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The blood moon is empty, covering Qin Yichen!

all around All the silence, only that blood moon, suddenly a terrible dark mang burst out!

That kind of power made Ziyun feel refreshed and secretly thought that Dongman is indeed hidden dragons and crouching tigers. This Immortal Technique is like the real moon bursting and destroying, the stars breaking, and its formidable power can be imagined!

Xiong Xiong chuckled, just eliminating the old bastard, it is difficult to dispel the hatred of his heart, not to mention, eliminated, for this old bastard, on the contrary, it took back a life!

He wants this old bastard to die here!

“This move, the token won’t protect you!”

However, at this moment, Qin Yichen’s whole body was full of gold, and 10000 1000 dragon shadows rose into the sky.

10000 days! !! !!

Countless dragon shadows rushed towards the blood moon, and the dragon roar shocked many powerhouse eardrums and trembled.

“If you remember correctly, this old bastard uses this trick to turn over the people killed by the ancient mountain 4 clan.”

“That power … terrifying.”

“Hmph, maybe it’s an illusion. The ancient mountain 4 clan will only lose after being played by the illusion. In my opinion, the true power of this move is nothing like this!”

“bang! !!”

Soaring Dragon Shadow collided with the advent of the Blood Moon. In a hurry, Heaven and Earth lost their voice, and Divine Red Clouds was stirred.

And what many powerhouses can see is the only one red and one gold 2 radiant chambers resisting the ceremony, covering everything, like the two heavens that do not stand upright, colliding in two days, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!


I don’t know how long ago, a dragon roar shattered the dark blood moon, and then, I saw a slender silhouette, a foot dragon, and a knife to kill!

In this scene, many powerhouses are shaking.

“This, what’s going on !?”

“This old bastard can break the killing of Master Xiongxiong!”

“How can this be!”

Xiong Xiong also felt wrong. You know, the meniscus meniscus just now is not Immortal Technique, but diversity technique!

Although the divine technique was stimulated with immortal strength before it became a god, it can only erupt the fur, but that is the divine technique after all!

“Is it possible that, this old bastard this move is also a dive technique !?”

He was wrong, but then suddenly, this old bastard is God Realm reincarnation after all, and it will not be a surprise to have a two-divine technique.

However, he is a golden Golden Immortal. Like many descendants of Divine King, becoming a god is not a problem. This savage Secret Realm is also a baptism of his becoming a god.

But what about this old bastard?

Even the body of body possession is not for Dragon Race!

“Even if you know the dive technique, how many times can you do it ?!”

I was so angry that I suddenly saw Qin Yichen’s figure jumping into the sky, stepping on the Divine Red Clouds fairy cloud, diving underneath, and in mid-air, it turned into a golden giant dragon!

The dragon body is entangled and smashes down!

Mixed Yuan Heaven Overturning Seal!

That Dragon Seal, covering the sky, seems to suppress all enemies in the world!

Xiong Xiong looked up. As Longyin was getting closer, he just felt his body and bones trembling involuntarily. That was the coercion of Longyin, making his fleshhy body gradually difficult to carry!

Puxiong ’s pump light is fierce. He argues that although Zheng Race is not the most powerful body in the tenth God King, but because of this old bastard, he also wants to suppress him!

“roar! !!”

Suddenly, the blood wings behind Xiong Xiong flaunted, and when he was ten again, he suddenly saw his body twisted and turned into a Tianma!

Not bad! Refuting Zheng Race’s deity is like a Tianma on the back grows a pair of wings!

But Xiong Xiong’s body is dark red, and even his mane is exuded with fierce crickets.

Refuting Zheng Race’s forehead also has a horn, which is curved like a machete, and at this moment, the male pupils of the male have become red!

The blood wings rose, and Tianma rushed to the Dragon Seal!

At this moment, many powerhouses have not came back to his senses from the 10000 1000 dragon shadows that burst out from Qin Yichen, but they can’t help but be pleased to see the Xiong Xiong showing his deity.

“Master Xiong Xiong turned into a deity!”

“Blood horses refute the sun and the moon!”

Even the Zheng Race many powerhouses are shouting and shouting. He argues that the Zheng Race is a family of Divine King, and the Bloodline Strength contained in the deity can be imagined.

In contrast, Race Dragon Race, a middle and lower race with a ranking of 400, is a fart!

Even more how, this old bastard body possession reincarnation, not even the pure Dragon Bloodline!


The dragon seal and the blood horse smashed fiercely together, seemingly brutal, but in fact the most direct collision of the two people’s Xianwei!

However, it is unexpected that the Dragon Seal is a glorious masterpiece, so that the two blood wings of Yan Xiong are gradually bent, and it seems to be broken!

The majesty was frightened, and at this moment, the Golden Dragon swept away and rose into the sky again, but saw the dragon claw probing, as if the gods suppressed it.

Suddenly, the world-defeating dragon pillar came again!

Many powerhouses shuddered. Just now, this is the dragon that tore the sky, leaving them dead and wounded!

Those who mocked this dragon pillar were hallucinations of the hallucinations, and paid a heavy price!

And the horrible of this dragon pillar is the Third Finger of the Great Annihilation Finger, which seems to be coming slowly, but it actually squeezes every inch of space into Shattered!

The dragon pillar came straight to the majesty, and seemed to leave him with nowhere to go.

“and also!?”

The xiong male who just stood still jumped, and this jilong turned into a dragon pillar to tear the sky, and he could leave an indelible impression as long ago!

Not to mention feeling the horror of this finger at this moment, and even making Xiongxiong doubt, isn’t this a hallucination?

Hao Xiong has long understood the depth of this old bastard’s routine. There is truth in the truth, and there is truth in the false, which makes him difficult to distinguish between true and false.

“The power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth is also out of this old bastard !? It must be fake!”

Gongxiong gritted his teeth, the blood wings shook again, and ran into the dragon pillar! The forehead bend is also shining 4 Chung, it seems to crash this dragon pillar!

“As long as it’s fake, the illusion can be broken in a single shot, and see how I can clean up you!”

However, Xiong Xiong did not notice that Qin Yichen looked at his eyes with both admiration and disdain.

I admire that the descendants of Divine King are indeed descendants of Divine King. How terrible is this Third Finger?

The same is true of contempt.


The dragon pillar descended, and the play in the eyes of Su Xiong suddenly disappeared, only feeling the blood surging and vomiting blood.

And this scene is also a lot of powerhouses that look forward to looking forward to the big show divin might, and learn Qin Yichen!

“This, this is also true ?!”

“Impossible! Where is it so powerful!”

“Master Xiongxiong vomited blood … hallucinations! This is also the hallucination of this old bastard! I want to disturb our fighting intent!”

However, Xiong Xiong now has the heart to greet these guys’ ancestors to eighteen generations. With this finger down, he made him feel what a nightmare is coming!

“This old bastard, it’s terrifying …”


The dragon pillar fiercely fell, and under the fingers of the Optima giant, it was seen that a thin thin cicada-like light appeared on the skin of the male hero, but the film had stars, just like wearing the Star River.

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