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Compared with the hefty half-step gods who had fought in Zhong Prefecture, Qin Yichen lacked something.

But it does not mean that he will fall behind!

He should have an extremely brilliant race and even a backer!

It ’s a bad time, but he does n’t bow at all! Never!

“The queen of the gods, Dong Dongman, overlooking all ethnic groups, is really prestigious.”

But he Qin Yichen, not to mention the weak! ?

Heaven Immortal 9th ​​layer, which weight is not nine deaths and still alive?

Destroy the Clan, fight against Immortal Sect, 诛 群魔, shock Zhong Prefecture!

A year ago in the East Xinjiang battlefield, it was to kill your Dongman descendants such as chopping melon and cutting vegetables, and the revival of a Divine King was also broken under the reverse scale Divine Sword!

So why should he be afraid!

“bang! !!”

dragon roar 9 days, ring through 8 parties!

Under the heavenly Dragon chant, the golden glow that enveloped the slender silhouette was even more surging. Qin Yichen used the momentum of this battle to directly break through 9 Heavenly Layer Peak!

The dragon roar was raging, so that all the descendants of Divine King could not help shaking.

“This this……”

Furiously incoherent, is this the real fighting intent of this old bastard! ?

Ten third highness felt the heavenly Dragon chant, which made him tremble like countless Fiendgod’s standing pride, and then laughed wildly.

“Hahaha, yes! That’s right! Wang Hou will have a relationship with Xiangning, this is my heroine!”

It seems to be laughing, but the ten third highness is also taking advantage of this momentum, like the gods laughing wildly, the god’s voice is extinct!

The two figures stood in the air, and when ten third highness was thrown into the pump light again, the disappointment in the eyes gradually dissipated, but it was replaced by the extreme fanaticism!

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

I saw around Divine Red Clouds, Divine Red Clouds was turbulent, the fairy clouds burst, and the two figures were not moving, but it was just Xianwei mixed with fighting intent, which caused the heavens to shake!

“Senior, I checked. With your record of eliminating those guys, the ranking in the Xuanbang is definitely not low.”

Ten third highness smile crazy: “And I, is not worse than Senior, so after I beat you, I hope to hit the list!”

Qin Yichen expression is cold, the opponent sees him as the opponent, but he sees the opponent as the enemy.

“That is, if I win you, I will be on the list?”

Within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Hong Lian was extremely excited: “Boy! Kill him! Yes! That’s the momentum! What about the Dongman God Emperor, it’s just the defeat of your tribe!”

“Today, you will use this little cub to condense your ultimate fighting intent to pave the way for you to sing all the way to achieve the dragon god!”

Divine Red Clouds trembled, ten third highness grinned: “The current God Emperor Xuan Sun, Xiahou Zhong Yi!”

Self-reported home, it seems to be the attitude towards opponents!

Although Xiahou Zhongyi has a very low grade, he is the grandson of the current god emperor, but in Dongman, he pays attention to bloodline, and more importantly, strength!

Can be booked as ten third highness, but Xiahou Zhongyi is enough to be a descendant recognized by the emperor!

Qin Yichen expression said coldly, faintly: “骊 Dragon Race, 骊 monstrous!”

next moment, 10000 1000 Dragon Shadows are out!

That a path of exciting dragon shadow, shattered space, covered the sky!

Although among them, the eight-nine of the ten are all phantoms, but just the power of the 100 dragon shadows can make many powerhouses’ faces suddenly change.

However, Xiahou Zhongyi looked only indifferently smiled: “Dual Cultivation, indeed, is a great good fortune between Heaven and Earth as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns! However, I am a lineage of the East Gods. Think of countermeasures !? “


A blast, I saw an illusory shadow behind Xiahou Zhongyi!

That illusory shadow is like a god, illusory shadow has no face, there are only two vertical eyes on the face, and the vertical eyes slowly open. At the same time, Xiahou Zhongyi’s eyes burst out with two essences in general!

At that moment, Qin Yichen felt that the phantom he created was actually seen through falsehood!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian is also dignified.

“The gods decided! This little cub practiced the gods decided! Yeah, His Highness Dongman must have the true story of the Emperor!”

“Boy, watch out! This is the Divine Art of the lineage of the Eastern Savage God!”

Qin Yichen stared, the Divine Art of the lineage township Divine Art, that’s the East Man’s Supreme God.

And from this name, plus the introduction of Red Lotus in Sea of ​​Consciousness, let Qin Yichen know the domination of these gods!

The gods decide, as the name suggests, order the gods, set 10000 1000 Magical Powers for me to use, meet the gods, and send the means for me!

At the next moment, Xiahou Zhongyi punched out with a punch, seemingly bland move, but behind him, there were 5 gods standing like mountains, and then punched together!

A punch came out, it seemed to be a godsend!

Suddenly, the Heavenly Dragon shadow exploded, and the phantom was broken at the touch. Even the dragon shadow transformed by Qin Yichen’s dragon scales was suppressed by that god fist!

“Senior! Don’t say I bully you, this is the power of my God Emperor’s lineage! One punch blows out, such as driving God punches, sweeping away, as God eyes listen to my orders!”

Xiahou Zhongyi: “Every move the gods follow, every word and every god tremble! This is my Emperor Dongman! This is the decision of the gods!”


The silhouette of Xiahou Zhongyi shook up, leaving only an illusory shadow in place, and at that moment, vigilance suddenly appeared in Qin Yichen’s eyes.


The blade crossed, and Xia Hou Zhongyi folded his palms together. The shadow behind him was also the palm of his hand. The heavenly blade that cut the White Tiger’s blade 罡 suppressed!

Qin Yichen’s eyes trembled, but Xiahou Zhongyi was fighting intent even more: “Senior, I said I wouldn’t bully you, I’m stronger than you Divine Art, you live longer than me!”

“Apart from this, I don’t have to fool you with treasure. What senior does Senior use, I will use a few products! Don’t use foreign objects to determine the outcome!”

Xiahou Zhong Yi is also frank, and this remark seems to be fiery and the others, has given enough face to Qin Yichen!

His Royal Highness does not have to take advantage of treasure, it is obviously releasing water. After all, even if 骊 Dragon Race can give their ancestors up and down to their ancestors, they cannot compare with the details of the Emperor!

“Senior, can he see through all illusions with this pump technique?”

This question is important to Qin Yichen, because it determines how many cards he can use!

Honglian also said in a condensed voice: “Not good, because I can’t be sure that the sky vision Divine Pupil that he just broke out is already the limit.”

Qin Yichen complexion sank, if he can’t see the depth of each other, he will be frightened.

However, Xiahou Zhongyi took the initiative to say that he would not use treasure to determine the victory. How much treasure is used depends on him, which made Qin Yichen pay a respect to the former.

The heroes of the world are invincible, and they can dominate the Eastern Barbarism, naturally they have a dominant mind!


I saw Xiahou Zhongyi exploded with a golden handle on her hand. The golden glow condensed into a sword shape, and the power emitted was actually comparable to that of the White Tiger!

At the same time, behind Xiahou Zhongyi, an 8-armed god shadow was condensed!

“Senior, I heard that it is this knife in your hands that has turned my Dongman number 100 powerhouse all the way, I don’t know how it compares to me!”

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