Qin Yichen also wants to make clansman stronger, but he has to go step by step.

Through the process of creating Immortal Technique, Qin Yichen is able to confirm his deductions. In addition to creating skills for clansman, he also wants to open up a hole card of his own.

“Teaching Yiyi to master Yiyi, to learn from the heads of all ethnic groups, to overcome the defects of all ethnic groups, to the enemy.”

“This World, True Dragon is also good, Human Race, the former is reduced to taboo criminals, the latter is oppressed! Fiendgod is the enemy of the sky!

“Fiendgod deceives me, I will cut off the gods and demons! Heavenly Dao is unjust, I will cut off the sky “!

Qin Yichen’s eyes blinked, Bai Cang reminded him that the identity of the descendants of True Dragon could not be exposed, so Divine Sword could not be easily used.

But he also had Donghuang Zhong and Pan Long to kill, and Monster Sovereign did not give Qian Kun Po Yu the gun to Wu Lie and other demon gods, but gave it to him.

But since the battle with Xiahou Zhongyi, Qin Yichen’s perception of the inverse scale Divine Sword has become more and more profound. It seems that a dragon will be on the battlefield, and where the sword is pointed, it is my True Dragon territory. !!

“Since I became an immortal, most of them have used the White Tiger blade. There is even a cheap Master on the continent, and I also teach Blade Technique.”

“But The sword intent of Divine Sword against the scales, but it fits me quite well. The sword owner kills the sword, the sword is more sharp, the sword is one, and the sword is one! “

” I still have Yin-Yang Strength, Yin and moon are the sun, and the sun is the sun, and the stars are overshadowed! “

” The sun and the moon are empty, and the sword is in your hand, killing a bloodline for my family! Cut off Fiendgod! “


Qin Yichen suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, although there was no sword in his hand, he held his hands in a virtual grip, shining soaring into the sky, and there seemed to be a lot of sun and moon flowing, countless blade light sword shadow.

The change of the sun and moon swords is a blow that Qin Yichen condenses his many means. In the light, the changes are endless. Every change is like destroying Heaven and Earth and annihilating the immortal gods. Road!

“This move is called Chodo!”


Fiendgod fools me, I will cut Fiendgod! Heaven and Earth is not fair, I will be Great Dao of World!

That is a kind of indomitable trend, that is the perseverance of carrying clansman, the heavy mission, that is the cold and severe condensed in countless killings!

The light is gradually dissipating, but the space where Qin Yichen previously condensed the light has a black hole, and the world’s spiritual energy is sucked into it madly, and it ca n’t heal for a long time!

“Boy, you can! Shatter the void, cut off Fiendgod! Energetic!”

Hong Lian can’t help but admire: “You have n’t become a god yet, you have a god of slashing.” The power of the devil, until you become a god, Divine Dao can also be cut! “

Honglian did not hit this time, but she built confidence for Qin Yichen through praise, because she felt that this move must be done With endless self-confidence, where sweeping light sweeps, everything is gone!

After a full month, Qin Yichen called Zhao Tieniu, and Ziyun followed.

In January, Zhao Tieniu and Ziyun were familiar with each other.

“Iron bull, you can! You are brute and blood, I suppressed to the same realm, and it took me half an hour to win you!”

Zhao Tieniu laughed: “haha, brute force, brute force.”

Qin Yichen laughed: “This is not brute force, but a barbaric bully.”

“Barbaric domineering body?”

Zhao Tieniu froze for a while. He was the first to hear about this kind of domineering body, but he was so awesome when he heard the name!

Qin Yichen Head: “I can’t read it wrong. The first time I met was skeptical, but I can be sure after Ziyun recovers your hidden disease.”

” Your domineering reminds me of a friend. You look a lot like him, not even worse than him. “

Qin Yichen murmured at the bottom of his heart, and I guess Li Yuanba’s goods are not Golden Immortal yet, right?

Zhao Tieniu grinned and scratched his head: “I do n’t know anything about bully, as long as this strength can be used by Human Race, any way!”

Qin Yichen pats Zhao Tieniu on the shoulder : “Iron Bull, what weapon do you like to use.”

Zhao Tieniu almost didn’t want to, just said: “Axe! Double Axe!”

“俺 to Monster Race Young Master When sparring, it ’s the double axe used! “

” I feel that the double axe is overbearing. If I stand up, if there is a mountain block, I will split the mountain. If there is a demon block, then I will die. That demon, if there is a Fiendgod block … I will smash the Death God! “

Zhao Tieniu is very aggressive, but cautiously said in the second half of the sentence, very unsure, but Qin Yichen encouraged:” No need Afraid, you have to remember what you said today that if the mountain blocks my Human Race steps, it will split the mountain! “

” If Fiendgod blocks, you will split Fiendgod! “

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