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Monster Sovereign converges on the pump light, it’s time to leave.

“Wu Lie, I’ll leave it to you.”

Wu Lie, it’s the name of Monster King, I don’t know if it’s the name. In short, Monster Sovereign is called like this .

However, Monster King martially heard this, but it was a bit reluctant: “Your Majesty, New World is dangerous, if you don’t accompany Your Majesty …”

Monster Sovereign I am definitely going to New World. Although she is reborn and reborn, the body of this life is also Monster Race Peak.

But she and these Majesty’s powers, it seems that she cannot make a comeback now. After all, Dongman and Bei Yao have two god emperors. Her majesty has dozens of Divine Kings. There are countless gods. Going out is death.

Monster Sovereign looks back: “Don’t you believe me?”

Wullie dumbfounded, Monster Sovereign smiled again, standing on top of the temple, seemingly overlooking the entire black hole .

“Here, but the starting point of our counterattack against those chaotic thieves. Here, there are the treasures of the emperor, and there are countless people who need to be controlled. Only you can reassure the emperor.”

This Star Domain in the black hole is the Star Domain where Monster Sovereign was sitting, as well as the main star of Monster Sovereign, and even the Monster Sovereign Palace is here. The treasures are countless and of great value.

Let Monster King Wu Lie stay here, you can imagine what kind of trust it is.

And if Qin Yichen is right, among these Star Domains, there is also a Monster Race clansman, Monster Sovereign aloof and remote, but those clansman are not accessible at all, this feeling Qin Yichen is in the million The ethnic continent is deeply experienced.

Because these clansmans can’t fly out of the sky above them, they are all taken care of.

“The end will obey!”

Wu Lie bowed his head, one-knee kneels, the sound of the god rolling: “The end will be here, I wish my king the victory and my emperor returned. At the end, I will use this old body again, although my emperor will kill all the chaotic thieves! “

Monster Sovereign jade hand lost his back. At that moment, the peerless shadow seemed to overlook the stars, and the heroes of the world raced down : “My emperor promised you that when my emperor returned, it was time to wait for my emperor’s blood to wash away before shame!”

Monster Sovereign pupil light Deep, there seems to be hidden in those peach eyes Qin Yichen unimaginable in the past.

“Congratulations to my emperor!”

A lot of demon gods knelt down, and Monster Sovereign shouted again: “Qing Shan, Jin Wu … you go to New World with the emperor. , The rest, to help Wulie! “

” Yes! “

Qingshan is the name of the demon mountain, Jin Wu is seduced by the demon dan, The centipede monster ambushing Qin Yichen.

It can be seen that all the demon gods named by Monster Sovereign are elated. It would be a great honor to follow their emperor’s battle for New World.

However, the demon gods who were left behind were full of resentment and regret, and wanted to speak, but closed their mouths in the face of the peach eyes that flashed coldly and proudly.

“The general is waiting for my triumph!”

Wu Lie looked at Qingshan and other famous monsters and could n’t help but coldly shouted: “Hey, we have to take care of my emperor. “

Qing Shan and other big demon have repeatedly arched fists:” As you bid! “

However, Monster Sovereign has a slightly frown on the eyebrows, and Wanyin does not like:” Wulie, Ben The emperor is the emperor who is waiting for you, not that they take care of the emperor, but the emperor’s commander, etc. In this case, just this once! “

Wullie startedled immediately:” The end will know Wrong … “

Ziyun looked around, this woman who was not yet a god, reprimanded a Divine King, keep on saying, led the temple demon god, this scene, he Never seen in my life.

Qin Yichen is also a bit surprised, but somehow, the seemingly disparity in realm is so disastrous. You can say such ambitiousness from Monster Sovereign’s mouth, but there is no slight contradiction.

“This Monster Sovereign is really the emperor’s heart. At least this courage, without the achievement of the emperor, cannot be revealed at all …”

After ordering everything, Monster Sovereign But I suddenly looked at the three of them: “boy, before I leave, there is something I must tell you.”

Monster Sovereign breathes deeply : “This is a blow to you, even despair, but … you have to accept it.”

Qin Yichen startled, what is it that makes Dignified Monster Sovereign so serious! ?

“Senior, but it doesn’t matter.”

Qin Yichen puts his mind in the right place. Although he knows the little things that can make Monster Sovereign serious, he only knows when Monster Sovereign speaks. How blindly optimistic I was!

“There is no True Dragon in this world.”


As soon as the words come out, the three Qin Yichen as if was struck by Lightening, the expression that was still full of expectations, at this moment is not only look pale, but Ziyun is even more unstable.

Monster Sovereign repeats: “There is no True Dragon in this world, not just the world where you came, the New World you want to go with me, and so on.”

“Senior … this is not true, isn’t it true?!”

Qin Yichen cannot accept it, he risked being chopped up by Dongman once he was pierced ten-thousand times by a thousand blades What is the risk here?

Isn’t it just to find his siblings!

It turned out that Monster Sovereign had told him such bad news before seeing New World!

Qin Yichen didn’t believe it, but looking at the silence and silence of the temple demon god, the slender silhouette trembled suddenly and slumped to the ground.

“pu …”

A mouthful of dragon’s blood spit out, Qin Yichen is irritated with hairspring, he only feels that he has insisted on all the mentality that he has come, and the fighting spirit that is covered with thorns, is broken at this moment .

Why did he break out from the continent?

He didn’t hesitate to fight against the major Immortal Sects. Why did he come to Zhong Prefecture to cut the monsters and demons?

He just wants to reproduce the glory of his family!

But now, all thoughts are gray …

A lot of demon gods are also sympathetic and bow their heads, after all, such a heavy blow, no one can accept it … p>

“Senior, this is not true … what about my nine-color deer? What about the White Tiger Clan? What about the Dai, Phoenix Clan!?”

Lu Xiaolu is also a lovable body. Such as sieve bran, beautiful eyes are flushed and hoarse.

Monster Sovereign’s eyes quivered: “It’s all gone.”

In the Monster Sovereign Temple, there is no sound.

The three companions who have gone through life and death all feel that the sky is falling and the road is desperate.

Monster Sovereign’s peach eyes seem to be more trembling: “I know, this is a big blow to you, but I must tell you that if you hide it from you, it will really hurt you … … “

Monster Sovereign breathes deeply, and there are memories in the peach eyes.

“You should know that when I was overthrown by those chaotic thieves, it was your Middle-Stage who dominated the Zhong Prefecture.”

“That is, dominate the True Dragon Before Zhong Prefecture, I was Monster Sovereign, my ancestor, and the master of the North Demon … So there are things I know better than you. “

Monster Sovereign paused:” You go to New World, For the sake of finding the same family, what is it for? “

Qin Yichen is sad at this moment. The slender silhouette is trembling. Monster Sovereign simply asks himself,” Because I want to be stronger, because Under the rule of Demon Race and Dongman, you can’t grow to the point of overthrowing them, right? “

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