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But the corpse patriarch is old but hesitated. If it is as they suspected, His Royal Highness and the 骊 Dragon Race guy will rise all the way up, and eventually will be ranked first in the mysterious list.

Isn’t that saying, 骊 Dragon Race has a tie with His Highness! ?

The corpse patriarch sniffed his nose and tied with His Royal Highness. Is the Dragon Race guy qualified?

Even corpse patriarch ca n’t wait for His Royal Highness to teach 骊 Dragon Race guys to let them out of anger. After all, arrogant sky is arrogant, and dare to provoke the descendants of Divine King of both races. Offended the Emperor?

“Bang …”

Heaven and Earth shivered and slowly fell into the vortex, and the vortex was slowly closed.

This Heaven and Earth natural phenomenon represents the end of the God Emperor Secret Realm and is hidden in Dongman’s time and space, waiting for the next opening.

And those who are still in Secret Realm, that is, who have been standing for a year, will be teleported directly to the Imperial Imperial City.

The Li tribe is okay. After all, as a party Divine King, it is shameful if all the sons of the tribe are eliminated within one year.

But many God Realm powerhouse looked towards 骊 Dragon Race’s eyes may not be.

Yun Huazun regained his smile for some reason. You should know that this time, when he 位 Dragon Race, three of them were directly transmitted to the Imperial Imperial City!

What an honor is this?

Until he changed it, he couldn’t stay away from Divine City for so long, because basically less than one month, his descendants of Dragon Race were eliminated.

“It’s finally over!”

“Anyway, staying in it for a year is proof of strength!”

“even more how monstrous The ancestors also topped the Xuanbang at this time! “

Xuanbang is the most glorious!

At the same time, an Elder from the Li ethnic group suddenly took out the treasure of the messenger, condensing into a silhouette of a young Li ethnic group.

“Grandfather, Senior Brother Ao and I are in the imperial city of God. When will you come?”

Surely, the young Lili persisted to the last Lili Elite, it is the old grandson who departed from patriarch.

I’m so proud of the old patriarch: “haha, rest assured, it won’t be long before you settle in the god imperial city, grandfather and other elders, will soon pass.”

The grandfather and grandson talked for a while, but saw Hua Huazun rubbing his hands together and smirking: “Elder, can you help me ask the ancestors?”

蚩 立 patriarch Startled, did not refuse, after all, this is a trivial matter, so I looked towards the youth: “grandson, 骊 Dragon Race, the three seniors, should you be impressed? Grandfather, how do you look outside, that arrogant sky, and His Highness? No. 1 on the list? “

蚩 The youth of the Li ethnic group have lost their minds, but beyond the expectations of many God Realm powerhouses, the former does not seem to be surprised, and the result seems to be reasonable.

But then, the Lili youth was excited: “Grandfather is talking about the monstrous Senior! Senior is on the top of the mysterious list? It is worthy of a tie with His Royal Highness.”

” grandfather, you do n’t know, Senior is really difficult to deal with, and that battle has benefited grandson a lot. If you see it, you will surely praise it! ”

However, Hua Huazun and many God Realm powerhouse is stunned.

“That guy really had a battle with His Royal Highness?”

“And it was a tie!”

“How did he do it? Your Highness! You should n’t let it go! ”

It stands to reason, His Royal Highness casually took out a Divine Weapon Divine Item, and one or two tricks of the divine technique would be able to hit the Dragon Race guy injured badly with many teeth knocked out That’s right!

Yi Huazun honoured for a long time, but suddenly laughed wildly: “hahahahaha, is indeed the ancestor! Golden Immortal’s realm can be tied with His Royal Highness, and the defects of that year will certainly make up Perfection!” p> Speaking of it, Pu Huazun shouted again and again, “Look, can we go to the imperial city with God, too?”

According to Dongman’s custom, I can stay in Secret Realm The existence of the year, then the race behind it, is deserved to go to the imperial city.

Of course, you can go even if you do n’t have one. After all, which side of the city does God’s Imperial City keep out of?

However, many races will not go before. Generally, the descendants of the race are all dazzling in this Secret Realm. To put it plainly, they are to show off.

So many times, the Emperor Secret Realm, 骊 Dragon Race has not been to the imperial city, because for 骊 Dragon Race, there is nothing to go, and it will be eliminated in less than one month. It’s almost there, what are you going to do? Give people a smile?

But this time is different. For the first time, Hu Huazun realized what it means to be proud and proud!

“Hahaha, everybody of the corpse gang, should you go with me, don’t you mean to meet with our ancestors?”

Luo Huazun’s laughter came, Make the corpses look ugly, go for a fart! Their corpse leader and hundreds of descendants were eliminated in a few days.

What did you do? Let the guy repeat it again. How did he knock the dead body down?

“hmph! That ’s all! I ’m so proud of that Dragon Race to make a fuss about nothing!”

“You do n’t have to see it now, etc. After your ancestors return to God Realm, have a closer look! “

Yi Huazun laughed so hard that he would not refuse the request of his peers, even the high-ranking seniors. As we gather, we are still discussing, should we approach the Dragon Race in the future?

After all, it can win the first place in the Mysterious List and draw with His Royal Highness. It has such potential. As long as it can survive the suppression and revenge of various races, the rise of Dragon Race is almost a matter of course.

At the same time, the three Qin Yichen felt like they were being sucked into a vortex.

When they regain their senses again, they will be amazed by the magnificence in front of them!

God imperial city!

The star with the most glorious power and glory in the East!

Looking forward, the imperial city of the Eastern Savage, a stone monument stands, and a path of light shrouds the sky. Divine runes continue, even god-level formations can be seen everywhere.

The magnificence in front of the eyes makes Qin Yichen eye-opening, and even feel the depth of this Divine City is unpredictable.

At this moment, Qin Yichen heard a laughter around him: “Senior, I’ll go back to the Imperial Palace first, and we will see you tomorrow.”

It is Xiahou who speaks Zhong Yi, I saw him arching his hand, and at this moment, the Elder of the Imperial Family had already welcomed him.

The breath of Elder makes Qin Yichen feel a sudden pressure in his heart, but fortunately the former is not much hostile to him.

Elder Eight King, who is stationed in the imperial city of God, has come to greet descendants of all ethnic groups. Of course, I have not seen the shadow of Zheng Race and the Red Baby tribe.

After all, thanks to someone ’s gift, their descendants have not been able to stay until the end of the year and teleport directly to the god Imperial city.

“His Royal Highness, what’s Secret Realm’s party?”

Just right now, but listening to an old man speak, Qin Yichen looked, clearly this old man In front of the god Elder Huang, it is not conspicuous, even like a steward old servant.

The old man is also very respectful to Xiahou Zhongyi, and it all shows that he is like a subordinate, but the gods Imperial Family powerhouse, including the Elder of the ten God God King family, looked towards the old man pupil light is in awe.

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