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The 3 silhouettes slowly stepped into the light curtain, and just after entering them, Qin Yichen 3 people were stunned!

“So many divide objects !?”

Compared to the mediocre with only one light curtain outside, the interior of this Divine King treasure house is simply gold and jade in glorious splendor!

Do not! Use gold and jade in glorious splendor to describe too tacky.

a path of jade pillar, the vault of the treasure house, is condensed by Divine Red Clouds.

The decoration is only second, the key is a series of treasures, or floating or placing on the light platform, and looking at it, as Diao Shuier said, all are divine objects!

It is said that Dongman is barren, but when Dongman ’s wealth has accumulated for many years, it is also unfathomable!

Qin Yichen has asked himself for many years, and he can be regarded as somewhat visionary, but this dazzling diversity object still makes him look embarrassed.

“Divine-level corpses, and methods of refining control …”

“Divine Fire whip, made 1000 seas of fire sea …”

“Seven stars chasing soul thorns, one stab can be cut to the Golden Immortal, 7 thorns come out, it can be a moment of divine might!”

Ziyun shouted, “If only I could move away …”

Qin Yichen shook the head, came back to his senses, in front of this dazzling array of eyes, even the simplest people, it is very difficult to choose.

“Don’t even think about moving. I don’t think we can run away from Divine City.”

Qin Yichen said: “Hurry up and choose, you can only choose one treasure. Must be most useful to you.”

The two people in Ziyun bowed their heads, Divine Red Clouds was wide, and the light stage where treasure was placed didn’t even see the head for a while.

With so many treasures, I can only choose one, which is really itchy.

And if you want to choose the treasure that will improve you the most, you must look at all treasures.

Three people looked at the treasure house 3 times, and it can even be said that they have a long experience.

Qin Yichen saw a warship made of god bones, and a god bone, but it was a huge savage animal. It seemed to be a wonderful killer with the same purpose as the dragon cannon.

There is also a banner embroidered with ominous beast. Ominous beast is lifelike. As long as the immortal strength is urged, the immortal spirit in the flag can be awakened for the master to command.

Not to mention that there are all kinds of weapons in the eighteenth, each divine object has its mystery, but Qin Yichen did not pay too much attention to the blade.

Because no matter how strong the blades in the treasure house, can they still survive the reverse scale?

Even the White Tiger’s Blade will outperform them.

Honglian said leisurely in the Sea of ​​Consciousness: “Boy, Divine Weapon, don’t even think about it, just look at this poor picture unless you are on the list.”

“Well, getting a high grade or even a top grade divine object is also very useful to you.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head. Divine Weapon is the Race Protecting Treasure of various races. Even he estimates that the bottom race does not necessarily have Divine Weapon.

It’s just that Qin Yichen is having trouble again.

“So many treasures, I have to find the one that improves me the most, but now … what am I missing?”

Needless to say, there are sword armors, divine gold crickets, butterfly silver clothes, Zhaotian divine blood flowers, and many treasures raided from the battlefield of the East Xinjiang …

Qin Yichen decided to ask two friends first: “Say you two, what do you need?”

Ziyun is still looking at a piece of treasure. If it were not for the front, there might be a better one. In this short moment, he has already looked at several divide objects.

However, Lu Xiaolu obviously considered himself: “In my case, choose a god armor or defense treasure …”

After all, compared to Qin Yichen, Lu Xiaolu’s fleshhy body is still too weak, and the defense can only be said to be ordinary, at least the latter judges himself.

However, Lu Xiaolu has some difficulties: “I am about to become a god. After I become a god, the opponent I will encounter must be God Realm, and although there are manydivine objects, they are just treasure object treasure armors. In the face of God Realm powerhouse attack Some are not enough … “

Ziyun did not think that many: “What god armor … No, what defense armor do you want! If you want me, I will choose another sword!”

“When the time comes, I slash one hand at a time, whoever refuses to hack will kill anyone!”

Lu Xiaolu despised: “Chopping and chopping, beware of being chopped to death someday!”

“I have Luying!”

Qin Yichen covered his face, and Ziyun was indeed Ziyun. How could he not know the character of this product after spending so long?

Ziyun himself supports whatever he wants to choose, that is, Qin Yichen has some sympathy for Lvying. Following such a master, his future destiny may be very difficult …

“Look again, there’s a lot of treasure inside.”

Qin Yichen said: “We can search separately, after all, we each need different things.”

Lu Xiaolu head: “But what do you need, I will pay attention to you when I meet.”

Qin Yichen was silent for a while: “Let’s go together …”

Along the way, Qin Yichen found a very painful problem. He also encountered a very good divide object, but always thought that there was a better one in front.

This kind of psychology is very strange, but fortunately you can look back.

But at this moment, the red lotus in Sea of ​​Consciousness was exclaimed.

“Boy, look over there!”

Qin Yichen looked along the pump light and saw Hong Lian Wanyin excitedly: “Congenital sundial and congenital moonlight!”

Qin Yichen frowned and looked around, only to notice the treasure transformed by Honglian.

“Congenital concubine? Congenital moon?”

It’s a light platform.

Above the stage, unlike other treasures, there are only 2 brilliance.

2 brilliance The two rays of each other are bright. When the rays of light like the sun are the most dazzling, the moon is the most dim, and when the moon is shining, the sun is gradually dim.

If you look closely, it will be like one day and one month.

Qin Yichen stepped forward and immediately felt the out of the ordinary of this congenital sundial and Yuehua!

Every time the scorching sun rises, he feels the fiery heat of assaults the senses, not just the scorching heat, like a round of scorching sun, rising in front of him.

Yuemang was slightly blue, clear as water, flowing and outdated in front of him. Qin Yichen couldn’t help feeling the vastness of the starry sky, and a bright moon stood quietly, which made the stars eclipse.

Honglian urged: “Boy, it’s it! Didn’t expect Dongfang Treasury also has a sundial and Yuehua. It is probably because no one has come in for too long.”

Qin Yichen stunned: “Senior, are you sure you don’t want to take a look? 10000 has a better divide object.”

However, Honglian made up her mind: “What else do you see? When you come to the Xuanbang, you can only access the Divine Object. Where can you go?”

“Of course, there are quite good divide objects, but choose treasure, one is to have a high order, and the other is to improve yourself!”

Honglian looked at the two glorious radiances: “This is the sun and the moon. Although not many, it is enough for you to use.”

“And with this day and moon, you have refined the Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower and blended it together to open the True Dragon Eye!”

Qin Yichen startled: “True Dragon eyes? Is that a dive technique?”

Qin Yichen was a little excited. It seemed that Honglian was going to teach herself an amazing method.

Honglian is also the first to say: “It’s okay to say the dive technique, but the pump technique is accurate, it is your True-Dragon Race’s inherent power!”

“With these 2 treasures, plus the guidance of this Senior, it is enough for you to open up the First Layer of True Dragon Eyes!”

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