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However, the Immortal Crane, the woman named He Linger finally covered her lips and smiled: “Since so, wait and see, I can hear that the fire of Senior Brother Wu, specializes in flowers and plants.”

The dispute between the two sides seems to be ending with their respective coldly snorted, but Qin Yichen can see that since hearing about the Senior Brother Wu in the mouth of the 1000 Royal League, the forces of all parties have expressed their fears more or less.

Although these fears are not enough to allow them to concede, it is obvious that there are already a lot of forces unwilling to easily provoke 1000 Royal Leagues.

Moreover, it is not clear what is happening in the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, but the 1000 Royal League definitely has an advantage over them.

Of course, many forces are not muddled. Senior Brother Wu only has is a person and may not be able to meet, so the situation at this moment is a bit subtle.

Qin Yichen looked all around and noticed the melting peaks and burnt holes under his feet. At first, he thought it was the characteristics of the place, or caused by the demon, and didn’t pay much attention.

Despite the broken peaks and melting holes, it is difficult to glimpse the true strength of the Senior Brother Wu. However, Mei Wuwu and the fears previously revealed by the powerhouses of all parties were clearly seen by Qin Yichen, which made his mind also spread. alert.

“It seems that the 1000 Royal League has a powerhouse above Yin Xiao and the others.”

I was so glamorous that I wanted to come to 10000 Flower Valley’s Peak battle strength, which is their fifth place. This lineup seems to be unable to compete with that Senior Brother Wu.

“Be careful.”

Qin Yichen murmured at the bottom of his heart, leaving his eyes open, but he wasn’t scared to leave on the spot. People were scared before they saw him. Senior Brother Wu in Stinking Insect’s mouth didn’t have this ability yet.

But at this moment, I saw what happened to Yin Xiao, complexion sank: “Also, I asked your mother-in-law, what about the two little bastards. I heard that you really want to win over them. If you would tell me their whereabouts, maybe you In Gods Vestige, it’s safer … “

Yin Xiao is not asking Mei Wuli for no reason, although he does n’t know the secret conversation between Mei Xiuluo and Qin Yichen, but outside Wu Tianbao ’s treasure, Mei Wuli is trying to win Qin Yichen ’s actions. He is knew!

Therefore, Yin Xiao threatened to speak at this moment. However, Mei Wuruing this is a corner of the mouth raise, secretly thought. I do n’t know anything, even if I know it, I ca n’t tell you!

Mei Wuli presumed that Brother Qin was among the crowd, but how could it be possible to tell Yin Xiao and sneer immediately: “What? It’s not enough to be beaten once?”

Yin Xiao heard this look more gloomy and was mentioned in public as a shame and shame. How can he tolerate: “You believing or not, if that little bastard dare to stand out now, I will kill him in minutes!”

As soon as this word came out, Ziyun was unhappy at that time, and just wanted to come out and see how this Stinking Insect killed them, but was pulled by Qin Yichen.

Qin Yichen secretly sound transmission: “What’s the matter, let this Stinking Insect make a noise, it’s not us who shame anyway.”

Sure enough, maybe Mei Wu was too lazy to argue with Yin Xiao before, after all, facts speak louder than words, but of course Brother Qin might be in the vicinity, and of course he would compliment him!

Even when smirking, even more charming, “If your companion is not here, would you dare to say that?”

Yin Xiao startedled, but then the pump light flickered: “You mean that little bastard was present?”

Mei Wulian’s face did not change, and she did not reveal the weak spot: “Who knows, maybe you will see it after you place your order.”

“Hmph! No matter where the little bastard is hiding, as long as it is in the tombs of the gods, sooner or later it will die!”

Yin Xiao snorted coldly, glaring at all around, and from time to time, she glowed with cold glow. There were several forces in the presence, the guy who had previously pursued him.

It’s just that when looking towards Qin Yichen 3 people, the former stays calm and Yin Xiao doesn’t pay much attention.

But in the moment he turned his head, Yin Xiao’s eyes glowed with cold glow that was hard to detect.

“3 people……”

It is very rare for 3 people to be a party and dare to come to touch Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige!

Qin Yichen 3 is not only easy to look at, but also restraining aura. Of course, this is not the reason for Yin Xiao’s suspicion. After all, more than their three people restraining aura were present.

But Yin Xiao is not a fool, knowing that Qin Yichen’s whereabouts have not been heard for so many days, the other party is likely to hide. As for those bright butterflies?

Yin Xiao is hoping that Qin Yichen can bring them around, so that in addition to exposing the target, it will also drag the latter.

It’s a pity that I didn’t see the bright butterfly.

“However, the little bastard is a brother 2 and there is a person girl, I don’t even think about it …”

“Is that the three of them?”

This is why cold glow appeared in Yin Xiao’s eyes, he already suspected Qin Yichen 3 people.

If Lu Xiaolu never shot all the way, Yin Xiao felt that it was one of the burdens and would not be taken by the Qin Yichen 2 people. I am afraid the suspicion at this moment will be deeper.

Suspicion is just suspicion, but even suspicion is enough to make Yin Xiao pay attention!

However, Yin Xiao didn’t break it on the spot. Of course, she was not worried that the wrong person would be in trouble. The other party had only three people, so she calculated that the wrong person had been tested by hand. With his 3 Royal League players at this moment, do you still need to worry about the consequences?

Apologize at most.

If he guessed it, it would be all right!

But it is precisely because she is still in the skeptical stage that Yin Xiao has not revealed it, but her heart has risen to the plan: “If you admit the wrong person, that’s all, if it is the 2 little bastard, wait for Gods Vestige Later, see where you run! “

Yin Xiao converged his mind, but the former mind, Rao and Qin Yichen, never noticed. After all, he didn’t walk with the 10000 Huagu crowd, but he didn’t want Yin Xiao to doubt. After all, 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse has a head and a face. I’ve seen it and heard it. Suddenly more strange faces will naturally cause suspicion.

Yin Xiao did not speak up, hiding the killing intent and doubt in her heart.

Qin Yichen, who was unaware of it, was quietly transmitting to Mei Wulei at the moment: “No delusion brother, we are here, and we will enter Gods Vestige, don’t hit the wrong person …”

Mei Wulian’s face did not change, and Yu Guang never glanced. Just by sensing the direction through sound transmission, she knew the existence of 3 people in Qin Yichen.

Mei Wuli replied: “I have understood and explained to my brothers and sisters, but Brother Qin, you still have to be careful. After all, you only have 3 people. If I am the Stinking Insect, I will probably be suspicious.”

“But Brother Qin doesn’t have to be afraid. Even if we are spotted by them, it ’s the worst to do it, let alone Stinking Insect.”

Qin Yichen said: “Let’s wait and see how it changes. If I can catch the Stinging Insect order, I can solve it myself.

After converging the sound transmission, Qin Yichen suddenly felt an overwhelming coercion from the distance, causing him to suddenly look up, and when he looked, there was a burst of cold and severe killing intent in the eyes.

The reason is without him, because with the overwhelming pressure, it is the monstrous magic cloud!

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