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However, the two people in Ziyun swept through almost all the way, but it was a shock to many powerhouses. Although it has been known for a long time that even the ancient mountain 2 clan was defeated by these 4 silhouettes, it was only when they actually met that they knew what it was like. Horrible.

In a short moment, the Nether sheep tribe suffered heavy casualties, especially the Nether sheep tribe leader looked at Senior Ao Tian who had never shot from start to finish, and his heart was scared fiercely.

He knew that if all three Seniors were to be shot, it would be that he wouldn’t give him the Hades.

With this in mind, the silhouette of the leader of the Haggard tribe flashed back and forth: “Senior is worthy of Senior! This Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower seems to be Senior!”

Such an attitude made it clear that he had confessed to defeat. Ziyun looked in his eyes and couldn’t help feeling dissatisfied.

“Hmph! A bunch of little cubs, dare to fry if you leave Secret Realm soon? You haven’t met me before, it’s your good fortune!”

This kind of coldly shouted, the ferocity is extremely extreme, but it makes the Ningyang people dare not refute, because Ziyun is telling the truth!

If it were n鈥檛 for the remaining days, they would n鈥檛 be able to snatch them away. It 鈥檚 just that the three seniors swept the ancient mountain 3 clan 鈥檚 record, and they are absolutely afraid to fight!

However, many powerhouses are also frightened in their eyes, although they know that they can sweep the ancient mountain 4 clan, the Nether sheep clan is certainly not the opponent of these 3 God Realm reincarnation.

But this defeat is too fast!

Even many powerhouses are secretly thinking that even if the Hades will lose, with so many clansmans, depending on the number of people, they can also lose the state of the 3 God Realm reincarnation?

As a result, the leader of the Hades tribe turned up!

At the beginning, many powerhouses were a bit sloppy, but they can be understood instantly. At that time, the ancient mountain 4 clan thought that way, but what happened?

Before Senior Ao Tian shot, there was at least one step down.

At this moment, another silhouette came, and the person headed by it was Wu Shuang.

“Ancestors! I knew you were here!”

When meeting the Qin Yichen 3 people, Wu Shuangshuang was not surprised at all, and even looking at the retreating Ningyang tribe, he could immediately guess the confidence of daring to compete with his ancestors, nothing more than rely on himself to leave, barefoot In shoes.

But then, Wu Wushuang looked at the powerhouse around him and smiled suddenly: “You must think clearly, a few days is also time, and my ancestor is bad-tempered, as long as he shot, then no matter what So far, there is only one elimination. “

Wu Wushuang pouted his lips: “It wouldn’t be a shame to be eliminated by the 3 ancestors, but the feeling of a serious injury is very uncomfortable.”

This can be said to the hearts of the powerhouses of all parties. They will run out of time. It can be said that they are not afraid to wear shoes, but they can stay in Secret Realm for another day. Who wants to go out?

Not to mention the second half of Wushuang, in Secret Realm, there is no need to worry about losing his life, but he was seriously injured … plus the cost of recovery, they have to let them weigh it.

The point is, the three ancestors of the Dragon Race are standing here, and even if they let go, they would not see any hope of competition!

For a while, many powerhouse pupil light flashed the meaning of avoiding retreat. In the remaining days, the divine object could not be picked up. It would be better to get rid of one Immortal Medicine by trying one’s luck, which is better than being eliminated.

Wu Wushuang looked in his eyes, his face was serious, but his heart was already ecstatic!

These 3 words and 2 words scare the feeling of powerhouse from all parties, don’t be too cool!

Before he changed it, he dared to say this to the Dragon Race, fearing that he would be overturned by the powerhouses on the spot.

However, it was not too long, but Wu Shuang felt a pain, and saw Ziyun punch him in the head: “Will I speak! What a bad temper!”

“Moreover, who said that my ancestors had to fight out before they had to fight off? A few days ago, our ancestors have found a way not to eliminate people!”

Wu Wushuang held his head and bowed his face, and he was not an ancestor. What kind of temper do you own and don’t you have points in your heart?

While many powerhouses look at each other, they are all taking a cool breath. To them, this scene seems to be 楠?Dragon Race ancestors are teaching their own juniors, but they are actually warning them!

In other words, they say that they won’t get rid of them, they will definitely understand that the two parties have reached the point.

But somehow, from Ziyun’s mouth, many powerhouse immediately came to mind, although they were not eliminated, they were more terrifying than elimination, such as being interrupted by muscles …

For a while, many powerhouses couldn’t help but step back, Qin Yichen saw this, but some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. In the eyes of these guys, Ziyun had become a ferocious god.

However, Qin Yichen felt that it was very good. Regardless of where he went, there is a person who is a strong and ferocious deterrence, which can often save a lot of trouble.

At the moment, Ape Fu is dumbfounded.

Is this finished?

This is the Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower! This is a divide object! Did you persuade me?

Although Zhifu had thought about it before, there were no three old bastards among ordinary races, but he did n鈥檛 expect that they could spend Yin-Yang Two Extremes with no difficulty. in!

Especially this old bastard that grabs his own time, it seems that he didn’t say anything, and didn’t make any shots, but the ape complex didn’t understand it. This is because the powerhouses of all races can be jealous!

He would rather see Qin Yichen win the hard battle with everyone, rather than stand here and don’t need to do anything to get the dividend object in his pocket!

However, Qin Yichen didn’t care so much, and didn’t even bother to understand the ape. Why didn’t he care? It wasn’t how kind he was. He kept thinking clearly.

Just because the water Ape Race is about to leave, this guy has no value in letting himself shoot.

“Once, ancestors, pick the divide object!”

Wu Wushuang has no greed, but respectfully makes way for Qin Yichen.

However, at the moment when Qin Yichen wanted to spend Yin-Yang Two Extremes, he saw the sky in the distance and came flying silhouetted by hiding the sky and covering the earth!

Those silhouetted instruments Yu Xuanang, Xianwei raging, the number is even more!

“楠?Senior of Dragon Race is slow, this Yin-Yang Two Extremes flower, I think Zheng Race is very much wanted too!”

“Refuse Zheng Race !?”

Laughter was in my ears, mixed with surging Xianwei, and the complexion changed.

Refute Zheng Race, this is one of the ten Eighth God Kings!

And those silhouettes with Zheng Zheng are not the red infants! ?

The descendants of the 2 family Divine King have joined forces!

At this moment, the descendants of the 2 races of Divine King came flying, so imposing, as if the king came, just now, the powerhouse of all parties could not help but fight in awe.

At the same time in awe, the powerhouses of all parties have a profound smile. They can’t compete with the 3 God Realm reincarnation of Dragon Race, but for the descendants of Divine King of the 2 races, don’t care what God Realm reincarnate!

As for Satofu, it is to be wild with joy. It is not only to refute the arrival of Zheng Race. It is more important that the red infants are also there!

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