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The next moment, the sword swells!

The Leopard Tooth Sword is a great booster. Although it was donated to Ziyun, it can be used as a divine object submerged by Qin Yichen. The knife in hand is powerful and even more exquisite than the change in Ziyun’s hands!

“Blade Blade Technique!”

The sound of pop drinking exploded, and the sharp rays of light tore the air and whistled out. When I saw the blades of claws touching the claws of light and shadow, each one of the scales was cracked instantly, like a broken mirror!


Qin Yichen turned his blade and cut it out again. Leopard teeth turned into a tiger tiger leopard, extremely fierce. Rao is the breath of 9 Heavenly Layer Peak. In front of it, it seems that it can’t compete!

“roar roar 吼…”

I saw in the slaying of the tiger tiger panther, one inch of cricket scales were torn, like the flesh of light and shadow was bitten. Gradually, the light and shadow became weaker and weaker, until they were divided up by countless tigers and leopards!

Tenth Nine Light and Shadow!


Qin Yichen fell to the ground, raised his palms, and the split-bone wheel flew into his sleeve, and the countless tigers and leopards gradually condensed into one, turned into leopard teeth, and returned to their hands again.

In this battle, the victory was so neat and clear that Ziyun was stunned!

“The boss is the boss, mighty!”

At this moment, the extra shouts seemed overshadowed. Ziyun only remembered that after defeating this light and shadow, he was lying on the ground and couldn’t move. In the end, it was only after Chunyang Bao Zhaocao recovered that he could barely get up and face the tenth 9th light and shadow. In a few moments, he lost.

But the boss is standing! And it’s a silhouette standing upright!

Honglian ’s beautiful eyes are also stunning: “Okay! Although this boy gave you leopard teeth, he realized the essence of leopard teeth, and merged with the power of White Tiger. A bite of a tiger and a leopard is a more fierce sword, this boy, the power of the divine object is even stronger! Stupid, learn hard! “

Ziyun didn’t have the slightest dissatisfaction, but after the end of Honglian’s words, the lovable body trembled, and she regretted regretfully, “It’s over, I’ve boasted too much, this kid won’t swell?”

Immediately, Honglian changed her face and coughed 2 times, pointing at the mountains and mountains: “It’s a little bit of work, it’s too dark. If you change to Xiaoluer, it will be resolved.”

However, Lu Xiaolu has ten fingers, and said with a serious face: “Honglian elder sister, I just deduced it. In my case, it would take eight breaths more than Yichen’s big brother to solve …”

“You!” Honglian’s beautiful eyes glared, where did this girl turn her elbows: “elder sister’s heart hurts …”

Lu Xiaolu said slightly, “Xiao Luer is telling the truth, Yi Chen’s big brother is really powerful.”

Although close to Honglian as a sister, Lu Xiaolu has always been seeking truth from facts.

Honglian was distressed, looking at the slender silhouette who was smiling at herself on the light platform, and suddenly felt annoyed: “Boy, don’t swell! This stupid man also won the light and shadow just now, and the 2 most powerful ones. Be careful! “

Qin Yichen smiled and shook his head, knowing how unprecedented it was to let the goods praise himself, and then he no longer entangled, but looked back at the pump light, looking at the slowly condensing light and shadow!

Ten breaths gradually passed, the light and shadow also condensed, and the breath was strong, just as before, only a little bit away from the golden Immortal!

However, Qin Yichen is staring and his teeth clenched: “You should say that there are only 2 opponents left …”

“come on!”

With a roar, two figures, they clash!

The thrilling Ziyun watched from the stage. You must know that this is the opponent who just let him down!

In addition, the defeat was not ordinary and neat, it was almost a glimpse of the power of light and shadow, and it was blown away …

“Can the boss win?”

Ziyun murmured, worried about the outcome, and even more worried about the final battle after this battle!

The final battle is the golden Immortal!

With the strength of the boss, I am afraid that Peak status must be guaranteed to win.

Moreover, this light and shadow is only a little weaker than the golden Immortal!

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

In a short time, Xianwei surged. Qin Yichen didn’t have a divine object at this moment, because he had to minimize the loss, and the Skybreaker wheel flew out suddenly.

The power of the divine object should not be underestimated, but what Qin Yichen unexpectedly did was that this light and shadow had fiercely grasped the cracking sky bone wheel!

Although the Fissure Wheel broke its claws and the scales fell off, the light and shadow’s face also had several points of twisted, but the Flaws and Claws were more tightly gripped. Qin Yichen tried several times to control the Fissure Wheel Can’t break free!

“This guy, forcibly suppressed the cracking bone wheel …”

Originally, Qin Yichen wanted to make the Rifting Bone Wheel restrain his neck and turn it into blood droplets, but he was strangled by his claws.

Since then, the threat of the Rifting Bone Wheel has plummeted, which can only be regarded as making it impossible for one hand to fight.

But it cannot be denied, it can directly compete against the Divine Object, which shows that the light and shadow are powerful!

However, after Qin Yichen was shocked, he was swift and violent, and the offensive was fierce. The opponent was able to choke the skeletal wheel, but he also lost one hand. His battle strength was greatly reduced, so he naturally took the opportunity to attack!


One blade cut in the light and shadow neck, but what made Qin Yichen didn’t expect is that this blade just shattered the scales condensed by the light and shadow neck. Although the shape also shook with it, it did not make a difference!

The next moment, the light and the shadow were ruthless, and the only remaining claw banged on Qin Yichen’s heart!


One palm blasted and the space shattered. Qin Yichen only felt that the internal organs were overturned, the body shook, and flew backward.


Seeing this, Ziyun was anxious. At this moment, he had already been carried down by the boss …

However, Qin Yichen was in midair, but said lightly: “Anyway, just a palm, what about hard shock?”

Although this palm is very powerful, it can smash his protector’s immortal strength and tenacious defense of 10000 Taoism armors, without much physical damage.

However, being able to smash the immortal strength shield and pierce 10000 god armors is enough to make Qin Yichen wrong, and Ziyun is trembling in fear. The palm just now is enough to knock him out.

Qin Yichen did not take this palm hard. At the same time, his leopard teeth flew away, turning into countless tigers and leopards, biting and killing!


In the sky tiger leopard, the roar sound from that light and shadow was mixed with anger and pain.

However, this light and shadow is even more fierce than the previous one, and it suddenly turned into a Flood Dragon. Zhenfei also shattered a path of Tiger and Leopard, slamming his mouth, and approaching Qin Yichen. He just wanted to do it quickly!

The Flood Dragon was covered with tiger leopards biting, and the left front paw was also strangled by a cracking bone wheel, which could break through the leopard teeth’s offensive, showing its fierce strength!

Qin Yichen looks in the eyes, the star eyes are getting cold, do it quickly, right? Young Master happens to do the same!

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