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And what delights the youth is that, except for the Banshee god who seems to have a starry sea in his hands, the rest of the demon gods are only slightly better than realm, and they are only measured at the level of Monster Race!

It seems that these demon gods are not reincarnated as criminals!

And they are the masters of this piece of World, and they are well known in Divine Race, from the powerhouse of Heaven Realm!

In their eyes, Monster Race is nothing but stronger than Human Race!

even more how, among these remnants, there are three unused wastes!

The strength gap between the two sides, in the eyes of young people, except the god Banshee, everyone else is a ants!

“Qi Lao, hold on! After we have solved these remnants, smash them with the Divine Weapon Divine Item, then the remnants will also want to live!”

Qi Lao low drink should bear it, At this moment, he and three god powerhouses joined forces, with four enemies and one, relying on divine power to be more powerful, and prolonged the Monster Sovereign.

The killing intent in Qi Lao God ’s eye is cold, if he can kill these gangs of evil, then he must have made a fortune! Is Feihuang Tengda still far?

The youth looked around, and when they noticed the nine-colored Divine Flower emerging on the sky, they could n’t help but startled, but then they sneered even worse.

“Today you all have to die!”

Sneeringly, the young Divine Pupil stared at Qin Yichen, and the whole body Jin Lei surging: “Bold afterglow! I am this world God Emperor The son of Lei Wanze, come and announce your name! Your Highness does not kill the unnamed remnants! “

Qin Yichen hearing this, but a sneer appeared in the corner of my mouth:” I, Dragon God, Qin Yichen! ”

Lei Wanze’s mouth twitched, and Jin Lei’s intertwined eyes filled with fear, although he could feel that the True Dragon remnants in front of him were just poor, realm weak.

But in case this is also a Dragon Emperor reincarnation and so on, can he not be afraid? !!

Qin Yichen sneered even more in his eyes: “Why, are you afraid? The emperor sees the sun today, so I will take you as a blood sacrifice ants!”

Lei Wan Ze trembles and retreats intentionally, but at this moment everyone is watching, if he retreats, are he embarrassed to take credit?

“Impossible … He may not be the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor, but in case it is true … no matter! true or false, try it and you will know!”

Lei Wan Ze gritted his teeth, Monster Sovereign’s lesson in front of the car, as if he was afraid of him, he suddenly shot, and saw a Divine Seal with a golden thunder soaring into the sky, turned into a four-dimensional lightning seal in the air, and suppressed to Qin Yichen!

Although under the cover of Heaven and Earth in Xuanwu Town, the strength of Heaven Realm many powerhouses, and even the Divine Weapon treasure ’s divine power have been suppressed a lot, but the Lei Yin has enough ten thousand li, more Countless Divine Thunder is surging!

Qin Yichen star eyes condensed, secretly thought this golden mine Divine Seal is really terrible, but there are more flashes in the star eyes, but it is a high fighting intent!

A short time ago, the dragon god was achieved, dragon roar shocked all directions, at this moment he desperately needs a fierce battle to prove himself!

Let Emperor Ziqiong and countless ancestors see that their contributions have not been let down!

“I was punctured, and I finally have no worries!”

All of a sudden, Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, and his whole body condensed his debut Jin Yao!

Jin Yao turned into a god’s bell, with countless Fiendgod engraved on the body, Fiendgod’s glorious surge, went straight to Jin Lei Divine Seal!


Clock seals meet, two divine item’s prestige at this moment confrontation surge, Heaven and Earth tremors, Divine Thunder wreak havoc!

Lei Wanze looked in his eyes, but his eyes were full of ridicule: “dressing up as God, playing the devil, if you are reincarnated by the Dragon Emperor, you still need to use the Divine Item to break my Divine Item?! “

Qin Yichen ’s face remained the same:” It ’s just a broken seal, and the emperor still needs his own shot? “

Lei Wanze was stunned, but immediately But he smiled: “Pretend! Continue to pretend! The moment when Divine Seal cracked down on you, I obviously felt hesitant about your Divine Dao law …”

“If you are Dragon Emperor, you can still Can’t stop me this Divine Item!?

Qin Yichen chuckled: “How do you know if the emperor is losing his pretense?”

Lei Wanze With a mouthful of mouth, if it is really the emperor, then this dim sum is not a big deal at all, so maybe wait for yourself to relax your vigilance, so as to count yourself!

However, when seeing Qi Lao, he was shouted anxiously: “His Royal Highness! Mo Yu will hesitate with him! Is it the reincarnation of a criminal invader, it will be known in one battle!” Swearing, you know in one battle, your Highness may die! You stand and speak without backache!

How can Qi Lao not guess Lei Wanze ’s thoughts, said immediately: “His Royal Highness, no matter he takes part or not, it is impossible to leak the news today! That is, we will not let us live!”

“Who lives and dies and who wins and loses, only in this battle, Your Highness, do n’t kill!?”

As soon as this remark comes out, Lei Wanze ’s eyes are golden Lei reappeared, yes, the rest of the sins, even the reincarnation of criminals, they will not let go!

Similarly, criminals will not leak any news!

Since that is the case, you will know it in one battle!

Lei Wanze just came back to his senses, but saw a spear piercing the void, turning into a dragon, dragon body Tingguang haunting, seeming to move forward, piercing the former eyebrows!


Lei Wanze urged Shenwei to resist, but even in a hurry, Jin Lei, who could surround his body, turned into Dao Lei Gang in an instant.

When the Qiankun Yuyu gun pierced Lei Gang and was only three inches away from Lei Wanze ’s eyebrows, the latter had already came back to his senses. With both palms waving, he saw a battle halberd in hand !

On the battle halberd, the golden thunder is infinite, and a thunder god roaring like a tyrannosaurus has condensed!


The gunman passed Lei Wanze, and Yu Wei failed to penetrate the former body Divine Thunder!

Lei Wanze held Divine Weapon, his face was shocked, but then, it was grinning and ecstatic.

“I blocked it! I blocked it!”

“You are not a reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor! You are a fish that escaped the net!”

Lei Wanze Ecstasy, if it is really the reincarnation of the Divine Emperor, even if this gun cannot take his life, it will be enough to cause him a heavy blow!

Heaven Realm many powerhouses is also a great joy, a Banshee god who holds the Xinghai in his hand, Divine Dao law reaches the God Realm is scary enough, if there is another Dragon Emperor reincarnated, they may be bode ill rather than well!

Is it just a reincarnation?

Lei Wanze proudly said: “Remaining evil, as long as you fight, your details will be exposed, and dare to claim to be the emperor, right?”

“I tell you! You True -The ancestors of Dragon Race are taboos of all races, between Heaven and Earth jokes! Even more how you! “

Qin Yichen’s face is gloomy, his identity can be disguised, but his strength can’t be pretended, but he No choice!

“Kill you, why would Dragon Emperor bless you!?”

be that as it may, but Qin Yichen also realized the enemy in front of him by the blow just now. Non-generic generation!

“Heaven and Earth, Xuanwu Town of the Unknown Brother, to suppress their strength is definitely more than 30%!”

The Xuan Martial God shell owned by the nameless is like a far-reaching victory After the opportunity obtained by Qin Yichen, the power of repression will naturally be stronger, but the former does not have True Dragon Bloodline, even if it is the Bloodline of Human Race, the awakening is also limited.

“Even if his strength is only 70%, and he was afraid that I was the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor, he hurriedly resisted, but he has not yet hurt him. This guy … is not easy!”

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