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Hong Lian sneered: “In front of Xinghai Celestial Demon, the North Monster Monster Sovereign is a fart!”

“In the world, there are countless stars, just like the body of Monster Sovereign , Xinghai infinite! “

” Now there are tens of thousands of stars, among which the demon god stands, and Xinghai infinite, she is divine power infinite! Now that she can swallow the demon god, how can you not make the dragon god into the stars !? “

Hong Lian lost her voice:” One star and one god, thousands of stars, thousands of gods … the infinite sea of ​​stars, can swallow the magic, but the god can be forbidden! “

” Boy, thank you Your ancestors have the same old relationship with her, otherwise, with her ambition, swallowing a True Dragon is just one of thousands of stars! “

Qin Yichen look pale, Rao is not malicious to Monster Sovereign, But he still felt terrible at the moment, which was simply awe of the power of Monster Sovereign!

Finally, Honglian can’t help but admire.

“A woman can become the emperor, such ambitions, such indulgences, in this life, she does not just have to wash her blood before her shame!”

“Across the endless years, just to cultivate Xinghai Celestial Demon, Monster Sovereign’s ambition … she is heaven! “

Qin Yichen trembled, thinking of Monster Sovereign’s peerless appearance, hiding these ambitions, his inexplicable spine became cold!

Xinghai Celestial Demon!

Xinghai is infinite, the demon is the sky!

Although Qin Yichen knows that Monster Sovereign is still far from that step, he can’t even measure how far, but this ambition alone is enough to shock him!

“It is no wonder that Her Majesty has long since fallen, and future generations are also willing to be loyal to Monster Sovereign Senior. These hearts and minds will not lose any heroes in the world!”

Honglian also said: “These The demon god is here to protect the law, is loyal, but not worried about the accident of Monster Sovereign! “

” It is hiding Heaven and Earth and blocking this star! “

” Because Once the Xinghai Celestial Demon comes out, don’t talk about this World ’s Monster Sovereign. The god emperor, Demon Sovereign, and even the Lord of Heaven Realm will not allow her! “

Qin Yichen His handwriting made him feel ashamed, and he better understood what it is to view the sky from the bottom of a well.

The road he thought he used to become stronger, is as small as a dust among the thousands of stars that consolidate Monster Sovereign!

Honglian said with emotion: “At the time, Monster Sovereign killed the Lonely Star, the son of the monster North Monster Monster Sovereign, and I felt wrong. I just crossed the stars, so that’s how it is!”


At this moment, but I heard Lu Xiaolu suddenly shout: “The breath of Monster Sovereign Senior has begun to change!”

Qin Yichen came back to his senses, and I saw the stars shining brightly , From the very beginning, although the stars are bright, they seem to belong to Monster Sovereign.

It is not accurate to say that it does not belong, but at this moment, the starry sky is used by Monster Sovereign. It is like one, and the demon god among the stars also seems to be the power of Monster Sovereign!

It ’s like, although the stars in the sky were dazzling before, they were out of reach, but at this moment, the stars are integrated, and Monster Sovereign is the star in the sky!

Not only that, the surrounding Spiritual Qi, absorbed by Monster Sovereign, has become its power, even this Heaven and Earth is dominated by the starlight!

Even the divine power of the demon gods is constantly being squeezed and devoured, and a new Heaven and Earth is rising!

Qin Yichen is shocked, although he knows that a lot of demon gods dare not disobey Monster Sovereign, but don’t forget that there are many god powerhouses like Bai Cang and Qingshan among the demon gods who protect the law!

While Monster Sovereign has just become a god, you can make the pale Divine power fall to the wind or even acknowledge allegiance. You can see the power of Monster Sovereign!

Surely, there is a gap between the same god!

The Divine Dao Rule of Monster Sovereign has reached a very high level!

The change of starlight is not a one-off, but a slow process. Qin Yichen knows that this is the Divine Dao rule that condenses itself and the changes of Divine Physique!

Qin Yichen all three are attentive. Even if starlight hurts their eyes, Qin Yichen will not let this opportunity of seeing gods pass by.

After all, he will face this step soon.

Starlight is becoming more and more vast, Qin Yichen knows that becoming a god is also dangerous.

Using Heaven and Earth Law to achieve your own Divine Dao rule sounds easy, but if there is a half-spread pool during the period, even this process is devouring to counter Heaven and Earth Law!

Slightly inadvertently, I fell back to Immortal Realm, but backlash itself was the newly gathered divine power. Imagine how serious the consequences are!

However, these problems are naturally not problems for Monster Sovereign.

The process of Monster Sovereign returning to God Realm should not be too smooth. The three Qin Yichen only felt that the starlight became more vast, and a demon god in the stars bowed down and worshiped him.

Lu Xiaolu’s beautiful eyes blink, seeming to realize.

After all, Monster Sovereign gathers and turns into the peerless shadow again!

Only this moment, Qin Yichen felt that Monster Sovereign was unattainable.

Although Monster Sovereign was able to make him feel this way before, Monster Sovereign was not in front of him, but was rather bland.

But at this moment, Qin Yichen believes that Monster Sovereign is not showing up, but he is in awe, this is as different as heaven and earth!

Monster Sovereign descends, and all the demon gods drink together.

“Congratulations to my lord!”

Monster Sovereign is an expression of indifference, and Taomu is not surprised: “There is nothing to congratulate.”

Cheng Shen, It’s a layer of vast Heaven and Earth, but Monster Sovereign says it’s bland and natural, because for him, being a god is really nothing.

Monster Sovereign also said: “You continue to maintain the divine power, Xiaolu, do you understand?”

Lu Xiaolu: “i understand! Thanks Senior pointing Xiaolu child!”

next moment, Lu Xiaolu rises into the sky, and the shadows float to the sky where Monster Sovereign stood.

“Today, I will also achieve the nine-colored deer!”

Jiaoyinjian, Lu Xiaolu ’s eyebrows bloomed in blossom, the light became more and more bright, and her body was immortal strength. I reached the extreme!

“Xiao Luer is finally going to become a god!”

Qin Yichen stared up, heartily rejoicing for Lu Xiaolu, but Ziyun was a bit worried about sound transmission Said: “Boss, Xiao Luer … she won’t be in trouble, right?”

Monster Sovereign became a god very smoothly. That’s because Monster Sovereign’s previous life was the Emperor Powerhouse. Children are different!

Qin Yichen, but sound transmission said: “To believe Xiaoluer, do not speak, otherwise it will affect Xiaoluer’s mood.”

Qin Yichen looked up, he remembered, Xiao Luer has lived in the space left by the Jiuzi Deer clan for many years, including the inheritance of Jiusi Deer clan, and the guidance of senior Hao Shuang.

Inheritance and pointing must have guidance on becoming a god, but what Xiao Luer lacks is just a personal observation. After all, pointing is pointing, and it is better to witness it thoroughly.

And after Monster Sovereign became a god, Lu Xiaolu’s last hint of doubt was suddenly open!


Nine-colored Divine Flower opens!

Suddenly, above the sky, the nine-colored Divine Red Clouds are rippling. Heaven and Earth seem to be rendered into nine kinds of light!

A red glow is like a sunny day, a blue glow is like an ice cold day, a Golden-Red Clouds is like golden light day, and a green glow is like a grass day …

Nine colors are shining, The sky seems to be divided into nine layers, light and dark are intertwined, but they are slowly integrated!

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