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Breakthrough Heaven Realm Intermediate, can be described as where water flows, a canal is formed, although Qin Yichen is happy, but not proud of it.

After adjusting interest rates for a long time to stabilize the realm, after restraining aura, Qin Yichen said: “It’s almost time, it’s time to trade with Lin Shangge.”

Of course, there is 10000 Flower Valley.

The transaction at 10000 Huagu was more casual. Qin Yichen and Mei Wurui left their imprints. After a briefing, when they learned that the elixir that day and night hoped for was finally settled, Mei Wuhuai could not wait.

However, Qin Yichen seemed very calm. In order to be unobtrusive, he finally decided to be delivered by the thorny demon.

A street in the city of Qunxiong is not far from Lin Shangge, but it is not neglected because of the influence of Lin Shangge.

“Jing Lao, count the number, and the reward has been given.”

A plain-looking young man handed a space ring from his sleeve, and the thorny demon does not need to count, can this small matter still be believed?

“There is a Lao Qin Young Master. The old man leaves first. By the way, Master Wu has found an excuse to talk to other adults. When I explore Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, I will spend 10000 Huagu to protect the Young Master. Security. “

“It’s working.”

The two people talked very smoothly, but as an insider of the 2 Huagu Wei 10000, the thorny man watched Qin Yichen go away, breathed a long breath, and protected them in the tombs of the gods, hoping to leave this ghost place. Later, Qin Young Master can promise more cooperation in the future …

Lin Shangge.

Qin Yichen 3 people are still easy to look at, and their looks are the same as when they came last time, so they were recognized by the lean old man at a glance.

“The guests……”

Qin Yichen laughed: “It’s been done, and there was a mistake when the benefits were divided up, which is only today.”

The lean old man naturally knows the purpose of Qin Yichen. As for some of the unevenness in the family, it has nothing to do with him. I just want to quickly acquire the elixir, otherwise the major forces will not dare to take him to the Shang Court, but Sending people all day is really annoying.

“How much are the guests going to do?”

Qin Yichen handed out a space ring and chuckled: “You will know at a glance.”

The lean old man took it, instilling immortal strength, and didn’t hold much hope at the same time, because the major forces didn’t care if they could buy it in the end, but when they buy it, they must be better!

This is not the first time that the lean old man who came to the tombs of the gods naturally knows the doorway. Basically, every purchase is impossible to satisfy, and it is a habit.

However, the neat rows of jade bottles in the space ring made the lean old man tremble.

“so much!?”

Qin Yichen’s smile continued: “I haven’t collected it for a long time, so I can wait for Gui Ge to have some soup …”

The lean old man took a sigh of relief, and then extended his hand invitingly: “Guests, please go upstairs. This old man of elixir needs to be tasted. As long as there is no difference, you can pay the VIPs enough.”

After all, it was sold to the major forces. It is hard to say whether there was anything mixed in it. In the past, someone faked the name of the shot, but hid the poison in the elixir sold to the hostile forces.

Ziyun had a similar proposal in the past few days. After all, do n’t think about it, after all, this elixir must eventually fall into the hands of competitors, because the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige, in front of all parties except the 10000 Flower Valley, Can be counted as competitors.

However, Qin Yichen didn’t think about it carefully. After all, Lin Shangge didn’t want to be trifled with. He just stuffed his hair and didn’t want to cause trouble.

Upstairs, Lin Shangge didn’t make Qin Yichen wait any longer. After a while, he saw the lean old man coming, and there was a person blue robed man in front of him.

“Guest, this is your remuneration, please look over.”

The space ring used to hold the elixir was returned. The elixir was gone, but it was full of fairy crystals!

On top of the fairy crystals piled up on a hill, there is a jade.

“this is……”

Qin Yichen frowned, but the lean old man took a step forward, and Gongquan laughed, “This is the special jade of the pavilion. The guests can collect so much elixir. They want to come to the sky, and they know it well. , And the principle of Devil’s Court has always been to make money together. “

Hand to eye is a compliment, Qin Yichen hearing this just smiled: “When you lack fairy, you will try and one’s luck everywhere, not to mention the elixir, you can’t find it with intention.”

The two people in Lin Shangge are hearing this. They are both lightly nodded. This is true of Alchemy Dao today, but this does not prevent the cooperation between the two parties.

The lean old man added: “The VIPs naturally have the door to VIPs. I do n’t dare to ask too much, but if there is an opportunity in the future, I also hope that VIPs will give priority to cooperating with VIP. The purchase price of VIP is always fair and reasonable. , Satisfactory. “

Qin Yichen laughed, this is to attract gold rushers, but he did not refuse, but stood up and said: “Guige’s credibility is well-known in the world, there is an opportunity, and we will come back to cooperate next time.”

The blue robed man smiled when he saw the situation. Nowadays, there is no shortage of gold rushers in this world, and even the elixir is the focus of gold rush!

“Guests can take a closer look at Jade, as long as they have long-term cooperation, they will never be treated badly. Well, there is a lot of business and they will definitely give benefits to guests.”

Qin Yichen looked again, and it was so. The jade record recorded the number of elixir in this transaction, and also listed clearly, for each number of elixir reached, Lin Shangge would raise the purchase price slightly.

Apart from this, some conveniences, as well as the sufficient amount of consumption, the privileges and discounts that can be enjoyed are very clear. It is a means of long-term cooperation.

“Farewell. If you have a chance, please disturb.”

Subsequently, Qin Yichen left, and Lin Shangge did not retain it, did not solicit as His Majesty, or did not mean to take care of each other in the tombs of the gods, although the elixir sent by the former was a considerable amount. Kelin Shangge has a great career. In this business relationship, it is not enough to give it special care.

Lin Shangge did not say that Qin Yichen would not take the initiative to go up. The same reason, Lin Shangge has a big career and a powerhouse as clouds. Where does he care about himself?

However, Qin Yichen has full confidence, that is, as long as he wants, he can become one of the main sources of supply of Dan medicine for Lin Shangge at any time, which is enough for Lin Shangge to come up with the highest purchase price.

But Qin Yichen is not like that, he has never been a jerk in the eyes of the small money.

Even Qin Yichen’s compound zundan rose a few days ago, not to make money, but he found that with the current Alchemy Dao market in the world, it is quite difficult for all parties to find their own suitable Dan.

The elixir above Zun Dan is more may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, and there are not many forces that can acquire it on a large scale, and even one that is beneficial to oneself can be called unprecedented.

In this way, the status of Zundan above the immortal Dan has become prominent.

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