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Gu Tianmang didn’t expect that when he entered the Monster Sovereign black hole, he encountered such a thing.

However, the coldness in Qin Yichen’s eyes still hasn’t dissipated: “I said, can you leave the Monster Sovereign black hole?”

Gu Tianmang just looked up and saw A terrible knife came!

I saw Qin Yichen lingering around the eyes of the dragon. Outsiders saw the blade of White Tiger, but he had reverse scale Divine Sword!


A sword was cut out, and the lonely skull flew out, leaving only the body still holding the posture of holding the demon bone of the messenger. The demon blood is soaring into the sky!

“What are you doing!”

The north demon powerhouse startedled, then the killing intent rose, and even the fiery and the others were stunned.

“Senior, are you crazy?!”

Qin Yichen didn’t say anything. After being slaughtered by the centipede demon ambush, the north demon escaped, but more than thirty people .

He has a reverse scale in his hand and cut it out with a sword. Many North Demon powerhouses are simply unable to compete.

“You, who are you!?”

“Flame, you haven’t stopped him yet! You guys want to be with us!”

“Is he also a traitor to the old Monster Sovereign!?”

Many North Demon powerhouses ca n’t believe in Dongman, but one of them shot it and said decisively, without any consideration of the consequences. the meaning of.

They didn’t even think that this Dongman powerhouse would kill them faster than the demon god!

The reverse scale cuts the blood of the demon. After a while, the bodies of more than 30 Northern Demon powerhouses are floating in the sky …

The fiery and the others are completely dumbfounded.

They have just escaped from the centipede demon’s chase, but Senior’s side is inexplicable again.

蚩 Ao trembled: “Frontier, shouldn’t you have an explanation?”

Qin Yichen did not put away the reverse scale Divine Sword. Icy: “Do you need to explain to the dead?”

These words were looking at the lonely headless corpse, but for some reason, fierce and the others hearing this, could not help but beat A chill trembled, feeling cold in the back.

Qin Yichen glanced fiercely, thinking that it is still necessary to use Dongman to find Ziyun, and then opened the mouth and said: “These guys, treasure are all very good?”

Say nothing, and point to the lonely headless corpse: “Yes, his demon Divine Weapon is deity, no … I want it all!”

The fiery and the others who survived for a while chilly, they are both Heaven’s Chosen from the Royal Family. They think that they have been fighting aggressively since urinating, far superior to their peers, but compared to Senior, it seems still too tender. It’s up!

“Just, because of the demon Divine Weapon, Senior hurts the killer?”

Qin Yichen tilted his head: “Isn’t this reason enough?”

Fighting and the others Take a cool breath, Senior is fierce! How could it be a hard character to fight against True Dragon?

Qin Yichen is also telling the truth, the treasure value of these northern demon powerhouses is out of the ordinary, especially that demon Divine Weapon.

Although he was a bit harder when he started, Qin Yichen didn’t feel a little guilty. After all, he didn’t know the North Devil simply, even he wasn’t the fierce and the others Senior.


Qin Yichen looked at the fire and sneered: “Don’t forget that half an hour ago, they also let us be the pathfinder.”

“If there is no deity, or if the deity is just a very ordinary little cub, will they be kind to me? Will you even choose the deity to explore the road?”

Hot dumb Wordless, think about it too, just because of the appearance of Her Majesty Monster Sovereign and this series of variables, they have forgotten the attitude of Gu Tiankang just now.

“Well, shall we inform His Royal Highness? There are traitors in the high level of the Northern Demon.”

Qin Yichen sneered: “Tell the Northern Demon, is it good for us?”

Fire and the others don’t say a word, Senior’s words are a little meaningful.

The North Demon has hidden traitors. To the North Demon, it is a hidden tumor and a scourge. But what does it have to do with Dong Dong?

From a higher perspective, the North Demon has traitors, which is also good for Dongman. After all, to put it plainly, everyone is competing with each other.

“Senior is Senior, the city is deep, and the means is fierce enough.” Fiercely secretly said in one ’s heart, after all, Senior used to be a family of patriarchs, and their vision is not comparable to them.

However, if Qin Yichen knows the fierce thoughts, I am afraid that I have to think you think too much, I just don’t want to tell Bei Yao.

Don’t talk about the North Demon. Even if you have a traitor in the east, I don’t bother to tell it, and even help the traitor keep it secret.

“Things are not over yet. Those demon gods may catch up at any time and leave here first.”

Speaking, Qin Yichen waved his sleeves, leaving Lonely Mania and the space of many North Demon powerhouses. Get the gear.

Because of this ambush, Bei Yao lost dozens of powerhouses. Dongman was also miserable. Today, there are fewer than ten people behind Qin Yichen.

While away from the star, Qin Yichen’s face was dignified: “I ask you, how many previous explorations have you encountered the problem just now? Or, have the renegades of the North Monster exposed their hands and feet?”

Furiously thought: “No.”

It seems that this matter is very important, and fiercely pondered again: “Absolutely not! So we and the North Demon had previously only Completely unprepared. “

Qin Yichen’s face was even more solemn:” Then it will be even more difficult … ”

Furious startled: “Senior, how do you say that?”

“Think of these traitors as soon as they do n’t do it, but do n’t do it. Wait until this time, do you think it ’s just a coincidence? Hanging some North Demon powerhouse? “

Qin Yichen, who has experienced too many dangers, just believes that if something happens, there must be a demon! I am afraid that there is a major event in the Monster Sovereign black hole!

Apart from this, what makes Qin Yichen feel the old Monster Sovereign terrifying most is the traitor that was inserted in the North Monster!

The North Monster and the powerhouse follow the old Monster Sovereign. He is not surprised. Even after his True-Dragon Race, many brothers always care about them, such as the bright butterfly, such as the Golden Lion King. …

But what surprised Qin Yichen is how long has the old Monster Sovereign fallen?

From the time of True Dragon, the Northern Demon changed hands! Old Monster Sovereign crashes into black hole!

After all these years, those guys still remember the old Monster Sovereign?

Don’t say faithfully, but the key is that those traitors are different from Mingguang Butterfly and even Golden Lion King. The latter is a follower of True Dragon. Now it is suppressed and excluded. Demon Race does not believe that they don’t care about them Whether it is true to be obedient.

However, Beiren ’s traitors are different. Either Monster King or the messenger who issued the bone amulets are considered to be the senior level of Beiren.

It’s not good to put good high-level executives, do you have to be a traitor?

It’s awkward. After all these years, who knows what your old Monster Sovereign is like now?

We no longer follow, can your old Monster Sovereign come out of the black hole and kill us?

The traitor still exists at the top of Kebei Demon and is still working for the old Monster Sovereign.

What does that mean?

The first is that those who can obey the current North Monster Monster Sovereign, without even saying anything, can continue to live in the high-level followers of the old Monster Sovereign. I believe that the old Monster Sovereign has the hope of turning over!

The second is the old Monster Sovereign. From the True Dragon period to the present, it still has the loyal means to control these guys.

Qin Yichen feels shudder no matter what, even if he has not seen the old Monster Sovereign, he knows that this is definitely not an ordinary character!

It is the emperor who once dominated one world!

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