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Seeing that people are shaking, half-step demon is more proud: “How to choose, and still teach you with this deity?”

“Come here, let us share the food, Maybe your family can live longer! “

Demon God has licked his lips and looked fiercely:” How powerful is this human being and god? “

The eyes of man and god are red and the body of the god is trembling.

Are these demons threatening only his clansman?

Even he knows that even if he is willing to be divided by these demons today, they will not improve the Human Race in the slightest!

But … does he have a choice?

Due to his weak race, will he be oppressed by all races? !!


His Human Race is not weak!

The Demon who died at his feet today is the best proof!

How many gods does Human Race have?

Just because he cares about the race, these demons are used as threatening chips!

The gods are furious, everyone knows that there is a slender silhouette in the Boundless Starry Sky, and the star eyes are also red.

“Okay, I’m dead …”

The gods grit their teeth, their faces are decisive!

At that half step, the demon lord saw his face, and he was immediately proud. At this moment, he saw a Demon God sound transmission around him: “Master, these Monster Races …”

Half Bu Mozun expressed cold and looked at the Monster Race powerhouse, which was also greedy. After looking at the strength of the two sides, he ridiculed again: “It’s cheap to divide them into a thigh.”

The half-step demon statue did not hide it, but urged the divine power directly to the ears of the Monster Race powerhouse.

This caused a lot of dissatisfaction and anger in the Monster Race, a god of humanity, they could only get a thigh in the Monster Race?

Looking at the demonic energy that is far more ambitious than them, all the demon gods are also afraid to be angry and dare not speak. The power gap is here, what else can be said?

However, at this moment, I listened to an indifferent euphemism, ringing the globe.

“Here, what is your demon race?”

Many Demon Race powerhouse startled. When you turn around and look at it, the magic pupil falls on the peerless Qianying. Can’t help Divine Soul upside down.

But then, that half step of the demon is slowly recovering: “You want to get ahead of Monster Race!?”

“When is a Monster Race, even Dao Realm Small Accomplishment? Banshee, dare to oppose me Demon Race!?

A lot of Demon God is also ironic, Monster Race, although not as low as Human Race, but not strong!

Even some of the Bloodline’s low and lowly Monster Races are livestock in their eyes!

Many demon gods are also shocked, and some even recognize it. Isn’t this what Heyun Monster King saw and refused Banshee of the demon Sir Wang? !!

Now stand up against Demon Race again, this courage is not ordinary!

However, Monster Sovereign is indifferent: “Human Race has a share of blood eater, and at least it should be evenly divided. You Demon Race only divides my leg, what does it mean?”

The half-step demon smiled: “Did it? Do you have a Monster Race with this qualification!”

“Monster Race is just a little stronger than Human Race in front of my Demon Race. The legs are based on the face of your Monster Race! How can you disagree? “

Monster Sovereign said nothing, while Qin Yichen took the opportunity to look at the expression of Monster Race powerhouse.

It can be seen that some Monster Race powerhouses have intentionally moved. After all, they also want to share more Human Race flesh and blood, but each and everyone flashes the demon pupil, it seems to be weighing the pros and cons.

Qin Yichen can’t help but feel sorry for Monster Sovereign in his eyes.

“Senior said that Monster Race is indifferent, and that’s exactly what it is.”

Now the two sides represent Demon and Devil race, even if it doesn’t say anything about race, even if it is In the interests of the whole, we should be united.

But the Monster Race is clearly divided into different camps, all in intrigue.

“Demon Race also counts on this. Even if Monster Race refuses to accept it, it will fight for more flesh and blood on that thigh. Without thinking about it, it will join forces to fight for more benefits … “

Qin Yichen’s secretly thought in his heart, but at this moment, Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes have become indifferent.

“You fellows, the evil spirits are insidious and want me to wait and kill each other for one leg. When I join forces, I will get more blood!”

Monster Sovereign 叱咤: “I’d like to see, what’s the power of the magic wand!?”


Suddenly, Monster Sovereign took a shot, holding a whip, It is the star whip condensed by starlight, and Her Majesty, such as Wu Yan, saw the shot, all shot violently!

Half-step Demon sees startled, but then he laughs loudly, the sound of the sound rolls, and it even reveals the arms of the eight magic lines!

“You Banshee is bold! But the looks are pretty good. Later, while the deity is eating flesh and blood, pressing you under your majesty, it is also unique!”

“Kill me!”

For a while, the Demon Race powerhouse was furious: “Monster Race, dare to fight me Demon Race?”

“Even if you share your legs, you can’t save your face, you can’t tell good from bad, all the male demon are killed, Banshee catches them all as furnace cauldron!”

Qin Yichen and Ziyun stand in the sky , The latter with a proud look: “Monster Sovereign Senior shot, this group of Demon God will soon regret it.”

However, at the next moment, Monster Sovereign and the half-step Mozun fight at the moment, purple The cloud was choking.

“What’s going on, shouldn’t Senior kill this Capricorn in a second?”

You know, Monster Sovereign bombarded a half-step monster with three fingers. What was that? strength? Switching to a half-step magic statue, it should be similar!

At this moment, Monster Sovereign is holding a star whip, a surge of divine power, and fighting with a half-step demon statue. Although it has not fallen, it does not show an advantage.

Qin Yichen is also startled, although Monster Sovereign Senior is also suppressed by the unknown natural phenomenon, but the other powerhouses of Demon and Devil race are also the same. Since then, everyone’s strength is the same.

But next moment, Qin Yichen understood the meaning of Monster Sovereign.

“Seniors are now turning their faces with Demon Race for reasons of uneven distribution, but Monster Race is still present after all.”

Qin Yichen knows, of course, that uneven distribution is just Monster Sovereign Excuses, but Monster Sovereign is also a Monster Race, these Monster Races are her family.

Without provoking her, Monster Sovereign may not kill all of them. Qin Yichen is Human Race after all, but it ’s not hard to understand if you are in the right place.

Moreover, Qin Yichen can also see that Monster Sovereign is doing this to awaken the unity of Monster Race. After all, the pursuit of this life is not just strength.

“Apart from this, Senior is probably trying to sharpen us one or two …”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, and Monster Sovereign wanted her and Heyun Monster King to be her Majesty During the fight, Nai Ho was turning his face halfway, but now things are different.

Monster Sovereign does not have a suppress and kill audience. While hiding his strength, he can also give him a chance to fight against Demon God!

Ziyun is a bit miserable. The advantages of this, the boss speaks out, he can naturally understand, but Monster Sovereign Senior is afraid of analysis and clarity, it is worthy of the God Emperor powerhouse.

“Just the boss, I think … I’m afraid I can’t compete with God Realm now.”

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