Qin Yichen knows what Monster Sovereign is worrying about. Although she is a superb means of disguising herself for Monster Sovereign, it may not be necessary if she encounters Celestial Emperor.

Bai Cang hesitated a little: “Your Majesty, Admiral and Qingshan them, because of Realm, they can’t go with you.”

Monster Sovereign doesn’t agree: “You I think, under Divine Venerable Boundary, can it threaten the existence of the deity? “

” Of course not! “

Bai Cang shook his head again and again, but then again, Heaven Realm and God World ’s Powerhouse is also a lot, especially the powerhouse designated by the Emperor.

even more how, Heaven Realm’s powerhouse, but it is above the other four realms, and its strength cannot be underestimated. The key is … they have fewer people!

“Yi Chen, how about you three, what do you mean?”

Qin Yichen, the three of them looked at each other: “Can you follow the Senior experience, how can you get rid of it?”

“Then you will follow me.”

Monster Sovereign said, and looked towards Bai Cang: “There are still six places. You have to choose your own people, and, Do n’t be too weak, I do n’t need to tow oil bottles around my emperor. ”

“ Follow the obedience! ”

Bai Cang analyzed, leaving them to the chaotic frontier where Monster Realm meets, There are two months left.

For two months, their strength is definitely okay, but Qin little friend’s side … Qin little friend Fortunately, becoming a god is better, not a god is not weak.

Is that stupid, will it become a burden on Your Majesty?

Monster Sovereign returns to the dorm, but Qin Yichen comes to see him.

“What’s the matter?”

Monster Sovereign didn’t refuse to see it, but Qin Yichen thought about it, and straightened to the point: “Junior has a few doubts, hope Senior Wang can give pointers . “

Monster Sovereign smiled:” Oh? Isn’t your inheritance from your clan ancestors enough? “

The peach eyes are crafty, it seems that they are looking towards Sea Red Lotus in Consciousness.

When Qin Yichen sees this, he also shows up: “She, she’s too useless. Where can I compare with Senior?”

“Boy, what are you talking about!”


Honglian isn’t pretending. In fact, she knows that she has felt her presence since Monster Sovereign’s revival. At this moment, she floats out and punches and kicks Qin Yichen.

Monster Sovereign is very interested: “Supreme divine object of Phoenix Clan is interesting.”

“With her, it should be enough to point you, even she doesn’t know, it seems you The question I want to ask is not simple … “

Qin Yichen said with a smile after sending Red Lotus:” It is really clueless for Junior, but with the senior emperor’s insight … … ”

“You know I don’t eat this set.”

Monster Sovereign Wanyin is bland: “Although your family has helped me, I won’t forget it.”

Qin Yichen hearing this I ’m happy: “It ’s Senior, Junior is building a Human Race these days, and I have suddenly have a thought.”

“Senior, you think, Junior is a descendant of True Dragon, and now dragon’s blood It’s more than 60%, True Dragon Bloodline is indeed tyrannical, but Junior is from Human Race after all. “

” If one day, I’m covered with dragon’s blood, then my Human Race Bloodline … “

Qin Yichen does not deny that True Dragon Bloodline is invincible, and he is even more proud of it.

But he came from Human Race, Human Race on one side, and True Dragon on the other.

Apart from this, Qin Yichen also considered a problem, especially after he saw Zhao Tieniu.

Zhao Tieniu’s strength is not said, and this is still in the case of being enslaved by Monster Race. If it can be treated the same as Monster Race, the strength will definitely be stronger!

Zhao Tieniu is a pure blood Human Race, not to mention Zhao Tieniu, the world ’s three Human Race God Realm, also makes Qin Yichen desperately want to meet.

Pure blood Human Race can also find Divine Dao!

Then it shows that the weak is by no means Human Race Bloodline, or even Human Race Bloodline, is it really useless?

No one tells Qin Yichen the answer, but he can search for it himself, at least he must not abandon Human Race Bloodline.

This question, Qin Yichen consulted Honglian.

However, Honglian’s previous masters were Hao Chengzi and Feng Yujiao, one dragon and one phoenix. Both ancestors must be Bloodline pure.

Before Honglian was silent, there was no Human Race at all, so naturally I did not know how to deal with it.

Monster Sovereign thinks: “Can’t bear Bloodline? Understandable.”

“But to your Human Race Bloodline, to be honest, I have not only been very nourishing, but also watching There is no mystery. “

At this point, Monster Sovereign suddenly laughed:” Boy, his tribe is pursuing Bloodline evolution. Even if you are Human Race, you should also pursue the reconstruction of dragon’s blood, and But you put the cart before the horse, and you really ask the emperor. “

Qin Yichen also said with a smile:” Junior is not cart up, but just think that the Bloodline of birth should not be useless and want to keep it. Senior Wang is complete. “

Monster Sovereign proclaimed:” And your dragon’s blood is too aggressive, it will be difficult to hide, and the consequences will be unthinkable. “

” By the way, I do n’t know 36 days of Blood Lotus Tell you not, True Dragon Bloodline, or the world, and the pure Bloodline does not mean that it is the ultimate, or even just a new beginning. “

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