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Not to mention three golden lions, why is he easy to disguise?

However, Honglian raised up the crafty: “The owner has dealt with three golden lions, so the Senior will not read it wrong. Interestingly, the family of the three golden lions is quite far away from here. Today, there is a person The royal lion appears here, boy, this lively event, I am afraid that it will exceed your imagination … “

Qin Yichen curl one’s lip is irresistible, but it is not too much of a heart, and the royal golden lion has nothing to do with him.

And at this moment, the old man named Jin Qiu was embarrassing with Demon Race.

I saw Demon Race cold and severe with a faint smile on his face and said, “The three Golden Lion Clan are far away from here. Didn’t expect to meet you here. It seems that the tombs of the gods at this time are really lively.”

Jin Qiu laughed: “Where and where, I waited for a few years to swim to the nearby Star Domain before entering the tombs of the gods to join in the fun, and long admired the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance name that’s all.”

While speaking, Jin Qiu looked to Yin Xiao and smiled, “You guys are Heaven’s Chosen of 1000 Royal League, are you really so handsome? This time I am afraid that I will disturb the peace of your ancestors, and I look forward to your alliance. Make it easy. “

Is it convenient for me?

How can 1000 Royal League welcome a competitor who divided up the ancestors’ opportunities?

Just looking at the crowd of three golden lions, and thinking of the ancient inheritance and being regarded as a vassal of one party, Yin Xiao and the others could only agree with a bitter smile on his face, even if there were 3 reluctant hearts.

“Now that Senior is here, and Gods Vestige, the ancestors, came out, I am naturally welcome …”

Jin Qiu heard this laughed: “Then many thanks, everyone is so rewarding, I won’t be too messy when I wait.”

Listening to this, Yin Xiao’s talents were relaxed, and the three golden lions were in a position. Although they wanted to divide the cake, they were not in a tit-for-tat with them.

Yin Xiao secretly fortunately, although the 1000 Royal League is not as old as before, it still has several points of thin faces. Before there is no too sharp conflict of interest, the parties will not cast aside all considerations for face with them.

Just at this moment, a silhouette was flying above the sky, and Demon Race cold and severe looked up, and suddenly smiled, “It’s really hilarious.”

The silhouettes were arrogant, Qin Yichen also looked up, and after a closer look, it was found that this is the man from Lin Shangge!

As a business alliance spread all over the world, Lin Shangge’s strength can be imagined. Although it has always been publicized to make money together, everyone knows how much Guest Elder’s powerhouse is behind the scene!

The arrival of Lin Shangge’s many powerhouses made Yin Xiao and the others even more ugly. Although they had long anticipated that such a huge Gods Vestige, Lin Shangge would definitely not miss it, but when they saw it, Still a little upset.

But there is no way to be upset, because Lin Shangge’s many powerhouses do not lose the detached power present, even in terms of quantity or breath, even overpowering everyone!

I am afraid that only Demon Race will be able to let Lin Shangge bow his head saluted.


A silhouette fell to the ground, and the person headed was wearing a tight black robe and a black gauze hat, but from the figure, it was a woman.

And it’s not just a woman, it’s a woman with a hot body that makes Divine Soul upside down!

Although the woman’s body is tightly wrapped and her face is never exposed, just standing there makes many powerhouses’ eyes glowing.

Even Qin Yichen, who has seen countless peerless women, looked at the silhouette, and his mind seemed to be out of control. I couldn’t help but imagine how soft the lovable body under the tight black robe was, and then the lovable body appeared again. Beautiful

Qin Yichen shook the head, complexion slightly changed, and looked towards the pump light with some dull purple clouds, and quickly dragged his clothes corner, sound transmission said: “Nothing! This woman is afraid of the magical powers that are inherently charming. Or practice mysteries! “

“Lin Shangge Xu Xiuniang, pay respects to Divine Race adults …”

The black robe woman’s gift of Yingying can be described as 1000 charming and 100 charming, making many powerhouse eyes straight, not only that, the woman is only a slight movement, there is no obviousness, and no face, but it is enough to be called Qun Fang’s charming Wu Wuyan women eclipsed.

Even the pump light cast by Mei Wuyan, there is envy and jealousy among women.

The cold and severe face hearing this is also a playful look at the Fengyun figure: “I have heard that Xiu Niang’s dance has long made a number of God Realm powerhouse rival for love. It’s a pity. “

The red lips laughed under the black gauze: “My lord praised me, but when I go out, it’s better to be conservative …”

Cold and severe face: Slightly nodded: “Yeah, lest fancy eyes fly up, and you need to add a few more lives to your hands.”

Xu Xiuniang smiled suddenly and wanted to refute it with a smile, but she had such a fierce reputation, but in the face of Divine Race, she knew her own powerhouse and naturally converged.

At this moment, many powerhouses are also shaking their heads quickly, gradually converging the fiery heat in their eyes, replaced by bursts of fear.

Some powerhouses know that forcing a look at the terrifying consequences of this woman’s true appearance, and Xu Xiu Niang’s presence, also many Star Domain’s business alliance shopkeeper, can climb to this position, how could it be a vase?

Although Xu Xiu Niang is not a God Realm, she is enough to deal with many God Realm powerhouses. No matter whether it is contacts or means, and her own strength, many powerhouses are jealous.

And who can represent Lin Shangge to the tombs of the gods is definitely not a powerful powerhouse, but at this moment, even the blue robed man at the 9 Heavenly Layer Peak, is willing to stand behind Xu Xiu Niang, and dare not surpass.

In this scene, Xu Xiu Niang seems to be strange, and envious and envious of the pump light of Mei Wuyan and the others, but smiled generously, then walked in front of a few of Yin Xiao, slightly stunned: “Today is the major event of your alliance, There are many powerful parties from all sides, and I also want to come here for fun, don’t you guys mind?

When the hot figure came near, Yin Xiao was actually a little helpless. He Linger saw this, face sank, secretly thought this good-for-nothing Stinking Insect, immediately stood out, and said lightly: “Since Xu shopkeeper has been shocked Then, is there any reason for rejection? “

Everyone knows that Lin Shangge usually does not actively compete for Gods Vestige. That is because it is not worth it, but Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance’s Gods Vestige is enough to let Lin Shangge put down the usual peace and show the force behind it!

Regardless of this, He Linger had no choice but to brace oneself and smile.

Even, there are 9 Heavenly Layer Peaks. He Linger, who is also one of the heroes in the 1000 Royal League, does not live up to Immortal Crane, regardless of his temperament and appearance, but in front of Xu Xiu Niang, it looks like a little child. Grade.

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