wants to walk to walk, even Qin Yichen can’t wait even faster, after all, that fellow is now being hunted down by Demon and Devil race!

“That fellow has just become a god? The point is to be able to become a god!”

If you want to break into the universe, it is almost impossible to shrink into Human Race, that is, The strength of the Human Race is by no means comparable to other members of the cultivation base given to it by various races as tools!

“Also, the same family can walk out of their Divine Dao. For these heroes of our family, don’t make any mistakes!”

Qin Yichen knows that now Killing the fugitive is just an excuse, whether it is Monster Race or Demon Race, all want to share the flesh of that clansman that’s all!

Flying around, I saw the demon god pointing at a fragmented continent: “Look, that’s the place where the Human Race was hiding before!”

Ziyun staggered, He couldn’t see anything, even immortal strength could not see a trace of blood.

Qin Yichen, however, is a star-eyed little girl, and even sniffed it carefully before she said, “It really has the breath of my family!”

“That same family member God must have concealed the traces of the scene, but how could he be found? “

Qin Yichen can feel the breath. First, after he cultivated the Divine Physique from the five internal organs, his facial features were also more acute. In addition, he is also Human Race, and his own clan is very familiar with his own breath.

But the breath is very weak. If it was not the demon god who pointed out the specific position, he would just pass by.

At this moment, but listening to Monster Sovereign’s explanation: “It should be a dog demon becoming a god, born with a keen sense of smell.”

Qin Yichen At the moment, I don’t care about it at the moment, thanks to that demon god I also want to get a piece of flesh, so the speed is extremely fast, without delay.

“Senior, Demon Race should also be like a demon god, and has a keen sense of smell, right?”

Monster Sovereign startled, and then it was slightly nodded.

Qin Yichen is even more worried. It seems that Demon and Devil race has locked the trace of that fellow!

“whiz whiz whiz ……”

Flying away for a long time, but the demon god who accompanied me suddenly frowned, wondering: “You find no, the gravity here is slowly becoming stronger . “

Wu Yan also had a feeling early:” Yes, at first is still very subtle. I thought it was a disorder of the starry sky in the chaos world, which caused the gravity strength of the star fields to be different. “

“But the more you fly in this direction, the more obvious it feels.”

Wu Yan said, looking back, she made a mistake and shocked, Your Majesty is rare Frown!

Surely, this natural phenomenon of gradually increasing gravity has affected even Your Majesty!

“How is this possible!?”

Wu Yan can’t believe how much Your Majesty exists?

At this moment, she only felt that gravity had slowed her speed by 10%, and it was a strange natural phenomenon that could affect her, let alone Your Majesty!

Qin Yichen doesn’t feel right: “Senior, what’s wrong?”

Whoever thought of this sound transmission was a shock to Monster Sovereign’s peerless beauty.

“Are you all right!?”

Qin Yichen froze: “What’s the matter?”

Monster Sovereign The peach eyes are glowing, and the pump light is at nine People are free, and the pretty face that dumped sentient beings is getting more and more confused.

“You, Ziyun, and Xiaolu, can’t feel the change of gravity!?”

Qin Yichen was bewildered, he just watched Monster Sovereign’s complexion just now. Before asking for sound transmission.

Even if Monster Sovereign was shocked, he simply couldn’t feel the change of gravity!

Rao is surprised by Monster Sovereign’s knowledge at the moment.

“It’s weird, it’s really weird … the three of you are not affected.”

“What is the impact?”

Monster Sovereign With the Boundless Starry Sky in front of my eyes, the peach eyes flickered.

“Did you not find out that our speed has slowed down except you?”

After such a reminder, Qin Yichen was only found.

Because he and Ziyun are not affected, and because they were afraid to delay the rescue of their kinsmen, Wu Yan wrapped them with divine power.

“Senior, is this a natural phenomenon in the chaos world?”

Qin Yichen felt that something was wrong, but Monster Sovereign’s answer changed his face suddenly.

“It’s not just gravity, it’s my divine power, my body, my Bloodline … all have been suppressed 10%, and it will cause this result!”

Qin Yichen heard Monster Sovereign mood grave and even serious for the first time.

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