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“Boy, come on, you know, when your tribe was glorious, young True Dragon descendants like you have to go through this level. Don’t be compared.”

While Honglian cheering and cheering, her heart said silently. When True Dragon was still alive, she naturally created countless blessed treasure lands and enhanced her strength for her descendants.

But where is Qin Yichen now?

In addition, it is only now that he has the strength to contact the Sun Moon Moon and Divine Object. The method provided by Honglian is to make up for the one-off that it had fallen.

It is conceivable that Qin Yichen, which is also the first layer of True Dragon’s eyes, is much harder and more dangerous than the True Dragon descendants of that year!

Honglian felt the trembling of the slender silhouette, but she couldn’t bear it, but she finally bit her silver teeth and said silently: “Boy, don’t blame me for being cruel. The road you have chosen is so difficult. … “

At this moment, Qin Yichen raised his eyes, his roar became hoarse, his left eye was already golden red, like a ten thousand zhang volcano boiling in it.

His right eye was silvery white and slightly blue, exuding the coldness of the cold bone marrow!

“Yin-Yang Two Extremes Flowers …”

Qin Yichen gritted his teeth and urged the Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower in the dantian. I saw that the dipole object with 2 colors in color actually lingers out 2 rays of light, which is Yin-Yang Strength.

Yin-Yang Strength goes up within the body, as if to open a blood vessel with the pupils.

Qin Yichen felt that his head was going to explode, even his head, like a boiling furnace cauldron. The dragon’s blood condensed in the eyes seemed to be bubbling …

But with the persistence of this year and year, finally finally ushered in the harvest.

I saw the moonlight gradually pouring in, and in Qin Yichen’s right eye, there was a silver-blue pattern of mysterious and unfathomable, as if he could overlook the stars!

In the left eye, it seems that ten thousand zhang lava is transformed into a path of lines, so that the eyes can be swept away, and the enemies can be burned!

Finally, for a long time, the hoarse growl calmed down.

Qin Yichen bowed his head slightly, and Ziyun in the distance couldn’t hear the movement, and hurried to check it.


Just now, when Qin Yichen looked up and opened his eyes, Ziyun turned back in fright.

“Boss, you, your eyes.”

I saw Qin Yichen’s twin pupils, with golden marks flowing in the left eye, like a shrinking sun, silver and blue flashing in the right eye, like a bright moon lingering on the stars!

Although it was only a pump light, it made Ziyun awe from the bottom of his heart, as if the power contained in that gaze made him difficult to compete.

I saw Qin Yichen, his left eye was like the sun, and his right eye was like the moon!

Eyes are like the sun and the moon!

“Finally made …”

Qin Yichen sighed. The sundial and moonlight within the eyes was gradually converging and faint. After experiencing the pain of the eyes burning just now, when he looked at everything in front of him, he felt … clearer.

Not only that, Qin Yichen can feel how powerful his own within both eyes is!

Previously, due to spirit cultivation, Qin Yichen’s eyes were much sharper than others and could penetrate 10000 things.

But at this moment, it is not just perforated, it seems that it can destroy 10000 things!

Not only that, he can feel that Yin-Yang Two Extremes in dantian seems to be connected to the eyes, which can provide continuously Yin-Yang Strength.

The Red Lotus in Sea of ​​Consciousness paused, and then quickly coughed, “Yes, I haven’t fallen into the four words of True Dragon descendants.”

But in fact, Honglian’s heart has already set off a stormy sea!

Is this kid a monster?

This can be carried down!

And so quickly, I have absorbed all the sun and moon!

Qin Yichen is curious about the connection between the flowers of Yin-Yang Two Extremes and his eyes: “Senior, this thin line that goes straight to my eyes from my dantian …”

Honglian explained: “This is to make Yin-Yang Two Extremes flowers and your eyes mutually beneficial.”

“Yin-Yang Two Extremes flowers can provide your eyes with Yin-Yang Strength, and in the future, when you look down at the sun and the moon, Sun and Moon Essence will be absorbed automatically without watering, thus watering the Yin-Yang Two Extremes . “

Qin Yichen suddenly, so that’s how it is!

“Can you absorb Sun and Moon Essence without running?”

Honglian said: “Of course, there is no sun and moon here. After you go out, you will realize the benefits …”

“However, the self-absorbed Sun and Moon Essence is so poor, it is better than nothing.”

Qin Yichen Oh, he also knows that the sun and moon lines condensed in his eyes can inspire the sun and the moon, let the essence of the earth that comes over him for his use.

But obviously, to see a significant improvement, it takes how many years to accumulate.

But the subsequent words of Honglian flashed Qin Yichen’s eyes.

“The essence of relying on the sun and the moon to shine is too slow to absorb, but you can also take the initiative.”

“Active absorption? What absorption method?”

“Of course it is close to the sun and the moon, and the Famen are absorbed just like they did just now!”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching near Sun and Moon?

The moon is okay to say.

But in the heat of the sun, even if he can easily defeat the Golden Immortal, it has to be a little bit slow.

If he is thrown into the sun, it is estimated that he will be burned into a ball of blood and then evaporated …

“Stupid! Let you absorb Sun and Moon Essence, not let you fly into the sun!”

Honglian’s silver teeth clenched: “According to your realm, you can estimate how close you can withstand the formidable power of the sun.”

“Even if you are now ten thousand zhang from the sun, it will be melted, but the rate of absorption is quite slow. One day, if you find a chance to experience it yourself, you will understood it.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, the world was wide, and the sun and the moon were countless, even Dongman had some Star Domains, and there were 5 rounds of sun rotation.

It can be said that with the improvement of realm, after experienced and knowledgeable, these Heaven and Earth natural phenomena will become accustomed.

“After leaving Dongman, I have a chance to try …”

Qin Yichen made a fist, and even if he just absorbed the two sundial moons, he could feel how powerful the power is in his eyes.

Not only that, with the refinement of Yin-Yang Two Extremes, Yin-Yang Strength is finally able to control it.

“Unfortunately, there is no place to try now. By the way of Senior, does Dongman have such a method?”

Qin Yichen’s idea is simple. After leaving the treasure house, he is going to find a few Dongman powerhouse to try.

But if Dongman didn’t have the pump technique of consolidating the power of the sun and the moon, he could only hide it.

Honglian thought for a while: “Falun is after all the Fa, but Dao Rhyme is the same, but the True-Dragon Race is inherently powerful, and that’s all more common.”

“Other powerhouses want to refine the glory of the sun and the moon, but it’s not that simple, it’s up to you, you don’t need to deal with ordinary goods.”

Thinking about it, Qin Yichen had just got up, but saw Lu Xiaolu running happily.

“Yeah? Yichen big brother made it?”

Lu Xiaolu smiled like a flower: “Exactly, I have found a divine object that suits me.”

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