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The encounter with Jin Yaohui made him feel 100%. The affection of the three Golden Lion Clan was irritable, but he was worried and even blamed for the situation of the three Golden Lion Clan.

Qin Yichen knows that even if the Lion King was able to shoot Jin Yaohui’s biological younger brother, what could change?

Speaking of which, the 3 Golden Lion Clan is not strong enough, and it is also his strength!

Because he has no strength, he can only watch his former friends under the enemy’s fence just for the survival of the race.

Faced with the future of the race, the three Golden Lion Clans couldn’t compete with the general situation, and the Lion King eventually had to focus on the race. Qin Yichen was not qualified to blame anything.

Since you are not qualified to blame, then you strive to improve your strength, as long as this way, you can speak out when your friends need it!

“Let’s go…”

After a thrilling assassination and a conspiracy related to one party’s princes, there are still three silhouettes floating in the vague mist.

Along the way, Qin Yichen was a little absent-minded, he only felt that it was longer before him, when would he be strong enough to let 3 Golden Lion Clan stand on his side, without having to acknowledge allegiance to Demon Race …

Honglian also seems to be aware of something. There are many things she keeps quiet, she just doesn’t want to burden Qin Yichen too much, but today …

“True-Dragon Race kid, pull yourself together! If you really want to do something, try to improve yourself, take each step, and turn the Gods Vestige of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance upside down and make a lot of money It’s full! “

After hearing this, Qin Yichen raised a smile and smiled lightly nodded: “Well, get the opportunity treasure here first, then talk!”

The pot lets the 1000 Royal League back, and he has to grab the chance!

After 3 people flew for a while, they bumped into a great hall.

This great hall is much more grand and majestic than the ruined walls of Chongmen, even greater than the great hall of Lions Gate.

Through the demon fog, Qin Yichen was shocked, because before he saw the great hall, he actually had a panlong-like statue!

“this is……”

3 people were horrified and flew forward to find that the gate of the palace was tightly closed, and it was different from the dense demon fog in other places. Although there were demon fog in this place, it looked solemn.

Outside the hall, the statue is like a dragon. Qin Yichen is very vigilant. After all, with Chongmen’s lesson learned, he guessed that every relic is dangerous.

“These statues are dragons … no, they must not be statues of my ancestors!”

Qin Yichen looked closely. There are 5 statues of Panlong, and Ziyu suddenly looked at a statue unexpectedly: “Boss, look at it, this statue looks like me!”

Qin Yichen was wrong, and I saw that the dragon scales were dark purple, extremely fierce, and indeed very similar to Ziyun before Dragon Transformation!

Before Ziyun had Dragon Transformation, it was the Ziyin Soul Soul. Is this statue also the Ziyue Soul Soul?

At this moment, I heard Honglian say suddenly: “This Senior understood, this should be the ruins of Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Yamen!”


“That’s right.” Honglian was a little excited: “As the name suggests, Yemen is a kind of python, which has got dragon’s blood and evolved. This statue may still be this stupid ancestor.”

Ziyun was upset: “It’s your ancestor!”

Red lotus saw tsk tsk said, “Boy, look, these pythons got dragon’s blood when they peeped into Dragon Sect. This is also the picture. They are all proud, they ca n’t wait to confess to Dragon Race, they have forgotten their father . “

Ziyun shook his fist. Although his body is a purple prison ghost, but it is wild, Heaven Immortal Realm was captured and refined into immortal spirit by the realm, and he has almost no sense of belonging to the purple prison ghost.

Dragon Transformation is the creation bestowed on him by the boss. He did want to take up the responsibility of the descendants of True Dragon, but was ridiculed by Honglian.

When Qin Yichen saw this, he stared at Honglian as well: “What you said is that you don’t pull on Ziyun, and accumulate virtue on your mouth!”

Honglian converged: “Well, that’s the whole story, but these Flood Dragons are difficult to get the True-Dragon Race approval to enter the Dragon Race family.”

“However, even mixed races are enough to make them proud. When Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance existed, Yamen could be said to be a very powerful lineage, and at that time, because of True Dragon’s domination, they could also take advantage. as the tide rises, the boat floats. “

Honglian said, it is estimated that there is no knock-out in the 1000 Royal League. After all, Demon Race dominates the world. In order to flatter Demon Race, how dare to rebuild the knock-out door and have a relationship with True Dragon?

However, this does not affect Hong Lian’s excitement: “The ruins left by Yemen are not worse than Chongmen. If there is dragon’s blood, although Bloodline is complicated, but as long as it can be refined, it will be of great benefit to you!”

Qin Yichen hearing this, with a bright light in front of me, looking at the closed door, I suddenly became interested. Once you stained the blood of my ancestors, so you peeked into Dragon Sect, proudly, and now it’s time to give something back!

Just the only question before us is …

“Can this door be forcibly opened?”

Ziyun stood in front of the closed temple door with a depressed face, and Qin Yichen inferred from past experience that if the temple door could be opened with brute force, there would be no need to close it!

I saw a path of Flood Dragon engraved on the door of the temple, lifelike, like divin runes, uncommon military might, but Qin Yichen stood in front of him, without any fear, this is the gap on Bloodline!

“Don’t break the door forcibly …”

This is because Qin Yichen noticed a groove in front of the gate.

“This should be the doorway to open the door, this key … I am afraid it is the token of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance or the 1000 Royal League.”

After all, Ziyun looked to Qin Yichen: “Boss, do you have 1000 Royal League tokens?”

Qin Yichen was silent: “I knew it was time to find a few tokens for Meiwu!”

Yuan Che’s spoils of war were taken away by Mei Wuli.

Just Qin Yichen took a few glances, recalling that the token that looked like the 1000 Royal League did not match this groove.

“Stupid, try with your blood!”

As reminded by Honglian, the two talented people shined, but after looking at each other, Qin Yichen simply scratched his fingertips. There was no way. In terms of Bloodline, Ziyun was far worse than him.

The golden and red blood squirmed slowly to the groove, and was even controlled by Qin Yichen to match the shape of the groove. At this moment, listening to the tall hall door, the lights flashed!


I saw many 蛟 dragon scales on the door of the temple flashing, and it seemed to come alive, and Ziyun immediately rejoiced: “Success!”

“hong long long ……”

The Flood Dragon swims, as if slowly pushing the long-closed door away!

With the opening of the temple door, what filled Qin Yichen’s eyes was the majestic great hall. Inside the temple, a statue of the Flood Dragon was encircled, with 8 mighty faces, and both eyes were staring in the direction of the temple door.

Before he set foot, Qin Yichen felt a fierce and majestic coercion struck. It seems that the powerhouse in the gates, although it is only the Flood Dragon python that the Bloodline confuses, does not mean that its strength is unbearable.

On the contrary, being able to stay high in the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance and leave inheritance, even if it is just a Flood Dragon, is bound to God Realm powerhouse!

The coercive face is indeed similar to Ziyun’s previous has several points of, but it is more powerful, fierce and overbearing. The power of Flood Dragon should not be underestimated!

In the great hall, there are a total of 20 statues of Flood Dragon, among which are the Purple Prison Ecstasy. However, in the face of such coercion, Qin Yichen has not changed his face, and set foot indifferently, as if he were in the presence of the king!

Inside the temple is the Flood Dragon, but he … is a True Dragon!

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