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However, the Qin Yichen 2 heard this, but sighed: “This business alliance has such a long history?”

I already knew that Lin Shangge has a deep foundation. Whoever dreams of it has existed in the age of Henggu who ruled by True Dragon!

Hong Lianxi smiled: “Of course, although this Chamber of Commerce is a Chamber of Commerce, but to do business, you must first ensure that your fists are hard enough, so the energy behind this Chamber of Commerce is huge.”

“And the so-called money can make ghosts grind. The bigger the business is done, the bigger the fist behind it is. Apart from numerous guest official banquets, even many transcendental forces and first-class races have interests in it. “

“Not to mention, just to give a certain race or power a discount in price, is to sell a lot of face, which is equivalent to saving them a huge amount.”

“And after earning lizi and face, those high-level forces and races naturally know how to communicate. In this way, what happened to Lin Shangge somewhere in the Star Domain, saying hello, a call of 100 should be a bit exaggerated, But there will definitely be a powerhouse to help. “

Ziyun just listened to it as a story, but Qin Yichen, who once operated the Chamber of Commerce of Feile, knew the way.

At the same time, I feel more profound mystery about this Lin Shangge, and the energy behind it can really be such a big deal.

Honglian also said: “Apart from this, there are business alliances all over the world, and there are contacts with many forces and races. It is naturally very easy to obtain information.”

“Coupled with the fact that the powerhouses of all parties in the world have seen some unsightly things, almost all unsuspecting sales and purchases go to the dark city or Lin Shangge, and Lin Shangge’s confidentiality and price have intentions to associate. Therefore, the bigger and bigger it is, and the more it is tied to its interests, the naturally no one dares to mess with this signboard. “

Qin Yichen secretly thought about it and even raised his heart up. He believes that Ye Liangchen and Feile’s Chamber of Commerce are not weak, but unfortunately, they do n’t have the details of Lin Shangge.

But at this moment, I saw Honglian’s words turn around and laughed: “However, such a big business certainly has many jealous people. Lin Shangmeng can stand on its own. Thanks to a creed, it has developed so far.”

“What creed?”

Honglian laughed: “Naturally only with powerhouse!”

Qin Yichen looking thoughtful, and Hong Lian said, “Boy, don’t think I’m telling a story. You should remember these things with your heart. Maybe they will come in handy in the future.”

“The powerhouse is also divided into the third, sixth and ninth rank, etc., and who was the most powerful powerhouse at the time, you two should know?”

Qin Yichen and Ziyun looked at each other, both a bit surprised: “You mean, the previous Lin Shangge has been associated with my True-Dragon Race?”

“Otherwise?” Honglian smiled. “Without True Dragon’s acquiescence, what makes Lin Shangge bigger?”

“Of course, Lin Shangge also needs to pay a price. On the bright side, True Dragon and Ten Deity Clan do business with it. The former are as profitable as possible.”

“In the background, True-Dragon Race needs intelligence, and Lin Shangge will cooperate fully. In short, Lin Shangge needs a strong backer, and True-Dragon Race also needs a dark chess that surrounds the world.”

Honglian also said: “The dark market is in a special situation, and most of them cannot see the light. Even when True Dragon is dominating, it is more orderly than it is now. But in the end, the dark market is bright, there is darkness. change.”

“I really have strict control over the dark city. The forces in the dark city directly cover up people, and some rules of the game cannot be destroyed. Therefore, Lin Shangge appears to be on the stage.”

Qin Yichen was stunned, but Honglian was showing a sneer at the moment: “Boy, should you think about it, why is Lin Shangge still standing?”

Qin Yichen startedled, then his face was solemn: “They turned to Demon Race !?”

Honglian was indifferent: “Yes, or the creed that is compatible with powerhouse, True Dragon is overthrown, naturally you must hold other thighs. If you don’t, do you think there is a Lin Shangge now?”

Qin Yichen was silent, but Ziyun was wary of looking at the heroic city. When he was close to the enemy, Honglian saw this, and he was relieved: “Well, you don’t have to be too nervous, Qin Ziyou, you are Head of a Clan, should also know some necessary means, not to talk about clever actions, whether right or wrong, but to see the interests. “

“Even if Lin Shangge hugs his thighs again, he won’t be too close. At least in the absence of a major event, he won’t be like the hawks running dogs of Demon Race.”

Qin Yichen sighed, but saw that Ziyun was also fascinated by listening. After a while, he said: “Senior, what about the three Golden Lion Clan? What is the relationship with my ancestors?”

Suddenly, so far Dragon Transformation, Ziyun has regarded himself as a member of the True Dragon descendants.

And Honglian said: “Are three golden Lion Clan? Didn’t expect the name is still so powerful today.”

Honglian is not omnipotent, but remembers the past: “The three Golden Lion Clan’s reputation is deep and profound, and it is not lost to Lin Shangge …”

“so smart!?”

Ziyun was also shocked. Originally, he only felt that the 1000 Royal League was arrogant enough, but compared with these two powers, it seemed to be a lot worse.

However, Honglian said: “In the former Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, you may still be able to compare with Lin Shangge and the three golden lions, but now, it is far behind.”

Qin Yichen is also curious. It seems that the universe of this 10000 family is far more complicated than his previous imagination.

Honglian explained: “If you said that the former True Dragon was a hegemon, then the three golden lions would be like a vassal of one party. Wouldn’t you say it is terrible?”

Qin Yichen startled, comparing True-Dragon Race with 3 Golden Lions, we can see how deep the energy of the latter’s princes is unfathomable!

“The hometown of the three golden lions should be on the east side, strange, so far away, this time there are actually three golden lion powerhouses at the tombs of the gods.”

Honglian murmured each minding their own business, and then saw her face look quite dignified: “boy, remember that I said that the universe is boundless, the place where the True Dragon dominated then was regarded as the center of the universe, the three golden lions It’s on the eastern frontier. “

Qin Yichen froze: “Eastern frontier? Doesn’t Senior say that the universe is infinite?”

Honglian said: “That’s because the other side of the frontier is the enemy.”

Qin Yichen is startled, but Honglian is dignified: “It is the enemy of the True-Dragon Race, the enemy of the once 10000 clan, and the same … your enemy.”

Qin Yichen stared in the eyes, listening quietly to Hong Lian.

“Those enemies are very strong, and even they were extremely powerful, so powerful that True Dragon must be vigilant at all times.”

Honglian said: “Those enemies are constantly harassing. True-Dragon Race has sent many powerhouses to guard it, and every once in a while, there is a large-scale battle.”

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