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“The knife of the split sky leopard looks good, don’t grab me later!”

“Isn’t it better than you killing and killing, can’t you have a baby?”

“Where is this sister Wujie? The babies on these three Golden Lion Clan may not be poorer than that kid.”

“This is almost the same…”


With the sound of the wind breaking, three silhouettes suddenly appeared in the great hall.

What makes Demon Race many powerhouses amazing is that it is almost reaching the great hall. These 3 guys haven’t wanted to run yet? Even speed did not decrease, rushed in!

When Qin Yichen saw the scene in front of her, she almost stood on the spot!

Looking around, the ground is full of the bodies of three Golden Lion Clan. The only one left is obviously a beastly fight, and sooner or later will die here!

“This matter … is really not easy!”

After the suspicion in his heart, Qin Yichen suddenly looked back, looking at the pair of magic pupils filled with killing intent, and he suddenly grinned and said, “You adults, see you again!”

Just in this chuckling, there was a billowing Spirit Power, like a thunderous thunder, sweeping the great hall, and at the same time, the magic bell of the witch’s wrist trembled, and there was a spiky noise.


Golden brilliance Yao has a bloody head and is embarrassed, but suddenly feels that he is drinking with a bang, which is to dispel all the sea of ​​blood he has devoured!

The sight in front of me was gradually restored, but still blurred, so that golden brilliance could not see the true silhouette of the slender silhouette.

But this did not affect the shock of Jin Yaohui’s heart, in this brief moment, even made him forget the grief.

At this time, someone dare to appear here?

Jin Yaohui believes that even blind, you can feel the breath of these demo races!

These 3 silhouettes are here to die? !!

No, the three lions shook their heads, and Jin Yaohui saw the appearance of that slender silhouette. This is … the guy wanted by the 3 Royal League and forced to flee into Gods Vestige! ?

Jin Yaohui remembered, this guy is the Dual Cultivation of Shenwu, and it seems that it is for this reason that he broke the magic sound for him.

But it also means that these 3 guys are fighting against Demon Race!

Jin Yaohui shuddered, in this brief moment, he could not think about anything, and three lions yelled, “Go!”

“Demon Race is going to kill me. My Second Brother is collaborating with Demon Race and go! Pass it on!”

Time is rushed, and even Jin Yaohui is very clear that he will fall at any time, so I can only say something about it, but Jin Yaohui is still full of despair. Don’t these 3 guys break in, and will Demon Race let them go?

If the strength of the comer is stronger, that’s all, maybe there is a first-line opportunity, but the intruder who was chased by the 1000 Royal League is just in! Is this the death of his 3 Golden Lion Clan?

But unlike Jin Yaohui’s despair, Qin Yichen was shocked on the spot after hearing all this.

The same is true of the red lotus in Sea of ​​Consciousness, and she knows more that the only three golden lions left in front of her are the Lion King Bloodline!

It seemed that she had really guessed it. This matter was indeed not simple, and even hidden a conspiracy against 3 Golden Lion Clan!

However, before Qin Yichen thought about it, he saw the cold and severe face with a faint smile: “Listen clearly? If you hear clearly, prepare to bury him.”

The voice was so dull, that there was no plan to expose the anger, but in the dullness, it was a deep contempt!

In Demon Race’s eyes, when they sense the kid’s breath in the vicinity, he is already a dead person.

“Boy, I heard that you have learned a lot this time, but now it’s my turn!”


Without any hesitation, Demon Race collapsed, it was extremely popular!

In a short time, I saw a demon dao shadow suddenly attacked, covered with tenacious monsters, and a statue of the demon monster pattern. The palm front was mixed with rolling demonic energy, and it was a direct hit to Qin Yichen.

However, at the next moment, I saw Qin Yichen’s eyes blink, killing intent surge, let alone wear it out of the sky, then simply!


2 The palms collide, a golden light is like the scorching sun, a dark light is rolling like the night, and the moment of the confrontation, Xianwei rages on the 8 sides, but it doesn’t matter whether it is up or down!

That Demon Race powerhouse complexion changed, I was amazed by the majesty of this kid who was not even 8 Heavenly Layer, but the strength of this young man has already been proved on the bones of the 1000 Royal League.

What really made this Demon Race powerhouse complexion greatly changed is that this kid dare to fight back! ?

Dare to fight back! !! !!

Who are they? Divine Race above the 10000!

The boy had been sentenced to death by hitting them. At this moment, if he wanted to kill him, the opponent even fought back. Immediately, the Demon Race raged, and it was necessary to let it die in pain, otherwise it would be difficult to raise him. Wei!

“Boy, you fought back !? Don’t you know who I am ?!”

Demon Race powerhouse went crazy like crazy and seemed to be provoked by incomparable shame, but Qin Yichen resisted, but sneered at the corner of his mouth: “Of course I know.”

“But you know who I am?”


A bright dragon claw that cuts through the air! Hold the throat of that Demon Race powerhouse even harder!

Inverse Dragon Gold!

I saw Qin Yichen’s right arm turned into a golden dragon claw, staring like electricity, glaring at the Demon Race in the hall!

This is the inheritance of Hao Wu’s ancestors. In the current world, he has not dared to reveal it for a long time, but today, he does not want to hide anymore!

And looking at the golden dragon claw, all the Demon Race in the hall, all of them turned suddenly, terrified.

“Dragon claw … you are True Dragon!”

“Didn’t expect, there are still evil in this world!”

“No wonder you guys will come here. You wanted to get revenge!”

Not only the Demon Race, but even Jin Yaohui, who has just recovered his mind, is holding back. This is the dragon claw! ?

Lion pupil looked at the slender silhouette in shock. If this is a dragon claw, then this young man is the descendant of True Dragon!

The one who once dominated the world, the one who once admired the 10000 clan, the one … who once resisted the Donglong True Dragon with his ancestors!

Jin Yaohui was dumbfounded, in this brief moment, and he finally understood why this slender silhouette would clearly show up under the circumstances that can sense the breath of Demon Race.

“Did he … come to save me?”

Takes part or not, it doesn’t matter at this moment!

Importantly, in today’s battle, irreconcilable!


The dragon claw was fierce, and he actually crushed the throat of the Demon Race powerhouse. Qin Yichen threw away the headless corpse as if he was throwing garbage. He frowned and looked down at the demons: “I have n’t let go of my hands and feet for a long time. Then stop talking nonsense. You have chosen a good place and don’t want people to know that you will die here.

The cold and severe face glowed with cold glow. He didn’t expect that there were descendants of the gangster in this world, and he didn’t even think that this gangster would dare to come and find them!

But then, the face of cold and severe was reappeared with a sneer: “Don’t hide and go to death, dare to find death, let alone, today I cleared you a fish that escaped the net!”


After an angry drink, the demonic energy in the great hall is soaring, and the roar of the demons is roaring!

3 remnants that’s all, and even Dragon Transformation can’t do it, dare to come and fight heroes? It’s a credit for coming to your door!

However, looking at the shadows coming from all directions, Qin Yichen’s eyes were cold and severe, Ziyun grinned, his fists and his hands turned into a pair of Purple Gold Dragon claws!

“Demon Race cubs, die!”

In the great hall, the enmity between the two hegemons of the universe overwhelmed!

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