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Qin Yichen suddenly saw the starry sky twisted in front of him, and lost his perception, as if time and space were chaotic.

I do n’t know how long it took before Qin Yichen opened his eyes slowly, and what filled him was a brand new Heaven and Earth.

It’s just this Heaven and Earth. The demon fog is rolling, and there are many demon gods, one-knee kneels, expression worship and excitement, seems to have waited for a long time.

At the moment of regaining consciousness, Qingshan and the others jumped off the altar with great interest, and dragged Qin Yichen and the others directly.

Under the altar, a demon god looked up and shouted in unison.

“Welcome to my emperor!”

A greeting and a greeting, so they came to New World.

A white-haired demon headed by him looks like a middle-aged man. He is gentle and elegant: “The ancestors of the last generation have to wait for endless years and finally live up to my queen!” Nodding his head, slowly walked down the altar.

“Bai Cang, you worked hard.”

The white-haired demon god named Bai Cang, at the moment he was lifted up by Monster Sovereign himself, he could see that he was flattered and bowed. Body, afraid of offending his emperor.

“Be loyal to my lord, never die!”

Qin Yichen is watching, and if you are right, this is what Monster Sovereign arranged to stand in New World. Heel’s crotch.

But looking at Bai Cang and other demon gods’ awe of Monster Sovereign, Qin Yichen once again felt the power of Monster Sovereign.

After endless years, it is estimated that the earliest batch of His Majesty have exhausted their life essence. Bai Cang is likely to be the son of His Majesty, who was passed down from generation to generation, but remained faithful.

Bai Cang followed behind Monster Sovereign: “Your Majesty, according to your instructions, your rebirth will not be publicized at this time. Here, all of you are your descendants.” /p>

Monster Sovereign looked at the demon god, but jade hand was buckled on Liu Yao’s waist, and Yingying gave a gift: “It’s hard for you.” As the emperor of the emperor’s time, you can change over time, the blue sea turned into mulberry fields, you no longer owe me. “

” I still stand here today, then Not your Majesty, it’s brother, it’s a companion! “

Whether it’s buying people’s hearts or not, at least Qin Yichen is watching, Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes twinkling, the gratitude of peerless looks is not a fake.

A lot of demon gods are grateful for the snot, and Bai Cang kneels again: “My emperor is waiting for my ancestor’s emperor, it is my emperor! My emperor tells me to wait for my brother, it is me Wait for luck! “

Monster Sovereign’s appeasement was not verbal. Soon, Qingshan and the others took out the treasure of Dong Man and Bei Yao, and the original star of Monster Sovereign.

A lot of demon gods are grateful. You should know that these spoils of war were taken from the descendants of Bei Yao and Dong Man, which are the most Peak. Some common demon gods have not necessarily been fiery and the others are rich!

It took a long time for Bai Cang to notice the three Qin Yichen: “Your Majesty, these three … are also your descendants? But why is this realm … still alive.”

” They are descendants of True Dragon. “

Before Qin Yichen has spoken, Monster Sovereign is introduced:” As for that Little Missy, they are descendants of the nine-colored deer. “

These came out , Many demon gods were all shocked.

“Descendants of True Dragon!?”

“There are descendants of True Dragon in this world!”

Surely, some demon gods are not very old, at most they are only Tens of thousands of years old, they were born after that catastrophe, simply never saw the descendants of True Dragon!

It took a long time for Bai Cangyu to come back to his senses, looking at Monster Sovereign anxiously: “Your Majesty, descendant of True Dragon …”

The words have not finished, but Interrupted by Monster Sovereign: “My emperor knows.”

“But since they will come, they are ready.”


Although for some reason, two True Dragon descendants suddenly popped up, and even the presence of the three Qin Yichen was as shocking as their Emperor Rebirth.

Since it was Monster Sovereign’s decision, all the demon gods will naturally not question it.

Bai Cang dangled her silver hair, and was suddenly shocked again. The demon pupil glowed with silver awns, and looked at Qin Yichen: “Boy, the breath on your body … makes me familiar.”

“What is it called, ah yes, Human Race! It looks like a race called Human Race!”

Pak Cang is horrified, but Qin Yichen is extremely shocked!

“What did you say?! Human Race!?”

It seemed too excited, Qin Yichen ran straight to Bai Cang, incoherent: “Senior, you, you have seen Human Race ?! In this World, does Human Race survive? “

Human Race!

This is his compatriot!

True Dragon is overthrown, Qin Yichen has not yet come out of sadness, and Bai Cang has seen the news of Human Race, but he was very surprised, it seems to see a ray of dawn!

Bai Cang is a bit messy, and Monster Sovereign is also slightly frowning: “You reminded me that I also remembered that your dragon’s blood is not pure, and the other half of the blood essence seems very Weak, but very complementary … “

Monster Sovereign said:” Bai Cang mentioned Human Race to me, but I have never seen it. “

Since the endless years Although Monster Sovereign fell, it did not completely die. Every 100 years, the remaining Divine Soul wakes up.

And during that time, it was in Bai Cang of New World and Monster King Wu Lie to report on what happened in the world these years, and what he saw and heard.

Monster Sovereign heard Bai Cang’s mention of Human Race, but only heard about it, not seen yet. After all, when she fell, True Dragon was still there, but there was no Human Race at that time.

Cang Cang stared at Qin Yichen’s eyes, curious: “You and Human Race?”

“Human Race is …”

Qin Yichen thought I realized that the matter of Human Race and even True Dragon descendants is of great significance. In case of exposure, the consequences would be disastrous.

But looking at the thoughtful Monster Sovereign, Qin Yichen understands that from the moment he showed his excitement, the city of Monster Sovereign will sooner or later guess.

What’s more, Monster Sovereign and these demon gods didn’t express bad intentions against him, even willing to take him to New World. In other words, who else can he trust besides Monster Sovereign?

Thinking of this, Qin Yichen simply said: “I was originally a member of Human Race, but I awakened True Dragon Bloodline step by step. I suspect, no, I believe it! My Human Race is a descendant of True Dragon! “

” What!? “

” Human Race is a descendant of True Dragon? “

” Boy, are you sure? Do you know how weak Human Race is? ? “

This news also shocked many demon gods, even Monster Sovereign was incredible.

While Bai Cang stumbles, why can he hear about Human Race?

Because Human Race’s weakness is well-known to all races.

True Dragon descendants, even if they have become taboo, are unquestionably powerful!

However, the True Dragon descendant in front of himself said that the relationship with Human Race is the same root with different branches, so they couldn’t believe it.

Qin Yichen hurriedly asked, “Senior, where is my Human Race now? How many clansman? How is it?”

白 苍 came back to his senses, a little stunned.

“That, Human Race …”

Qin Yichen Star eyes longed for: “Senior, but anyway, as long as I can see my family, no matter what they are, they are all big. Good thing! “

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