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A bit of powerhouse was almost crazy, and even Yingluo was eliminated. The excitement brought to them was even more uncomfortable than that of clansman.

Of course, this is also true. After all, if you let the red infants know that 骊 Dragon Race will eliminate Yingluo and the others in front of them, what will they do?

Yan Xiong’s complexion was extremely gloomy.

He is not Yingluo’s younger brother, and is also a party of Divine King, and he will not be scolded by the red infants.

But the problem is, if you let the Dongman ethnic group know that with his protection, Yingluo has also been eliminated. This is simply stepping on his face. The face he lost is no less than that of the red baby!

“I don’t really understand where you have the courage …”

Hexiong looked vicious: “But these are not important anymore!”

“The important thing is … I’ll lose you today if I’m eliminated alive !!!”

Not killing this guy is a great shame for him and the Red Baby!

Suddenly, Xiong Xiong moved!

At that moment, the blood wings swept the sky, and the terrible immortal strength made heaven falls and earth rends.

Yingluo was eliminated. Although he lost all his face, one advantage is that he no longer needs to be distracted and controlled!

“Kill him!”

Many powerhouses have also exploded, even more crazy than just now, don’t chop up these guys like RaceDragon Race, it is them who have bad luck!

In the distance, the mink was shiver coldly.

Today all this is enough to shock the entire Dong quite, even more how she witnessed the whole process!


She can only use madness to describe that slender silhouette!

But looking at Xianwei hiding the sky and covering the earth, Mink Shuier almost fainted on the spot. Yingluo was eliminated, but it also stirred the anger of these powerhouses!

And unlike the previous grudge against the ancient mountain 4 clan, who had previously scrambled for or for time, and this time, as Xiong Xiong said, I’m afraid that will not give Senior the opportunity to eliminate it!

However, in the face of the immortal Immortal Technique, Qin Yichen not only didn’t panic, but the boxer trembled slightly. It wasn’t fear, but bloody anger!

“The babies who are in trouble, alert not in …”

Well, no one can stop him!

“Good show, just started !!!”

Suddenly, the shadow of the dragon lingered again, and the eyes of the dragon burst into the sky!

Yan Xiong looked in his eyes, but he disdain smiled, the same method, 2 times is enough shame, the third time, even if Ying Luo is not there, still do not want to affect him!

Because, no matter whether it is an incarnation of the illusion or a real one, he will all be shredded by him!

“Want to run away? Idiots dream!”

The majestic immortal mighty roar, like ominous beast roaring, doing this is to directly shatter those fantasy incarnations.

But what made him didn’t expect is that this guy didn’t make a lot of Avatar escape?

“It seems you know how much trouble you’re causing!”

After Xiong Xiong yelled, it suddenly turned into a dark red blood light, fast, shattered space!

However, Qin Yichen looked in his eyes, but just dismissed a smile and raised his palm slightly.

“Who told you I was going to run?”

“The deity gives you one last chance. The grudges of the eyes of the dragon have been cleared, and now we have time to go.”

“you are courting death !!!”

Many powerhouses are killing intent crazy: “Don’t let him urge tokens!”

But when Ziyun smiled fiercely, he moved his muscles: “token, it’s the garbage you can use!”


A dragon roar groaned, and saw Ziyun incarnate Ziyun’s soul. Of course, this is only in the eyes of many powerhouses.

What Qin Yichen saw, however, contained a ferocious keel, wielding a dragon body and sweeping 8 squares!

At the same time, Lu Xiaolu’s head actually grew 2 deer horns, and the deer horn was shining, and the eyebrows were blooming with bright flowers!

Qin Yichen smiled.

This is their strength!

“If this is the case…”

Big annihilation finger!

“bang! !!”

Suddenly, the sky seemed to be torn, and even the Divine Red Clouds in the sky were rippled. In the eyes of many powerhouses, a dragon was like a dragon pillar, and the suppressing and killing of baring fangs and brandishing claws came!

That terrible coercion made many powerhouses tremble, but then someone sneered: “dressing up as God, playing the devil! Illusion!”

However, at the next moment, I saw that the powerhouse was crushed by the dragon, and the whole body was broken directly into a powder, leaving only a ray of light.

In a moment, many powerhouses that were still ridiculed suddenly stopped.

A powerhouse said, “Fake! It’s all fake! This illusion is also an illusion!”


Those who question are equally broken into powder!

Qin Yichen stands in the same place, with cold and severe star eyes, and even glowing like a tiger and a leopard, Dongman is his enemy, and now he doesn’t need to hide anymore!


Many powerhouses then realized that this is like the terrible Immortal Technique of Dragon pillar, not an illusion! It can crush their nightmares in one fell swoop!

Yan Xiong looked in his eyes and couldn’t help eyelids twitched. This old bastard had such a hole! ?

“Unfortunately, how many times can you perform such a powerful Immortal Technique !?”


The 2nd dragon pillar came under him, and from the perspective of Xiong Xiong, Qin Yichen just wanted to be true and false that’s all.

However, when the dragon pillar was suppressed, Yanxiong couldn’t help but tremble, a pair of blood wings, and quickly folded, supporting the dragon pillar!

“Here, is this really true ?!”

Xiong Xiong’s face was horrified, and this old bastard routine was too deep! Deliberately used the eyes of Chen Long to make him think it was false!

However, Qin Yichen looks at the idiot’s pump light with a look, why should I use false hallucinations? The illusion hits you all right.

Young Master is not to scare you, but to kill you!

“How long can you last !?”


Qin Yichen ditched his sleeves, and Xiong Xiong saw a Flying Sword wrapped in golden light, which was extremely fast, leaving only afterimages.

According to the sword edge, the hearts of many powerhouses are like pierced papers in an instant. Sword light swept the audience and raised blood light!

Qin Yichen’s mouth was slightly raised, and he raised divine gold for so long, and he did not let him down!

“Awesome divide object!”

Yan Xiong’s eyes trembled slightly. This Flying Sword is like wearing paper and killing people like cutting vegetables!

I am not sure if this means of terrifying, and those scenes that are instantly eliminated, is this guy’s illusion?

But the dragon pillar that made his blood wings trembled clearly told Xiong Xiong, this … I’m afraid it’s true!

“Old bastard, I’d like to see, can you compare with a few hundred of us alone?”

Suddenly, Xiongxiong roared, blood wings chopped to the sky, it was actually a shattering of a large annihilation finger, and then a blood light flew from his heart, rushing towards the divine gold!

The blood light is an arrow. Under the bloody red arrow, I do n’t know how much blood has been consumed, setting off a violent sky, and the moment of confrontation, the divine gold 蛊 even goes backwards!

Xiong Xiong looked in his eyes, sneering: “How many divine objects can you have? And I have locked your breath and cherish the last work!”

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