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Qi Laojiu first, and finally reminded: “If there are any variables, please also Your Highness Immediately know Your Majesty!”

This is their biggest dependency, regardless of who, but where Get involved with the True Dragon culprits, and no matter how strong you are, you can fight Heaven Realm! ?

The youth is also a nod. He can clearly distinguish between priorities, but then, seeing the thunder of Jin Lei in his eyes, shouted loudly: “You! Those who collude with the criminals, all ethnic groups win it! Danger lurks within the riches and honour, wait for those criminals to disembark, and then suppress and kill them with your Highness! “

The youthful divine power surges, this is not just to say that you must follow your powerhouse , But also unite fighting spirit for themselves!

His reliance is not just Qi Lao, he himself, no matter how emperor, follows his powerhouse, it is Heaven Power’s powerhouse!

They have nearly a hundred people, and each other has only eleven!

Even if I get the inheritance chance of the True Dragon guilty fighters, can I still have great strength?

The ship of God is now alive, but at this moment, the silhouette of Qin Yichen and his party has come to the edge of the ship!

When monster gods such as Monster Sovereign and Wu Yan are shrouded in the golden ship emitted by the ship of God, they obviously feel a horrible force that can not be countered. Thanks to Qin Yichen’s Force of True Dragon, they have Eligibility to board.


As soon as I was close to the ship, I saw the twisted joint with dry bones. For some reason, obviously both eyes of the gods were empty, but Qin Yichen Can feel the sadness and affection across the endless years!

“My boy, you are finally here …”

The sound is full of vicissitudes, seeming to span infinite years, making Qin Yichen’s eyes tremble.

Unknown to everyone, the namelessness at this moment will never lose Qin Yichen’s shock!

“The ancestor called the boy a teenager, and the ancestors recognized him …”

Unknownly, on the god boat, a slender silhouette looked at the slender silhouette, just As he said before, even if he can fool him, he will never fool these ancestors!

“He is a true True Dragon descendant, he is my brother …”

The nameless eyes are red, shocked to hard to describe, and Qin Yichen is pregnant with the pilgrimage Respect, slowly boarded the ship of God.

The decks they step on are all made of divine gold. In the keel of the god ship, there is a dragon artillery!

Monster Sovereign looked at it. She had witnessed the True Dragon domination, but she did not witness the defeat of the True Dragon, but the sheer size of the ship seemed to make her feel the glory of the Heaven and Earth overlord!

“If these dragon artillery cannons and god boats can be taken away, they can benefit Yichen a lot …”

Not only that, above the god boats There are also pieces of Divine Weapon scattered, any of which makes Wu Yan and other demon gods look stunned.

Wu Yan thought to himself that they were friends of Qin Yichen, and even if they got one, this godship would not be in vain!

But Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes flashed disappointed.

“The ancestors of Phoenix Clan …”

Qin Yichen lamented, and found that there was a scar on both of the dead bones.

I do n’t know what was left of the scar, it was only three inches long, but until now, it still shone with a terrible light!

The light is sacred, yet it is full of great fear. Like all the transgressors, they will die under their power!

Even when Monster Sovereign saw the scar, it was horrible to see. How could it exist to suppress and kill the two figures on Dragon Throne?

“Yi Chen … I’ve seen my ancestors!”

Qin Yichen suddenly knelt down, trembled in worship, and Zi Yun and Lu Xiaolu also had bloody eyes and no name , All choked on their knees.

Monster Sovereign stood in the temple, and suddenly took a deep look, and performed a salute, which represented the two figures above Dragon Throne, which was stronger than her and made her respectfully exist.

A lot of demon gods are solemnly saluted, even Honglian floats out, looking at the phoenix shadow leaning on Dragon Throne, crying into tears.

Suddenly, the dried bones on Feng Sang moved, and in the hollow Phoenix eyes, there seemed to be relief.

“The 36-day Blood Lotus is still alive, so does my tribe … also have descendants?”

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