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Feng Ying is the only skeleton left, and the White Tiger is also a tiger bone. It has lost all vitality, and even that god ship is dilapidated and full of loopholes!

This scene caused Qin Yichen’s eyes to shed tears involuntarily. He didn’t know where the ruins came from, but his ancestors would never be like this!

The namelessness is also red with eyes, Wu Yan screams: “This is … True Dragon! The true remains of True-Dragon Race!”

” Across the world, it ’s like the sun shining through the sea of ​​stars, this god ship … ”

Wu Yan ’s incoherent:“ This is the most vast relic in Monster Realm ’s records! ”

This The majesty of this godship makes people have no doubt that even if the stars are in front of them, they can run over with no difficulty.

But at this moment, there is no vitality, and it is messy. Monster Sovereign’s eyes are even more frightened.

“This kind of power … terrifying!”

Monster Sovereign lovable body is trembling. If I saw the mysterious Martial God pattern before, she was in awe, and this god now The boat gave her the feeling of fear!

The ship is terrifying, but what scares her most is the power that makes the ship so ruined.

“This power … is the realm! Nothing wrong, it is the realm!”

Monster Sovereign’s euphemism trembles, and it’s the first time Qin Yichen has seen it. The former was so lost self-control, and after exclaiming, Monster Sovereign looked like he was jealous, glanced around the sky, and then changed from exclaiming to muttering.

“Eternal life imprisoned here, endless reincarnation, regarded as a guilty humiliation by Myriad Realms …”


Qin Yichen Star eyes trembled: “Senior, what the hell is going on?”

Monster Sovereign Peach eyes flickered and kept secret: “I just guess …”

“True Dragon defeated , And his enemies used immensely high powers to imprison them here, causing them to suffer shame forever … “

Qin Yichen as if was struck by lightening, eyes congested.

Three thousand years of the chaos world once revealed the True Dragon ruins. It turned out to be an enemy of his tribe. He nailed the ancestors to the pillar of shame and used it to humiliate True Dragon!

Qin Yichen does not want to accept this fact, but Monster Sovereign’s explanation is more convincing than his fantasy!

Just now, but listening to the nameless coldly said: “Aren’t you trying to snatch the opportunity of the True-Dragon Race? Now it’s in front of you, might as well board the ship!”

tone barely Fell, but I saw Wu Yan anxiously said: “No!”

Wu Yan quickly sounded transmission: “Your Majesty, Husband told me that this True Dragon ship was not the first time it appeared. Fang Powerhouse wanted to board the ship and plunder the treasure. “

” But as a result … as soon as it was near the ship of God, as long as it was shrouded by Jin Yao, it would quickly age, not just aging, in short, it would be horrible. Power has become the same as the True-Dragon Race powerhouse on the god ship! ”

“Husband, including the ancestors of Husband, have never heard of a powerhouse that can come back alive from the god ship …”

Monster Sovereign trembled: “This should be true -Dragon Race’s power imprisoned here. “

Rao is deeply afraid of the strength of Monster Sovereign. This kind of power is obviously left by the enemy of True-Dragon Race, and that enemy, maybe It is God, maybe magic, or the power behind Heaven Realm Celestial Court, which now dominates the Six Realms.

But it’s basically impossible for Monster Race to do it, otherwise Monster Sovereign thinks he should be able to feel one or two.

This power is not just directed at this god ship, but any existence near the god ship cannot be spared!

Also, even if the ship is broken, the True-Dragon Race powerhouse on the ship and the Difang Race powerhouse on Shifang are all dead bones, and it is not something she can offend!

Monster Sovereign looked towards the nameless, and saw the latter without both eyes flashing, reluctantly, they were annoyed, these demon gods even knew the terrifying of the god ship!

But Anonymous still has plans, after all, this is not the first time that the ship of God is here, and Monster Realm knows that it is normal.

Anonymous at this moment is full of divine power surging, others fly to the ship of God, it will turn into dry bones, and even the dry bones will not be left in the end, but he is different!

He even became a god because he met another great opportunity to go with this ship!

“If I can reach the ship, these demon gods dare to catch up, even if the demon god who dominates the Xinghai in this shot, it will only turn into dry bones …”

Unknown Moved to kill!

At least, he can also escape from these demon gods by the god ship!

Monster Sovereign stares at Anonymous, but the latter is not afraid at this moment, but gradually sneers: “God ship is approaching, so short time, you can’t kill me!”

“Even if you can kill me, I can drag your companion until the ship of God is near!”

Anonymous has been calculated. This ship of God has several tens of thousands of li vastness, driving in Chaos world, every breath is across ten thousand li!

The god ship is getting closer, Monster Sovereign is indifferently smiled: “Yi Chen, you are also a descendant of True Dragon, since he can board the ship, so can you!”

Qin Yichen startled, There was still great sorrow in his heart. He did not know what the countless ancestors on the ship of God had experienced. He also knew that with his current strength, he could not change the slightest bit!

But even if he was allowed to board the ship, even if it was to worship the ancestors’ bones, it would at least ease the grief in his heart.


Qin Yichen gritted his teeth, and looked anonymously, but sneered: “The scum of the Monster Race is also worthy of worshiping the ancestors!”

At this point, Monster Sovereign peach eyes suddenly became cold, and she had warned her namelessness before.

When Qin Yichen sees this, he quickly grabs the jade hand of Monster Sovereign supple as if boneless: “Senior, Junior wants to see if he can take you and Wu Yan Senior together to board the ship.”

“Senior has taken care of Junior all the way. If it is true, there should be a Senior.”

Monster Sovereign is a really trembled, I do n’t know because Qin Yichen said that he would witness with her Even sharing the opportunity of the True-Dragon Race, was still held by a golden Golden Immortal …

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