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Even once, their North Demon paid a huge price for a Monster King and a digital god to come in, but they ended up in despair!

Beijing powerhouse ca n鈥檛 figure it out. Even if Monster Sovereign can kill the lone sky star with one finger, it should n鈥檛 defeat Divine King!

But thinking of the Monster Sovereign star and other Star Domains at their feet, they seem to understand …

In the great hall, there are a lot of demon gods laughing.

“hahaha … you look at these chaotic thieves, piss on your pants!”

“A usurper is also worth fighting with my lord?” >

“Little cubs, you may not know yet, the price you paid for the treasure of Ligong Emperor is far more than the benefit you took away!” Hematemesis, the price they paid to explore Monster Sovereign is indeed unimaginable!

And if it is calculated, it is indeed they harvested from the Monster Sovereign black hole, more than they paid!

This is not to say that Dongman and Bei Yao are stupid. If they are stupid, it is impossible to overthrow the old Monster Sovereign.

But from the perspective of Bei Yao and Dong Man, exploring the Monster Sovereign black hole is cost and loss, but it is like a piece of cake.

Although I do n鈥檛 know when I can eat it, they know the amount of this cake. For this reason, previous explorations and sacrifices have been paving the way.

The paving is not fake, but it is paving the old Monster Sovereign!

A lot of North Demon powerhouses are desperate, some begging for mercy, some are also scolding, and more iron-boned: “This is the end of the matter, if you want to kill you, please listen to it!”

“But why can’t we see that you have just reincarnated, but now the North Demon is no longer your world! Do you want to turn around? Do you want to make a comeback! Dream!”

“We are self- Destruction divine object! Fight with them! “

Dongman is not much better, after all, the old Monster Sovereign won’t let the North Demon go, so why not let the accomplices of that year?

Xiahou Zhongyi desperate, but suddenly looked at the three silhouettes standing, can not help but stunned: “Senior, how can you three … stand still?”

The great hall, originally desperate and indignant, begging for mercy, was so quiet for a moment.

Thousands of powerhouses seem to have forgotten the calamity they are about to face, and look at the three silhouettes together.

“is it possible that … Senior can resist!?”

Many powerhouses were shocked, but then they were incredible.

Senior, no matter how powerful he is, he is only half a step away!

But at this moment, I saw Monster Sovereign crafty smile: “Because … they are descendants of True Dragon.”

“His Royal Highness, kill him!”

“True Dragon descendants, hahahaha … one annihilated, one lost to this black hole! Interesting! Interesting!”

“Monster Sovereign, you really are a perfect match with this True Dragon descendant!”

The man who spoke wildly was beheaded by Monster King flicks to shoot with the finger, but could not stop Dongman anger!

Xiahou Zhongyi walked slowly through the crowd. Suddenly, the momentum of the allegiance of the gods broke out again.

“Secret Realm battle, I respect you Senior, who thinks you are just a stray dog!”

“You and I were tied on that day, but I said, that is I treat you as an opponent. Today, I consider you as an enemy, and I want to kill you! “

Qin Yichen smiled, he did not expect that Xiahou Zhongyi would tear in this way. fall out.

But that’s just fine!

“I also tell you that even if Monster Sovereign is not reborn this time, I will still kill you, ten third highness, my True-Dragon Race … defeated!”


Honestly, thousands of dragons are soaring into the sky, Qin Yichen is poured like golden light, just like War God!

Today we can finally let go of our fight!

People who want to kill him will not be able to live today. Knowing his details will not kill him!


A bell is ringing, and Fiendgod is turning into a bell!

The Eastern Emperor Bell trembled, and the divine voice was great within the great hall.

Qin Yichen is a star and cold and severe: “You fought with me that day, and you wo n鈥檛 win with treasure. Today I return you! This is your treasure of Dongman. Today I kill you. Disdain to use it! Let you die to understand! “

Both of them have risen to the extreme, fighting intent is surging to the extreme, the temple demon gods immediately show interest, True Dragon descendants, and Dongman God Emperor himself Cultivated descendants, this battle, but much to watch!

Even Monster Sovereign floated above the temple, a divine light condensed royal chair condensed, she hooked the exquisite curvy to perfect jade legs, and sat high to watch.

Xiahou Zhongyi sneered: “My treasure, you don’t deserve it!”

Qin Yichen Long Ying: “If you ca n鈥檛 take it, go to me!”

“boom ~ boom ~ ……”

Two figures tear the void, without any temptation and nonsense. In this battle, Xiahou Zhongyi bet on the glory of the last day of his life , It is bound to kill True Dragon descendants!

And Qin Yichen wants to tell himself, and let those who have countless ancestors see in the spirit of heaven. At that time, his True-Dragon Race can overturn Dongman, and today, he can!

“Kill !!!”

Xianwei collided, facing the slender silhouette of Xiahou, the silhouette behind Xiahou Zhongyi appeared again, and there was an extra battle in the hands like a dazzling sun. gun!

“Do n鈥檛 use my Divine Weapon, I will kill you, just one trick!”

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