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“What do you say?!”

Heyun Monster King complexion sank, many monsters around him have different faces, you know, although Yao Tian has a transcendent temperament, his face is peerless, but It’s only just become that’s all.

This kind of existence, dare to reject the pursuit of Monster King?

However, in the face of Monster King ’s anger, the expression of Monster Sovereign is still calm: “I said, you are not worthy.”

Until He Yun spoke, Monster Sovereign slowly said: “I In this life, at least Monster Sovereign must be achieved, and my man must be better than me, convince me to take it, and then I will be in a hurry. Are you … deserve it? “

These words, count Million Monster Race powerhouse exploded!

“Achievement of Monster Sovereign? This Banshee has a great tone!”

“Hum, it ’s too easy to become a god, and think it ’s too late. and of natural morality! “

” Fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness! “

Not only diffuse Heavenly Monster God, but even Qin Yichen is messy.

Although he knows, Monster Sovereign is telling the truth.

But the point is … Monster Sovereign Senior, you are too upright!

Heyun Monster King is rejected, even if he does n’t deserve it, but in front of Heavenly Monster God, he said that he wants to achieve Monster Sovereign. You are afraid that this word will not reach the Monster Sovereign ears of this World. Is it here?

However, everyone knows that Monster Sovereign is indifferent.

Although she has just become a god, she can’t compete with the Monster Sovereign of this World. She doesn’t even dare to expose it, she must hide herself.

But she is the reincarnation of Monster Sovereign. If it is because of a monster King ’s teasing, she will make all her efforts, and she will only mess with her Taoism and fall into a sovereign’s prestige.

The Monster Sovereign messenger next to me had a funny look, but I wasn’t angry because of the phrase “ Achieve Monster Sovereign ”.

Because of the atmosphere of the Monster Sovereign that he follows, or that the existence of every emperor has his own spirit and mind.

Not to mention Heavenly Monster God, which one doesn’t want to be king and king? Although most of them will not be arrogant and stupid enough to say on the spot like this Yao Tian Banshee, but there are always alternatives in ten hundred.

If it makes Monster Sovereign angry and suppress and kill in one sentence, it will only make Monster Sovereign shameful.

In addition, he does not need to say this, but it will also pass to Monster Sovereign’s ears. Monster Sovereign may not care about it, only thinking that it was Yao Tian’s excuse for rejecting He Yun.

However, He Yun is gloomy and asks, “You want to enter the chaos?”

Monster Sovereign is still the same: “Yes.”

Heyun’s pump light flickered, although with his strength, Bai Cang was shot dead in person, and then the overlord hardly bowed.

Explore the world of chaos, the command of Heaven Realm Celestial Court!

Monster Realm is not just a Monster King. He naturally has something wrong with him. If you make a big fuss and pass the matter to Celestial Court …

In Heyun In the eyes, Yao Tian will not be a woman, or even a plaything that he conquered. Who will cause trouble for the plaything?

“Very good!”

He Yun demon pupil Wei Wei: “I hope you can live out, the king is not interested in the body!”

Monster Sovereign didn’t say a word, and after Heavenly Monster God groaned, the matter was not considered.

However, Qin Yichen noticed that a lot of jealous pump light went to Monster Sovereign.

Most of the pump light comes from other Banshee gods. So, they also want to be the wife and concubine of Heyun Monster King, but Yao Tian is so unable to tell good from bad!

“Ready to enter the chaos world!”

Hyun Yun Monster King, whose face has been shaved, has a bad tone of nature. He immediately waved his sleeves and looked at the day, suddenly with a smile: “hmph! Those sinners fled into it, thinking that they could regain their fanfare and attempt to compete with Lord Heaven Realm!”

“It’s ridiculous, now the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, those sins Kou still has a treasure in it! If anyone has a fate, do n’t hesitate to explore! ”

Surely, he ca n’t be angry with Monster Sovereign. Heyun Monster King simply blew his angry flame hair on True-Dragon Race, anyway Now that he has become a taboo criminal of all nations, he can curse whatever he wants.

After a rage, Heyun Monster King intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Yao Tian: “But wait, be careful, those criminals are messing with Heaven and Earth, watch out for backlash, etc.”

Monster Sovereign is not shocked, as if not heard, but Qin Yichen can’t stand it.

“White Senior Cang, which is the powerhouse sent by Heyun Monster King?”

Bai Cang startedled, and then looked at a place where hundreds of powerhouses gathered: “That That ’s right, Qin little friend … what do you want to do? “

Qin Yichen laughed:” What do you think of acting for the Monster Sovereign Senior? “

Bai Cang Yi Yi, for Your Majesty is in his early days, of course he is quite happy!

How can he not see this? This is just an excuse for Qin Yichen. Actually, the latter made him focus on He Yun Monster King’s powerhouse. It was his fringe irony and scorching to True-Dragon Race. satire.

“Qin little friend, take your time, I ca n’t talk to Your Majesty in some words, but you have to remember that Heyun Monster King has 100 places after all!”

Bang Cang’s heart is anxious, and Qin Yichen is also cheeky: “Senior Bai is right, you are so loyal, I will tell Monster Sovereign Senior for you.”


Pan Cang panicked: “Qin little friend, don’t mess around! In short … Your Majesty must not miss!”

Qin Yichen smiled, but at this moment, I saw Monster Sovereign looking back, sound Transmission Indifferent: “Good intentions for the emperor, but … these guys? I hope they can have a few treasures on the table.”

Bai Cang said nothing but hope, his wife And the other five God Realm powerhouse can play some power, after all, Her Majesty Monster King, there are more than thirty demon gods!

“Enter the chaos world! Fight for my Monster Race!”

With the Monster Sovereign messenger and Divine King drinking and flowing light, flying towards the day!

However, Qin Yichen felt that a lot of breath locked them, and the breath was not good, even killing intent!

Even he could notice that Monster Sovereign naturally noticed it.

“Pretend to be defeated first.”

Monster Sovereign sent nine people to Qin Yichen’s sound transmission, and it was n’t thirty or more demon gods who let her retreat first, but one killed 30 The movement caused by the remaining demon gods!

Qin Yichen realized the nine people’s mind, speeded up suddenly, surpassed the Monster Race powerhouse, but behind them, came the word coldly shouted.

“Going into the chaos world and killing you is not a violation of heaven defying court rules, right?”

Qin Yichen looked back and saw a young man divin power The storm is similar to He Yun has several points of, Yu Yuxuan Ang.

“Father King sees you, in my eyes you have to die, even more how you swept the Father King God in public!”

This person is Heyun Monster King The son, born of the latter and Madam, would tolerate other Banshee to confuse the father and threaten the status of the mother-in-law?

Not only Heyun Monster King’s many powerhouses, but even many Banshee gods, and even the powerhouse of Heyun Monster King, they all want to lock in the breath of Qin Yichen.

“Fantastically cheap! It looks like it’s pretending to be, awaiting great aunt tore your face and seeing Lord Yun want you again!”

Unconsciously, Qin Yichen Ten people have already flew past the heavens and entered bizarre and motley, the barren chaos within the realm!

A lot of demon gods want to go for fun, after all, this can be considered a rare thing, but some people think of something, and quickly grab the companion.

“Let ’s not mess with it! It ’s filial piety for Young Master to get rid of the fascination for his father, but after all it is Banshee that Lord Lord sees. We do n’t know anything, we do n’t see anything … … “

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