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The magic sound is indifferent, more casually. It seems that it is only a trivial matter that determines the life and death of Yin Xiao and the Qin Yichen 1000 of the 2 Royal League. In his eyes, it is like a mustard.

However, a number of Demon Race powerhouses are accustomed to it, but there is a greed among the pupils, as for the purple-haired Golden Immortal’s claw? To them is nothing more than that’s all.

Even if there is no such reason, they want to kill, they also kill it at will. With this reason, they can be more confident when they kill.

The sky was getting brighter, and the silhouette of Butterfly Chongshan was flying back.


Qin Yichen stood up: “Elder worked hard. Did you find any information?”

Die Zhongshan bowed his head: “With a little eyebrows, now the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance Gods Vestige is really a group of men and powerhouses.”

“There is no need to say 1000 Royal League and 10000 Flower Valley. There are still some forces that have not made noise in the inner circle. The old man dare not touch too much.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, and he understood that even with the strength of Butterfly Chongshan, he had to be cautious to probe the news in the inner circle, otherwise one was not careful, and he was afraid to repeat the abduction and extortion of the former.

Die Zhongshan said: “These forces are not simple. Those who previously chased Yin Xiao were theirs. Even the old man heard before dawn. If the expert of the 1000 Royal League arrived in time, Yin Xiao would be in danger … … “

Qin Yichen hearing this, but it was secretly thought. Unfortunately, this Stinking Insect is hard! It all made him escape!

However, it is because of this that Qin Yichen is more vigilant. It is necessary to know that Yin Xiao is 9 Heavenly Layer Peak and has adivine object to defend herself. Those forces almost hunted it down, which can be seen in the tombs of the gods, 1000 Royal League It is not a monopoly, it can only be regarded as one of the powerful forces.

“How much can there be compared to Yin Xiao over the 1000 Royal League?”

Butterfly Chongshan shook the head: “It’s unclear for now, the old man is afraid to contact the 1000 Royal League, but there are at least 2 others.”

After all, it was 2 1000 Royal League powerhouses who rescued Yin Xiao.

“That said, with that Stinking Insect, there are at least 3 9 Heavenly Layer Peaks …”

Qin Yichen rubbed his chin. It is estimated that those who exist, as well as Yin Xiao, have a Divine Object next to them. If they encounter again, I am afraid it will be another hard fight.

Although his strength is now advanced by leaps and bounds, if the 1000 Royal League wants to seek revenge, it must be weighed, but the problem is that this account is not small, even if people and Yuan Che are not familiar, but for the face of the 1000 Royal League, also Will not give up.

Especially when Butterfly Chongshan told Qin Yichen that Xiong Lie and Snake 2 had also been hunted down, the latter’s face was even more gloomy. Needless to say, although it was not his job, most of the 1000 Royal League must be counted as its own On the head …

But Qin Yichen didn’t care. One thunder was top, two thunder were top, and even Xiong Lie was killed, which is good news for him.

Immediately, Butterfly Chongshan was complexion slightly changed, and hesitated: “And there is, indeed, a Demon Race in the tombs of the gods …”

After the words came to an end, Butterfly Chongshan cautiously looked at Qin Yichen’s face, and at the same time persuaded: “Young Master is angry, Demon Race now has one hand shrouding the heavens, and the powerhouse walking outside, I am afraid that it will be extremely difficult for everyone to provoke them. Background, in the tombs of the gods, I am afraid no one would dare to provoke, only to avoid. “

Qin Yichen breathes deeply. Although it is with the enemy in the tombs of the gods, it is not the time for confrontation.

Even Butterfly Chongshan is even more anxious. If there is a conflict with Demon Race, Demon Race’s strength is overbearing, and there is no need to hide when shooting. Can you look back at the 2 Young Masters, and dare to show publicity?

Qin Yichen waved his hand, not thinking about it for the time being: “Which other forces are there?”

Butterfly Chongshan thought for a while and said, “Besides the 1000 emperors, the powerhouse of Chaoshenhai is also in the tombs of the gods.”

“A sea of ​​chaos?”

Qin Yichen Jianmei slightly frowned: “Where is this power?”

Butterfly Zhongshan Road: “It is said that it is the emerging detached force of the Hai people, which has developed rapidly, and has controlled many of the Star Territory’s Sea Territory. It has no small ambitions and also means expansion.”

“As for the Hai … Young Master, you still ask Lord Red Lotus.”

As soon as Qin Yichen looked up, he saw a flaming red shadow floating out, it was Honglian.

“It turned out that the remnants of the Hai tribe were defeated. Without the True Dragon cover, how dare they go ashore and toss?”

Qin Yichen frowned, staring with doubts, and Honglian explained: “Boy, the sea tribe, you should not be difficult to understand, even the countless races in the Sea Territory.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, which is certainly not difficult to understand. We must know that there are countless 10000 Star Domains in the universe, of which there are countless Sea Territory, and even some planets or even a continent naturally have planets shrouded in the ocean.

Honglian also said: “The strength of the Hai people was not weak at that time. You will understand when your child’s vision is sufficient. Even in that year, there was not a weak weight in the world.”

Qin Yichen bowed his head, and then listened to Hong Lian saying, “The world is nothing but heaven under earth, between Heaven and Earth, there are countless creatures, there are 10000 families, and the sea is the same, and there is no lack of tyrannical existence.”

Honglian rubbed her white chin and recalled: “The senior god Haiben had never heard of it, and there was no such force at that time. In that year, True Dragon dominated the universe, and countless Sea Territory naturally also had control.”

“At that time, it was Black Tortoise Clan who ruled with your tribe.”

Qin Yichen hearing this, but it is a pan-savvy look: “Black Tortoise Clan?”

Honglian sighed: “It is also one of the ten Deity Clan that once won the reputation of True Dragon. The 2 family members such as brother and countless Sea Territory are the branches of Black Tortoise Clan and True Dragon.”

“What then?”

Honglian was sad and sad, and her beautiful eyes like lotus petals were filled with sadness: “I want to come, after the war …”

Honglian didn’t say any more, but how could Qin Yichen not guess?


Qin Yichen shook his fist, with cold and severe grief in his eyes, and another brother sister, was killed to the last one by Demon Race!

It is not difficult to see from the dejected look of Butterfly Chongshan. Now in this world, there is no news of Black Tortoise Clan …

After a long time, I saw Qin Yichen pursing her lips and looking towards the Butterfly Mountain: “After that incident, countless Sea Territory will no longer be controlled by my ancestors and Black Tortoise Clan, so a sea of ​​chaos will emerge?”

Die Zhongshan bowed his head: “Young Master said well, in fact, the old man has heard that even in that year, the Hai people were not so loyal. Only with the suppression of Long Wei and Black Tortoise Clan, True Dragon was the main.”

Qin Yichen tilted his head, and she saw that Honglian mentioned the matter, and immediately coldly snorted and said: “hmph, a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals. They didn’t fight for a long time, and they couldn’t help but add chaos That’s fine! “

Suddenly, from the response of Honglian, it is not difficult to see how much the loyalty of the Hai tribe is incomparable.

However, what Qin Yichen doesn’t know is that the reason why it is difficult to control it is to respect True Dragon on the surface, because in addition to its various races, the sea tribe has a relatively strong overall strength. God Realm powerhouse, which reproduces its self-proclaimed hegemon, is no less than on land.

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