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Demon Sword is blooming with 狰狞 blood light, there is a blood red demon eye on the sword edge, and a sword is cut out. Qin Yichen seems to see Demon. God stands at Heaven and Earth, and the sky is light!

Sure, even if it is suppressed by 30% strength, Demon God is God Realm powerhouse after all, and the power of Demon God is full!

“Bang !!!!”

The guns and swords collided, and the power was raging. Qin Yichen’s figure suddenly fell!


Jin Yao’s body is solid, although he is not embarrassed, but Qin Yichen’s face is dignified.

“The Demon Sword in Demon God’s hands should be a high grade divine object, but it’s definitely not a Divine Weapon!”

The other is holding a divine object, but he can communicate with him. Po Yugun to compete!

But in the next instant, Qin Yichen resumed cold and severe: “The sword you just made was by no means Magical Powers with your hands raised, you don’t have this ability yet!”

Demon God startled, indeed, the blow he just made was using Immortal Technique!

Although it is the Immortal Technique, it is naturally terrifying and fierce!

But this little bastard is just going backwards, without any injuries!

“Hum, but rely on Divine Weapon that’s all! Soon your Divine Weapon should be mine!”

Demon God did n’t know that Qin Yichen was not subject to repression, That’s why he feels that even if the Golden Immortal is so strong, he should at least be vomiting blood by the power of the sword in the face of his sword!

“Come again!”

Qin Yichen bursts into the sky, the pistol hole is pierced through the void!

“Destroy the Dragon Mark gun !!!”

Qin Yichen ca n’t remember it for a long time, because the dragon’s blood war gun is only a middle grade immortal soldier. For now, instead of helping a little bit, it will become a burden!

But at this moment, the move is still the move, the silhouette is still the slender silhouette, but it is not the same!

Now Qin Yichen has achieved the golden Golden Immortal, and the war gun in his hand has been replaced by Divine Weapon!

This gun blasted out, and the dragon roamed the sky, even though there was no stalwart lingering, but it was also fierce and stabbed by the gun, it seemed unstoppable!

The Demon God is cut out in shock, the swords and swords meet, the starry sky trembles, and the mighty power sweeps away, but this time, the slender silhouette is not relentless!

Qin Yichen expression cold and severe.


The gunman swarmed and stabbed Demon God’s arm. Demon God was shocked that his fleshhy body could resist the divine object, but Divine Weapon was hard to say!

Suddenly, Dimon God ’s arm divine power surged, even four palms in one, Demon Sword came forward, resisting the hole that pierced through the void!

However, at this moment, I saw Qin Yichen’s eyes staring in a joke, next moment, the pupils were filled with the horrible golden silver light.

Sun and moon!

I saw Qin Yichen’s left eye with golden marks flowing away. Instead of looking at each other, if you can see the hot sun when the sky is empty, the right eye is full of moonlight, cold and arrogant!

“Not good!”

Demon God is shocked and wants to resist, but at this moment the two confronted each other, so close, how can he dodge! ?

And what makes Demon God even more astounded is that at this moment his four arms are resisting the Qian Kun Po Yu gun. If he uses his arms to resist, the gun can pierce his heart!

“What a cunning little bastard!”


I saw the wings of the demon, tearing the void, and Qin Yichen has the shake of the void. Light magic, this Demon God naturally has a similar method!

It’s just that Demon God feels very humiliated. He is a dignified Demon God, and against a Monster Race little bastard, he managed to escape!

God Realm vs. Golden Immortal. Shouldn’t it be Golden Immortal’s Cangjie escape, but is he used to hunt? !!

Many demon gods felt the terrible sundial and couldn’t help mistakenly, looking to the slender silhouette of the pump light, something changed.

“This is what Bai Cang can teach? You ca n’t go to Bai Cang’s level with such strength!”

“He is also worthy! What do I think? Is this the reincarnation of Bai Cang’s ancestors? “

A lot of demon gods still think that makes sense.

“It’s possible, you think about it, how many Divine Weapon does Bai Cang have? His Majesty will give it to Divine Weapon? Maybe it is Bai Cang’s ancestor!”

Qin Yichen is also speechless. , But now he has no intention to take advantage of Bai Cang, then Demon God can’t resist seeing it, just retreat!

How can Qin Yichen make it happen? With eyes twinkling, the sundial and moonlight turned into two exciting, and killed directly in the sky that was torn by Demon God!


The number of beyond a thousand li, the void shattered, but I saw the Demon God burst out from it, the arm shivered impatiently, and I saw the sundial It turned out to be a hole in his arm!

Even its god bones are slowly melting. If it were not for desperate use of divine power to suppress, the arm burned by the sundial would have been abolished!

Yuehua can directly intercept with divine power, but on the basis of formidable power, the sundial is far above Yuehua!

“Blood Devil!”

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