers had not dissipated, and the world was ripped apart by cracks.

“It will take another 36 days for Blood Lotus to hide all traces of battle.”

Ziyun wonders: “Is it necessary to be so cautious?”

Monster Sovereign But he insisted on this: “The other party is the son of Divine Emperor, and his son is dead. If Divine Emperor comes to investigate in person, you can definitely see the clue.”

“Okay …”

Red Lotus swallowed Divine Jade, and Qin Yichen was surprised that after a long time, the red lotus eyebrows were 36 lotus petals in full bloom!


The fire is burning!

All traces are reduced to ashes in this terrible sea of ​​fire!

When the nameless Xuan Martial God shell was put away, Monster Sovereign had almost no hesitation and enveloped the three members of Ziyun with divine power: “It ’s not too late, go!”

Qin Yichen did not dare to hesitate, who knows if there is any prohibition on Lei Wanze, if Divine Emperor came, he would not be able to leave!

“whiz whiz whiz ……”

Starry sky, eleven stream of light flew, Qin Yichen looked back, and I might not see the Dragon Emperor God from now on ferry.

“But in the world, there is an extra dragon god, the god ship is broken, True Dragon will never die!”

Along the way, it was finally shocked, but only red When Lian was included in Qin Yichen Sea of ​​Consciousness, the latter obviously felt a terrible high temperature, causing him to boil Sea of ​​Consciousness!

“Senior, are you okay?”

How do you know Honglian’s lip: “What can happen! Finally, it was a show of divine power, but unfortunately … Well, this Divine Jade returns you. “

Divine Jade floats in the dantian, but Qin Yichen is looking thoughtful:” In this Divine Jade, it ’s like a sun shining in it, and it ’s cultivation for me. It’s useful, the same is true for Red Lotus Senior. “

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen sound transmission:” Senior, this Divine Jade is still for you to hold. I used to say that I want to help you recover from the past, but this A few years … “

The speech came to an abrupt stop, because Qin Yichen felt wrong! This is not to stole yourself, nor is it that I didn’t work hard. Most of the divine object divine medicine I got was given to Guren!

This is clearly the 36-day Blood Lotus growth required to grow like a bottomless pit, not his fault!

How can I know that the red lotus is hearing this, and the beautiful eyes are touched, but then coldly snorted and said: “Why, such a good baby, do n’t leave it to your little wife?”

Qin Yichen knows that the little daughter-in-law that Honglian said is Qian Xue.

Qian Xue is a descendant of Phoenix Clan, and Feng Jue’s ancestors have also said that this is a little leftover for Phoenix Clan.

However, Qin Yichen smiled: “Senior is a Phoenix Clan Supreme divine object. This Divine Jade naturally has a copy of Senior.”

Although Phoenix Clan, The closest to him is that Qianxue is not fake, but it does not mean that Qin Yichen can arbitrarily decide the treasure left by his ancestors.

Red Lotus Wanyin is slightly lazy: “It ’s up to you, but a Divine Jade is not enough for me to fully bloom.”

“This is not enough !?”

Qin Yichen is messy, but Red Lotus is justified: “Of course it is not enough! But many lotus petals can also be grown, kid, are you still ready to give me now?”

“The Senior is still going to take a break …”

Qin Yichen is speechless, although he knows this divine Divine Jade, for the ancestor Feng Jue, it ’s really something he ca n’t do. Divine Jade, but it also contains a sun!

As a result, Honglian still said enough?

Qin Yichen felt that she had misunderstood the three words bottomless pit …

It ’s just that Qin Yichen did n’t know that within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the Red Lotus Trail sighed: “This Divine Jade is really useful to me, but who makes me Senior? Senior, always let this little brat … “

Finally, Qin Yichen went all the way. After seeing the sky, it was Monster Race, the territory of Heyun Monster King.


A group of eleven people flew out of the sky, and there is an additional altar in the starry sky. It was created by He Yun Monster King and used to entertain Monster from all sides. King and Monster Sovereign Messenger.

When he saw Qin Yichen and the others, He Yun could n’t help but stunned. To be precise, he locked his eyes on Yao Tian: “They are still alive?!”

nobody understands one’s son better than his father, what happens when He Zheng enters the chaotic world, he certainly knows it, even acquiesce, but it is a pity that such a peerless Banshee vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

But who can imagine that Yao Tian is still alive? !

“Is it true that Zhenger didn’t do it? Or is this group of guys hiding?”

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