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In the deep pit, the demon mist rushed upward, and the man in the green robe could only see some clues, but even if he looked faintly, there was also a huge silhouette. Although there was no vitality, it was all over the deep pit!

Those silhouettes are dead and distorted, and you can’t see what it is, but vaguely, it seems that there are similar centipede and poisonous scorpions, and various huge Monster Insects!

Although it’s just guessing, in the ruins of Chongmen, eight-nine is correct!

Numerous Monster Insects fell into the deep pit where the head was not seen, and this is where they can see the remains of bones. For so many years, I am afraid that even the bones have disappeared.

But judging from the whole, it is hard to find any weaker than the two demon spirits, and if the two demon spirits are thrown into the deep pit, I am afraid there will be no waves!

“So many Chongmen powerhouses …”

The man in Qingpao took a cold breath, and while he was frightened for a while, he couldn’t guess the origin and role of this deep pit.

Qin Yichen did not dare to act blindly without thinking. He had enough headaches to deal with the two demon spirits. He didn’t even dare to imagine what a terrible scene would be if the huge worms in this pit were all resurrected!

“It seems that the original Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance was not simple …”

Was quietly, but after seeing the man in the green robe for a while hesitated, after all, did not hold on to curiosity, raised his fingertips, an immortal strength, fell down to the deep pit.

When Qin Yichen saw this, although the opponent was alert enough to explore the road with immortal strength first, but for some reason, he still felt a little bit awkward.


A moment later, immortal strength fell to the ground without any movement, and was soon covered by the rising demon mist and swallowed up.

“Don’t worry about the deity?”

Seeing this, the man in Qingpao frowned, but at this moment, everyone heard a deep noise in the deep pit!

The voice was so weak that it would almost be drowned by the surging mist of demon. If Qin Yichen was always alert to the movement below, I was afraid he would not catch it!

The sound was crunchy, as if something broke out of the shell, but in this environment, it was almost send cold shivers down one’s spine, and even the men in Qingpao could not help taking a few steps back.

But such subtle movements came out of this vast pit, and it is logically difficult to detect, but everyone noticed that a bit of golden light seemed to have emerged from the shell of a certain corpse …

The golden light was dazzling, quite dazzling in the dim and gloomy demon mist.

But soon, with a thin wing fan, the golden light seemed to be more brilliant, and Qin Yichen trembled when he saw this, because he faintly saw that it seemed to be a golden insect waking up, just like a person sleeping. Awake and stretched, moving those insect wings!

“Ziyun, be careful …”

Qin Yichen’s voice trembled slightly. Although this golden light is brilliant, it is very weak. It is like a drop of gold water in this deep pit.

But Qin Yichen didn’t dare to have the slightest concubine, so many Monster Insects have been reduced to corpses, but this golden insect is alive, how could it be common! ?

What Qin Yichen didn’t expect was that with the golden insect’s active insect wings, a slight sound was made, and the sea of ​​insects behind them actually retreated quickly and no longer gathered in the body of the demon spirit.

Compared with the deep pit, the movement is like a river and a sea, and the sound is amazing. Without the sea of ​​insects as the body, the two half-empty and half-real demon spirits also moved backwards, and still carried their bodies.

This anomalous scene made the Qingpao man realize that something was wrong, and Qin Yichen suddenly thought of something. The cold hair stood upright. These insect seas were impossible to retreat with unfathomable mystery, and the appearance of the two demons was more full. It was in awe, as if it was the awakening of a king!

Qin Yichen was suddenly shocked, and turned his head and looked toward the deep pit, which made 2 demon spirits so awesome. It is conceivable that this golden insect is definitely not small!


Many powerhouses were hesitant, and even subconsciously receded. However, at this moment, they saw the golden light slowly rise, and it was the golden insect that fluttered the wing and flew from the deep pit.

The golden insect is not flying fast, and it is still shaking in midair, as if people were ignorant when they just woke up.

However, each time the golden insect rises, the sea of ​​insects recedes, and the bodies of the two demon spirits are more submerged, even trembling involuntarily. It seems to be extremely afraid of this golden insect!

Finally, the golden insect flew out of the deep pit, and then flew up for a while, so as to glance at everything in front of the eyes.

Whether it is countless insect seas, or the two guardian beasts, they are like courtiers in front of them. For some reason, Qin Yichen feels that so many powerhouses are in front of this golden insect. , But reduced to trivial ant!

Gradually, the golden insect was active, Qin Yichen noticed that the insect was not large, and I was afraid it had only about half a fist.

But with its active body, the golden glow is even brighter, like a golden sun rising slowly, and in the end, it is dazzling!

At that moment, whether it was Qin Yichen or the Qingpao man, an extremely strong sense of crisis and fear was raised in his heart!

“this is……”

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Hong Lian’s voice was more anxious than ever: “Boy, get out of here!”

Qin Yichen was shocked. At this moment, when he saw the golden Flying Insect leaning back slightly, after a moment of accumulating power, there was a shout of empty air, which seemed to shatter the eardrum!


Qin Yichen only saw a golden glow passing in front of him, and flew straight at him and Ziyun, and his fierce speed made him dodge several points of time.

“Old heart!”

The golden Flying Insect exploded suddenly, and overlooked the crowd the moment before, and the next moment swooped in, seeing that I could not hide, Ziyun was furiously shouted, and the leopard tooth knife raged.

This blade, it can be said that the force is heavy and powerful, and it has a terrifying power, even making the Qingpao men’s face suddenly change!

But then, the Qingpao man was taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, which seemed to be extremely not to be trifled with the Golden Flying Insect to deal with the two boys first, and he was happy to see the show.



Ziyun’s Blade Technique is also extremely fierce. When golden light was close at hand, the leopard teeth just fell down, but the golden flying Insect broke into a screaming sound of golden fire!

What’s more, Qin Yichen didn’t expect that the golden Flying Insect’s body was just shaking for a while, and then he adjusted in the air to recover after a moment of retreat. Instead of being injured, he also passed over Ziyun’s shoulder!


Blood light Splash!

Qin Yichen turned his head suddenly: “Ziyun, you’re fine …”

Before the voice of concern was too late, he was interrupted by taking a cool breath. Qin Yichen looked at Zi Yun’s shoulder. The whole person looked pale. Rao was countless nine deaths and still alive. Strong panic!

The blood on Ziyun’s shoulder was DC, and the Golden Flying Insect just passed it, and cut a bloodstain!

Do not! Not blood, but tearing a piece of meat from the shoulders!

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