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That shows that Senior Ao Tian’s ranking in the Xuanbang is definitely not low, at least not just qualified for the Xuanbang.

However, Diao Shuier then shook the head: “Although Xiong Xiong is powerful, he can only be regarded as one of the more satisfactory children of Divine King in recent years.”

However, how many of the descendants of Divine King are refuted?

Some were born earlier and better, and they have already become gods, and even have achieved God.

“Senior’s realm is still too low. If it can also reach the golden Golden Immortal, then Bloodline baptism is the most pure 骊 Dragon Race, maybe … is this possible?”

The first question analyzed by Marten Shuier is still reliable, because Qin Yichen’s realm still has a lot of room for improvement.

But in terms of Bloodline, let alone Qin Yichen is not Dragon Race at all. Even if Bloodline compares, he is 60% awakened by True Dragon Bloodline, and he will not lose Dragon Race.

“I don’t think about the top list first, and it’s not necessarily that the top list won’t get Divine Weapon, right?”

Qin Yichen thinks secretly, now that he doesn’t worry about time and wants to go up the ranking, the most direct thing is to eliminate other powerhouses.

But after the month of January, what he encountered again and worthy of his shot was the descendants of Divine King of various ethnic groups.

If you ca n’t fight too much, let ’s not say, Qin Yichen will have to weigh the consequences after the fight.

Suddenly Qin Yichen asked again, “What about the Tibetan God Pavilion?”

Marten stunned, Senior didn’t know?

Fortunately, Qin Yichen has a quick response, his hands are on his back, and proudly said: “This deity is also a half-step deity, too ordinary treasure, and Divine Art. It may not be worth seeing.”

“so that’s how it is.”

Diao Shuier said: “The Tibetan God Pavilion, as the name implies, is the Dongman ethnic group to take out their own treasures, including Immortal Technique, Magical Powers, but also mystery, and various methods.”

“My god mink people have opinions about elixir. 蜃 Dragon Race has also studied how to deal with Illusion Technique, and corpse 魑 … also studied.”


Qin Yichen had a chill, and he could understand all other races, but only the corpse sect … 100 ways to study the dead corpses?

Diao Shui’er also skipped the corpse clan and said: “In short, it is the contribution of each ethnic group to the director, but every Dongman powerhouse can enter.”

Qin Yichen frowned, Diao Shuier said: “Of course, with Senior’s knowledge and knowledge, First Layer’s improvement on Senior is limited.”

According to Diao Shuier’s idea, although the Tibetan God Pavilion is a collection of directors of all ethnic groups, the half-step deities can also have profound insights. In the Tibetan Temple First Layer, the three seniors are of little interest.

“But the Second Layer needs to be on the Xuanbang to enter.”

Diao Shuier said: “It is said that the treasures of the Second Layer are the painstaking work of various ethnic groups, and they have come up with some private collections. Not only that, but also the correction and review of your Divine King.”

“How profound is God’s Sir Wang’s fingertips? Presumably, it will take Senior to the next level, and I’m quite impressed!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes brightened, no wonder there was a threshold.

You need the Xuanbang to enter, and the guidance of Divine King, coupled with the deeper collection of various races, really can be called the Tibetan word!

Moreover, he is not a half-step god reincarnation. He is not worried that he is too esoteric to make him understand.

On the contrary, at the end of the confrontation with the powerhouses of the Dongman ethnic groups, Qin Yichen also realized that there are some advantages and disadvantages in the Dongman ethnic groups.

One more thing, that is know yourself and know your enemy to emerge victorious in every battle!

“It ’s necessary to go to this Tibetan God Pavilion to learn the best of Dongman. Even more how to listen to the meaning of Mink Shuier. The treasures of Second Layer are of great benefit to the deities. Even more how is to me. . “

Qin Yichen coughed 2 times and suddenly said, “Would you like to go with us or continue to stay in the garden?”

Diao Shuier thought for a while: “Following the 3 seniors, they can be eye-opening and see my demeanor. I don’t want to give up, and Shuier is grateful.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head.

No way, now the Dragon Race is eliminated and Honglian is silent for too long. Who knows what has changed in Dongman for so many 10000 years.

“Then let’s adjust our interest for a while.”

Qin Yichen 3 people sat on the spot, the former sound transmission asked: “Ziyun, Xiao Luer, haven’t you suffered any injuries that affected the foundation?”

After all, it was a scuffle between heaven falls and earth rends. Qin Yichen couldn’t take care of everyone, but two people heard this, but they both shook the head.

Lu Xiaolu sound transmission said: “I have the power of wood, the healing is not worse than the divine object …”

Ziyun also grinned, “There were a lot of beatings. This group of Dongman cubs was not to be trifled with, but fortunately, Luying helped me.”

What makes Ziyun feel a little distressed is that the medicine spirit that she just awakened is pretty pale at the moment.

Suddenly, Ziyun was fighting all the way. If the injuries had accumulated, it had already reached a very serious level, and Luying had been recovering for it, and the loss was not small.

In contrast, Qin Yichen is the easiest.

In this battle, he lost a lot of immortal strength. After all, he had a lot of cards in his hands, and it took a lot of Spirit Power to control the eyes of the dragon to create various illusions.

But to say the injury, Qin Yichen’s strong self-healing ability of fleshhy body can be ignored.

After taking the elixir, Qin Yichen’s Spirit Power respects the body with dignity: “Senior, 2 questions.”

After operating the Dragon Spirit Cannon, Honglian calmed down, “You said.”

“The first one, if face to face with the Emperor of God, could we be exposed?”

Qin Yichen didn’t ask Red Baby, refute Zheng Race, and retaliate against him for killing many powerhouses.

It’s the key to the problem!

Because before he started, he had considered the cause and influence of this grudge.

骊 Dragon Race can’t fail to protect him. On the contrary, I am afraid to protect him fully. 蜃 Dragon Race don’t want to stay away.

That’s why he thought about it. As long as the noise is bigger, the 2 party Divine King will be harder to avenge him in the face!

And now, the movement is big enough that the Divine King of the 2 races has to converge and acknowledge it silently, but maybe it also alarmed the master of Dongman!

Honglian expression grave: “I thought about it for you. The problem should be small.”

“First, although your record is so impressive that even Zheng Race has been tossed enough to enter the vision of the Emperor, the Emperor Dongman may not see you in person.

“Second, even if I see you, it may not be the deity, it may be the incarnation, and the incarnation may be very large. After all, you have not become a god yet. In the eyes of the Emperor Dongman, it is just a potential out of the ordinary.

“Although the incarnation of the Emperor also has the prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, he may not be able to ask the question thoroughly, even if he is suspicious of you now.

“As a suspect, you do n’t need to use humans. Do you have a little secret of a half-step deity like True Aotian?

“So you can rest assured that after going out, apply more Divine Blood Divine Blood to let the breath of 骊 Dragon Race cover your whole body, it should be fine.”

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