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“Really hidden dragons and crouching tigers …”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but stayed at his feet, stepping forward.

There are quite a few silhouettes in Lin Shangge, and the powerhouse headed by the silhouettes are not weak, and they even have some meaning with swords drawn and bows bent between each other, but only because of the site of Lin Shangge, only Able to abide by the rules.

Qin Yichen glanced at him, but he did not see the silhouette of the 1000 Royal League.

At this moment, I saw a lean old man greeted: “A few customers are auctions or trading? What business is needed?”

Suddenly, this old man is the man from Lin Shangge, with a flat smile, not too respectful, and not rude, after all, he has this confidence.

But Ziyun is startled when he sees this. Is n’t all the beautiful little elder sisters come to entertain this occasion?

However, Qin Yichen was not surprised. You must know that the tombs of the gods are nowhere else. Every powerhouse here at Lin Shangge is not a burden. Who has the mood to bring you a few beautiful vases for hospitality?

Of course, there are no shortage of beautiful women in the world, but the one who is entertaining Qin Yichen is obviously not.

However, Qin Yichen was still surprised at the details of Lin Shangge. Their identity was not revealed, and there was no background in the exposure. Instead, it would cause trouble, that is, an unusual guest.

And the people who entertain ordinary guests cannot naturally have a high status in Lin Shangge, and this lean old man has 9 really layer realm!

From this we can see that the bottom of Lin Shangge can also be regarded as the invisible strength.

Qin Yichen came back to his senses, and laughed: “I don’t know how to count a sale, and how to count an auction?”

The sale was naturally an auction on the spot. The lean old man said, “Do you want to buy or sell? There is a price list, please look over.”

While speaking, the old man took out a paper list with a list of treasures, glaives, and Immortal Medicine treasures, all of which contained 10000 items.

However, Qin Yichen just glanced at the complexion slightly changed: “So expensive !?”

You know, as early as when Youlan Star Domain was resting, Qin Yichen, who is a danzi, naturally cared about many things about this medicine in the world, and also visited it.

The price of the dark market is not cheap compared to normal trading, and the price offered by Lin Shangge is even higher than that of the dark market.

The lean old man saw this, but was accustomed to it, and laughed: “It is unusual to buy and sell here, and the price is also extraordinary.”

Suddenly, this is telling 3 people that doing business in the tombs of the gods requires a lot of risk and the price is naturally expensive.

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, succeed, people have no intention of covering up at all, and they are quite expensive, so what can he do?

Later, I checked the price list, and there were not many things that really interested Qin Yichen and demanded, and even not.

At least, there is no shortage of ordinary treasures that can be bought and sold directly.

However, Qin Yichen had a deep idea in the price offered by Lin Shangge.

In particular, Immortal Medicine, which was recovered after the injury, is much higher than the outside world, and it is not a wrong to say that it is a black shop.

However, Qin Yichen can also understand that the tombs of the gods have been opened for nearly half a year. I do n’t know how much they kill each other. It is imaginable that they are consumed now.

People who do not need to replenish consumption naturally do not need to be slaughtered, but if there is no such thing as Immortal Medicine on their body, then they can only swallow it and do n’t buy it. What will happen in the next six months?

Suddenly, Lin Shangge has already calculated all kinds of situations, eating this person’s blood bun and dying.

Of course, this is not the case in Lin Shangge, the price has always been fair, but how can you miss the tomb of the gods’ tombs?

However, Qin Yichen found that there was very little elixir on this price list, but he was sure that it was impossible to get it with Lin Shangge’s handwriting.

After thinking for a while, Qin Yichen was shocked.

The Huanyu 10000 family is too complex, so that the elixir cannot be unified, and no other party has this ethnic unity.

Maybe the current Demon Race is OK, but people will not waste their efforts, it will only be darker.

In contrast, in the former True Dragon, as long as the race is loyal and respectful, plus the appropriate benefits, True-Dragon Race will develop the appropriate elixir for that race.

Qin Yichen feels angry, the ancestors are still too kind.

Different nowadays, Immortal Medicine’s business is more popular than elixir.

It is not that the elixir has too little profit. The reason is very complicated. One is that the physical bloodlines of different ethnic groups are different or even contradictory. In the simplest, the treasure opportunity for True Dragon is likely to be a scourge for Demon Race. .

Immortal Medicine is much simpler. First, without pill success, medicine efficacy is not complicated.

Secondly, whether it is Immortal Medicine or respect medicine, whether it is good for oneself, understood a taste, even if realm is enough, just perceive it.

But elixir is different!

Not to mention that there is no perfect elixir system for all races, and there are not many spirit cultivation people in the race who can develop it, and even Sea of ​​Consciousness cannot be developed.

Since then, Immortal Medicine’s business has naturally outperformed elixir.

However, the profit of elixir is extremely hot! The reason is also very simple.

Although there is no price list, Qin Yichen believes that Lin Shangge definitely has it, and even guesses that based on Lin Shangge’s long history, it was a business alliance that existed during the period of True Dragon domination.

For so long, how could it not be possible to get the medicine recipe of the elixir of all ethnic groups? Even those races may be cut off by themselves, maybe for many reasons, they ca n’t be refined. Kelin Shangge can definitely recruit Pill Master.

Since then, Lin Shangge’s status is naturally higher, and it is also guarding a gold mine.

Qin Yichen thought secretly that he definitely didn’t need to buy elixir. Just kidding. His dignified top order powerhouse Pill Master still needs to be slaughtered here?

However, looking at the high price, Qin Yichen wants to sell it!

Lin Shangge is so expensive to take out, the price of the acquisition must not be too low!

After a while, Qin Yichen moved the price list up and down and smiled again: “I want to see the price of the Kou Ge acquisition again.”

The lean old man startled was not surprised, and it seems to be commonplace. People want to sell things. Naturally, they must first look at the price of Lin Shangge and measure it.

However, Lin Shangge has the strength of Lin Shangge. The old man didn’t hesitate much and gave a price list.

“This is the acquisition price of Devil.”

The lean old man said: “Of course, this is just a common treasure. If you have a more precious treasure, the old man can now price it with palm eyes. If it is inconvenient, there will be a secret room upstairs.”

Suddenly, the vision of a 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse still needs no doubt.

However, Qin Yichen compared the buying and selling prices and suddenly was sucked in a breath of cold air. The difference between the purchase and sale prices was 30%!

What is this concept? !

This is equivalent to Lin Shangge’s downfall, and he can make 30% profit in vain!

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