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The man in Qingpao was coldly snorted, but he hadn’t waited to show it off, but his face changed suddenly. I saw his immortal strength penetrated through it and gradually lost his vital insect. His body swelled for a while. It was broken!

“Be careful!”

The man in the Qingpao was not a ubiquitous generation, and his whole body instantly condensed a shield of immortal strength. I saw that the exploding insect corpse was actually an outbreak of a demon, and black blood splattered.

“Zila …”

The Qingpao man is 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, and it is difficult to shake the immortal strength shield by the monster and black blood.

“Stinking Insect is restless!”

The man in the Qingpao slammed it, but his face changed slightly. Of course, with his strength, he would not be afraid of a few insects.

However, the evil spirit of this insect self-destruction, including the poisonousness of the black blood, caused him to raise his worries from the feedback of the immortal strength shield.

A few insects can’t turn up any waves, but if they are surrounded by insects, it may be another scene under Self-destruction …

What’s more, Self-destruction can splash with venomous blood, and this insert is definitely not a good kind when it is alive.

Qin Yichen took everything into his eyes, looked back at Ziyun, his eyes drooped, and fell on the foot where Ziyun crushed the insect: “No injuries?”

Ziyun grinned and shook his head: “Boss, you think too much, an insert that is trampled to death, it just looks like bloody, but it feels like itching.”

Stepping on Ziyun’s foot will naturally explode blood, coupled with his strength crushing the insect, it feels no problem, but Qin Yichen just noticed the reaction of the man in Tsingpao, can’t help but frowned slightly: “Can You feel the tickling insect, it’s not an unusual insect. “

Ziyun complexion changed slightly, it seems to be aware of it, but Qin Yichen is in the Sea of ​​Consciousness sound transmission: “Senior, see what is the origin of that insect?”

Honglian rubbed her white chin: “It’s a little frowning, but these insects can be trampled by that stupid kick. The strength is not good. It should be the descendants of Chongmen Demon.”

“That black blood is poisonous, for sure, as for the outbreak of the monster, did you not feel the vitality of these insects just now?”

Qin Yichen nodded, this is what made him feel wrong.

Honglian ’s beautiful eyes flickered: “putting it that way, these insects are probably no longer pure beings. Imagine that they were trampled by one foot. How could it be so dusty in Gods Vestige for so long?”

“Gods Vestige is naturally impossible to prepare food, and food cannot be stored for so long. If you want to survive, you can only rely on the demon mist here. These insects are like this. Within the body is full of demon mist. It is already considered Mutated. After being crushed and killed, poisonous blood and demon mist explode …

Qin Yichen bowed his head, no wonder he couldn’t perceive it. This insert within the body was full of demon mist, and here the demon mist was diffused, coupled with the weak breath, it was almost integrated with the demon mist.

But after Honglian explained it, she had a dignified look on her face: “Be careful, tell the stupid man to not mess with me. 3 or 2 insects may not be for you. It may be the same for 100, but you should be able to imagine What is the scene of the insect bite? “

Qin Yichen bowed his head, staring in the eyes, and Honglian’s charge was his concern.

However, during the sound transmission, Ziyun and the Qingpao men suddenly looked up, looking at the demon mist in the distance.

“There is movement!”

Qin Yichen is also suddenly absent-minded, no wonder Ziyun they can detect instantly, because the movement at this moment is significantly more disturbed than just now!


The sound is still subtle, but it is 1000 to 10000 again. It is like the sound of countless poison insects crawling on the ground, like a 10000 insect drill, which makes the scalp numb!

Qin Yichen stared like a torch, staring into the depths of the demon mist, feeling have one’s hair stand on end, because this movement is not groundless, but really there are countless poison insects crawling towards them!

Looking ahead, there are poison insects that were previously trampled to death, as well as centipede, poisonous scorpion, praying mantis, and even some tentacles, with sharp teeth, many varieties, and different sizes.

The big one is half a person tall, and the peristaltic speed is also fast. All the way in the swarm, the young one is just a fingernail.

But regardless of the size, the scene of 10000 bugs made Qin Yichen 2 people vigilant.

“What did you say?”

As Honglian said, several poison insects can be killed by raising their feet. There are even 100 fearless insects on the 1 feet, but this vast poison insect, even in the depths of the demon fog, is constantly emerging, and Qin Yichen can’t be stunned. !!

“Be careful!”

Ziyun was angrily snorted, and the swarm rushed towards them. It seemed that the visitor was not good. Naturally, the swarm would not allow the swarm to crawl to his feet, and the sword would be chopped. At once, a poison insect would be chopped into several sections and the size was small. It has become a lotus root directly.

The venom bursts, and the monster is even more violent, and even killed one of the same in the swarm. However, under the vastness like a sea of ​​insects, Ziyun’s swords only set off a few waves of anger that’s all !!

The leopard tooth is indeed out of the ordinary. The sword is cut off. In addition to leaving a trench on the ground, there is an invisible blade glow remaining. Some poison insects touch it without falling into the trench. They have already been stepped by blade glow. Crush.

These poison insects are not as high as spiritual wisdom, but they also have the instinct to take advantage of obstacles, and soon bypass blade glow and continue to run towards Qin Yichen!

And the Qingpao men all faced the same siege of insects!

“Abominable, a bunch of Stinking Insect, thinking that a large number can challenge the deity !?”

The man in the Qingpao also shot fiercely, with a flick of sleeve, immortal strength unrolled bolt of white silk sweeping, and instantly there was a splash of poisonous blood, a demon burst, I do n’t know how much Monster Insect was crushed to death!

And many powerhouses on its side, naturally, will not sit idly by, and shot one after another. Immortal strength surges. Monster Insect, who was killed for a time, suffered heavy casualties and venom.

At this time, the benefits of more people seemed to show up, but Qin Yichen 2 did not fall into a disadvantage. Ziyun held leopard teeth, Qin Yichen wielded the blade of White Tiger, and a path of fierce sword cut out, making Monster Insect difficult. Close.

At this point, although the sea of ​​insects is vast, it was slaughtered by Qin Yichen and the others, but Qin Yichen’s complexion has not been eased because of this. Immortal strength is condensed and split out!

“Blade Blade Technique!”

This blade is a vertical split. Naturally, it is not for the large-scale killing of the insect sea. Blade glow swept across, leaving the insect sea leaving an entirely different blood path. The poisonous blood had just splashed and was killed by the sword!

Moreover, this blade is extremely fierce, not only chopping a blood path in the sea of ​​insects, but also the majestic demon mist has been cut off.

It was also through the Blade Technique that swept forward that Qin Yichen was able to see the depths of the demon mist more clearly!

But this look, let Qin Yichen take a cool breath.

Blade Technique failed to reach the end of the demon mist, nor did it see the end of this sea of ​​insects!

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