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Under the gaze of countless lights, Qin Yichen on the verge of collapse stepped, and eventually stayed 2 hundred zhang or so from the summit.

When he came here, he already felt that the dragon scales of his body were beginning to tear, and blood was seeping out along his back. Fortunately, at this time, his body was almost drowned in the blood waterfall. He noticed the strange coercion in his blood.

The divide might here, even his body started to be a bit unbearable.


Ziyun’s palm clenched, and a look of anxiety appeared in her eyes.

Qin Yichen didn’t say a word, there was no retreat in Long Tong, next moment, he stepped out again.


A cricket of blood emerged from the dragon’s back. Suddenly, golden blood poured out of it and merged into the blood waterfall.

With this progress, the bloodstains on his body became more and more. Even bloodstains appeared on the dragon’s head, and the blood obscured his vision. However, his steps were still firm and heavy. Did not stop there.

His footwork eventually stopped at 9000 9 hundred zhang.

At this time, his body was almost covered with blood. The terrifying coercion from around him would almost explode his body. Among his flesh, the faint golden rays of light continued to flash, and he was desperately repairing With a damaged body.

If it were not for his Bloodline Strength, at this time, I am afraid that his fleshhy body has burst, but even so, at this time, Qin Yichen felt deaf and the sound of the bloodfall of the blood waterfall completely disappeared. Only the weight was as heavy as Mountain-like coercion came over.

At this time, the powerhouses of the various races fighting below stopped tacitly, and a line of sight was closely watching the top of the blood waterfall.

Regardless of whether they can reach the blood waterfall in the end, Qin Yichen’s step has made them extremely shocked.

9000 9 hundred zhang, the distance from the summit hundred zhang to the top, even if they are Gu Yuan, I’m afraid they can’t do this step!

At this time, Wu Shuangshuang seemed to understand why when the towering Old Ancestor faced the obstruction of Gu Yuan and the others, his face was not at all afraid and angry. Perhaps, in the heart of the towering Old Ancestor, simply did not regard Gu Yuan as himself. Real opponent.

Because his goal is to reach the top of the blood waterfall!

“Yichen big brother, do you want to continue?”

Below, there was a deep worry in Lu Xiaolu’s smart eyes. Although she did not follow, she felt how divine might there was.

If Qin Yichen continues to move forward, I am afraid that the fleshhy body can no longer bear it!

Qin Yichen looked up and looked to the top of the blood waterfall through the blurred vision, where the divine light is bright, the heartbeat of God is moving, exuding endless majesty, as if looking down from a height.

The pressure there is enough to crash the powerhouse under any god Dao Realm!

“Dongban children …”

At this time, Qin Yichen’s dragon claw couldn’t help but clenched a little, holding up the coercion in front of him. It was indeed a mountain that was difficult to cross, even with the arrogance of his fleshy body, it was difficult to bear.

Even Qin Yichen felt that if he stepped into the last hunted zhang, his fleshhy body would appear Shattered!

Qin Yichen’s vision was blurry, and vaguely, he seemed to see a path of divine shadow flashing in front of him, a True Dragon ancestor who once smiled proudly in the sky!

How mighty was the True Dragon at the time, and more than 500 people of the East Man could only survive in this barren land. Now, he was suppressed by a few Divine Hearts.


The blood-stained dragon eyes suddenly opened, and Qin Yichen’s eyes never hesitated.

There is no such force in the sky!

If you give up lightly, how can you become a powerhouse and how to revive the glory of True Dragon? !!

The majestic dragon roar resounded, and countless powerhouses trembled abruptly, with a deep burst of shock bursting out of their eyes. Below the top of the blood waterfall, the original on the verge of collapse seemed to be at any time. The silhouette that fell down suddenly burst into a powerful momentum, and the dragon’s shadow screamed into the sky, as if the divine heart’s majesty above the provocation, next moment, suddenly rushed out.

9000 9 hundred zhang!

On Qin Yichen’s body, a path of crickets of blood was cracked, and crazy pain came from his four limbs and 4 bones, almost completely drowning his reason.


Seeing this, the powerhouses of all races in the blood waterfall couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath.

Only one step away from the summit!

This guy who was not favored by them actually came to this height!

“The monstrous ancestor …”

Wu Wu’s eyes were complicated, his body trembling, and his face was covered with pride.

Gu Yuan, didn’t they say that people who 骊 Dragon Race enter the blood waterfall, but defile divine blood?

Their monstrous ancestors have reached a height that they would not even imagine!

Now, who has the face to say this again?

“This… how is this possible?!”

Gu Yuan’s voice was a little trembling. He never dreamed that Qin Yichen could actually reach this step.

Although he also deliberately reached the summit of the blood waterfall and obtained the great opportunity of the God Royal Family, he also knew very well that this kind of grandeur is just his imagination. Even the threshold of 9000 is difficult for him to cross. Not to mention the test of the last 500 zhang!

And this God Realm reincarnation of the Dragon Race not only left him at 9000 feet, but also moved to this step in the last 500 zhang!

Gu Yuan’s gaze could not help but glance at the side Old Ancestor, who was now with a gloomy face. Seeing this scene, Gu Yuan swallowed back to his mouth.

He wanted to ask, too, the reincarnation of God Realm, Old Ancestor, can you …

However, the latter looks like this, letting Gu Yuan know that the gap between God Realm’s reincarnation is also huge!

At this time he asked, Gu Yuan had no doubt whether Old Ancestor would fly into a rage out of humiliation.

“Hey, are you God Realm reincarnation? Don’t you try it? Dry here?”

However, what Gu Yuan didn’t say, the next moment jumped out of Ziyun’s mouth.


Sure enough, tone barely fell. The look of the powerhouse next to Gu Yuan suddenly changed dramatically, like a tiger being touched by his butt, and his killing intent in his eyes seemed to be reduced to a substantive thickness.

“Don’t look at me like this, you won’t be able to go up to me.”

Ziyun was shrugged. He has successfully dragged the two guys without disturbing the boss. Although one against two is a disadvantage, it does not mean that he has no power.

He didn’t believe that these two guys would give up the opportunity to stay here to quench themselves in order to deal with themselves!

“No more nonsense, today old man is fighting this cultivation base, and he will tear your stinky mouth!”

The God Realm reincarnates to take a deep breath. If he didn’t want to watch the scene of the storming guy rolling down, he would have started his hands.

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