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Even if you pay attention, it is also concerned about your own race, or other races that have grudges and neighbors.

But these days, they don’t pay attention!

Almost 300 days, has been at the top of the yellow list!

Even Heaven’s Chosen of many Royal Family, at this moment, rarely breaks 100. Although the powerhouse of all parties knows, soon after, Divine King of all parties will start to grab time.

However, the number of days after the name of Ao Tian still surprised many powerhouses.

At the beginning, the powerhouse of Huorong Divine City guessed that this might be the time for the others in Dragon Race!

Moreover, Qin Yichen is the news of God Realm’s reincarnation. After all, there is no airtight wall. The Dongman ethnic groups may be ventilated, and they can hear about it.

But these powerhouses quickly realized that it was wrong, because the calculations, 骊 Dragon Race, others have less time at not all, but more!

I don’t know Ao Tian, ​​but the name of the chief of the Dragon Race Wushuang, the powerhouse of each race still knows how much.

“Why does this Wushuang have so much time?”

“If you read it right, the time of this proud Aotian was 7 800, but it suddenly decreased. This is obviously given to the companion!”

Many powerhouses were shocked. Of course, before that, they also saw the names of dozens of 骊 Dragon Race juniors disappear from the list.

骊 Dragon Race When the powerhouse name was erased, Huorong Divine City immediately did not know the situation, but it was not surprising that it must have been targeted. Given the strength of 骊 Dragon Race, it was not surprising to have this result.

But then, it was the strong rise of Ao Tian!

Singing all the way to the top of the yellow list!

Although the time has dropped sharply after the rise, the time of its consorts, such as proudly and 骊 9, has increased greatly. As long as it is not blind, you can see it, which shows that it is time sharing!

After that, all parties in Huorong Divine City inquired, and they only heard from Divine City.

骊 Dragon Race, this time there are 3 God Realm powerhouse reincarnation!

And the ups and downs of that time and ranking did indeed face a hard battle!

However, it turned out that many powerhouses were surprised. The corpses, fierce tigers, iron orangutans, and even the ancient mountain clan, which ranked more than 100, were knocked down by 4 to 1!

This result not only surprised Huo Rong’s powerhouse in Divine City, but the city of Divine City on all sides now knows the name of Ao Tian!

There is another important reason why everyone is so amazed … 骊 No matter how Dragon Race reincarnates Dragon Race, but what level of God Realm has been for generations, everyone does not know.

To make it awful, the reincarnation of Chen Long patriarch may not dare to fight against the ranks of more than 100 ranks!

But this arrogant sky is one enemy 4, you know, the four clans add up to 4 people!

There are also powerhouses who say that the four families may not be united, and the fact that the four family powerhouses of Secret Realm were eliminated from the facts did indeed scold each other.

However, the number of powerhouses eliminated by the 4 families is more than half!

What is this concept?

More than 300 people!

This is beyond all the powerhouses of the Divine King family!

Although the battle strength of these 4 families cannot be compared with Heaven’s Chosen of the Royal Family, the foundation of the Dragon Race is also quite weak!

“骊 Dragon Race, the God Realm reincarnation, is afraid of great opportunities in this life. The most troublesome thing now is that we have never seen what these 3 people look like and what they are.”

Regarding Qin Yichen’s identity, RaceDragon Race is also very tight-lipped, although the name of 骊 Aotian has spread, but the powerhouse of Divine City has only heard of its name.

Outside Secret Realm, there is no way to communicate inside.

As the 100th ranked clan, the wind wolf tribe can be imagined. The team led by this trip has several God Realm powerhouses. One of them, Elder, carrying a silver beard, said lightly: “: Dragon Race has a rising trend. what.”

“Unfortunately, I haven’t heard any wind before, otherwise you should warn Mingxuan, it is better not to conflict with the three guys who 骊 Dragon Race.”

However, the wind wolf is not too worried, after all, he has rarely dealt with the 骊 Dragon Race.

However, at this moment, I saw a few silhouettes in a whirlpool, and they fell down.

“This is … Minghai !?”

Many powerhouses were surprised when they saw this. Fengminghai, although not as good as Fenglangxuan, the leader of Fenglang, is also the famous Wolf’s Heaven’s Chosen, and has already achieved the ultimate Golden Immortal!

At this moment, Feng Minghai was eliminated! ?

Not only that, many powerhouse eyes were swept away, and it was a shocking discovery. These silhouettes that were eliminated were all people of the wind wolf family!

And all of them are Golden Immortal! This seems to be the Peak battle strength of the younger generation of the wind wolf!

“what happened!?”

Wind wolf patriarch old complexion sank, catching Fengminghai, can see the latter’s torn belly, can not help but sucked in a breath of cold air.

“help me……”

Feng Minghai was weak and looked pale, but Feng Wolf patriarch always changed his face suddenly: “Ming Hai, you, what about your Five Elements Divine Flower?”

Five Elements Divine Flower, that is the Supreme Treasure rewarded by the family when Fengminghai achieved the golden Golden Immortal! Even the Wind Wolf God Realm powerhouse is regarded as a treasured reward!

Fengminghai trembled: “Being robbed by the Dragon Race, Elder, you must avenge me!”

“骊 Dragon Race !?”

The old wolf patriarch shook himself: “Jack! I didn’t tell you before departure, hidden dragons and crouching tigers in Secret Realm. Before fighting, do you check the details of the other party?”

“Where is Mingxuan! Why is the kid so calm? No one tells you that these guys are God Realm reincarnation?”

The reason why the wind wolf powerhouse did n’t ask a lot, it was determined that the God Realm reincarnation of 骊 Dragon Race was because of apart from this, 骊 Wushuang and other 骊 Dragon Race powerhouse has this ability and the courage to oppose his wind wolf What? !!

But even if I guessed for a moment that the arrogant sky was done, several God Realm powerhouses were shocked.

The opposite party is the reincarnation of God Realm, but Minghai they are soft persimmons! ? It is no accident that becoming a god is out of the question!

And this, or they have learned the consequences of the ancient mountain 4 clan, otherwise they are afraid to startled to fall the chin!

Fengming Hai trembled: “God … the girl of the Sable tribe once persuaded us.”

“Is they provoking you ?!”

“No, no.”

“what happened?!”

“It’s our realm that the three guys are flat, and there is adivine object, and a moment of greed, then …”

Then he was ripped open, and the eliminated immediately had to bear the anger of his Elder!

That’s right, Wind Wolf patriarch is really angry!

Co-authoring is your initiative to provoke others!

And Mink Shuier also persuaded her! ?

“Knowing that the other person has 3 God Realm reincarnation, you still cause trouble! Do you think you have a long life!”

Feng Minghai was scolded and couldn’t lift his head. At the moment, apart from his resentment against Qin Yichen, he is more regretful than himself, so much that he didn’t even dare to ask Elder for him.

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