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“Dare to be distracted? Really when the Young Master doesn’t exist?”

Ziyun furiously shouted, holding the knife in both hands, slashing in anger, and the space suddenly tore under this blade.


The magic knife seemed to be able to split heaven and earth apart, with a dark Space Crack, fiercely snarled away at Yin Xiao.

“This guy!”

At this point, Yin Xiao’s face also changed suddenly, and his immortal strength was surging, and the bright silver mang burst out in the double swords in his hands, like two silver dragons soaring into the sky, and finally fiercely collided with the attack of Ziyun.


The crisp sound resounded, the fierce wind trembled the space, and it was even more shocking that under this blow, Yin Xiao ’s silhouette was blasted out, apparently, With this blow, he fell behind.

“Stinking Insect, die!”

After a blow to gain the upper hand, Ziyun did not stop there, but instead bullied himself, apparently intending to take the opportunity to hit the water dog with pain.

At this time, Yin Xiao never dared to get distracted again. The purple-haired Golden Immortal after being assisted by the Divine Object was enough to threaten him. If he was distracted again, I am afraid he would really fall in the sewer today!

“Kid, this is what you forced me!”

Seeing that Yin Xiao was being beaten by Ziyun, Yuan Che’s complexion suddenly condensed, and as the shouted in a low voice, the ring spun wildly.

“Yuan Che, stop!”

“Yuan Che, although Yin Xiao is strong, but he still can’t represent the 1000 Royal League, do you plan to let you Yuan Yuan to bear the consequences?”

“Run away, Yuan Che is crazy!”

Seeing Yuan Che’s actions, many powerhouses around Qin Yichen were complexion greatly changed, and a path of exclamation sounded continuously.

However, Yuan Che was not soft-hearted because of this, cold glow flashed in his eyes, the next moment, the handprint changed, and the cracking bones whistled, directly covering Qin Yichen, his appearance looked like that, apparently no longer Look at the life of the powerhouse next to him.

“hmph! ”

Qin Yichen coldly snorted, a little under his feet, his body plummeted.

“Where to run!”

Yuan Che was coldly shouted. When his heart moved, the split-day bones roared out, like a stream of light chasing Qin Yichen.


Although Qin Yichen did not deliberately escape into the crowd at this time, there were still too few powerhouses to escape under the skeletal chakra, and they were run over by them and turned into ground meat.

The sound of screams resounded in the great hall, and the flesh and blood were blurred wherever the split-day bone wheel passed.

“Master Qin, don’t bring this evil thing to our side!”

On the side of Qin Yichen, Wu Chang complexion greatly changed, and quickly begged for mercy.

He was afraid that Qin Yichen would bring the Rifting Bone Wheel. Although he also gained something here, if it is revealed here, it will inevitably cause others to hesitate, when the time comes, even if he can go out here, Wu With constant strength, I am afraid it is difficult to live with treasure and leave the tombs of the gods.

Hearing Wu Chang’s begging for mercy, Qin Yichen eyebrows slightly frowned, he didn’t like this guy, but when he saw the flesh behind him, his pupils also shrank suddenly, and his handsome face instantly became It was gloomy.

Although Qin Yichen is not at all good to others, he is also a man of indiscriminate killing. Although these powerhouses died in Yuan Che’s hands, they still made him a little bit intolerable.

At this moment, Qin Yichen stopped.

“Qin Young Master, be careful!”

Seeing Qin Yichen stopped, Die Zhongshan hurriedly reminded.

The heart of Mei Wuyan and the others also hung up tightly, the formidable power of the Rifting Bone Wheel, they saw with their own eyes, the ordinary Golden Immortal 8 Heavenly Layer powerhouse, under its power, there was not much struggle at all The force is directly crushed into a place of flesh and blood. Although Qin Yichen is superior, if it is caught up by the cracking bone wheel, I am afraid that it will also bode ill rather than well.

“courting death !”

Yuan Che’s eyes flash with a cold light, but the killing move did not keep his hand in the slightest. As his fingerprint changed, he did not wait for Qin Yichen to dodge. The cracking sky bone wheel had turned into a stream of light. It shrouded in it.

Rays of light surging, Qin Yichen’s silhouette has disappeared into the sight of everyone, looking at the spinning bone wheel, the face of Butterfly Chongshan and the others is pale.

The power of the Skybreaker Bone Wheel, even the powerhouse of Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer may not dare to compete with it. It is shrouded in it, even the powerhouse of Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer can only die out!

A line of sight, condensed on the bone wheel, they want to know, in the face of Yuan Ter’s terrifying offensive, can Qin Yichen survive?

However, everyone also understands that maybe they only had some fantasies about Qin Yichen because of Yuan Chi’s ruthlessness beforehand. Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer, even with the record of beheading Youheng, no one thinks he can really The Heavenly Bone Wheel is safe to escape from such a divide object.

At this time, Qin Yichen’s complexion was also surprisingly dignified. Looking at the sharp bones and teeth of a path of, he also understood that, as Hong Lian said, his fairy armor was difficult to compete with the power of the divine object.

Yuan Che glanced over Xiong Lie and She Ming proudly, as if he was proclaiming that he had thrown them away.

In this regard, Xiong Lie and She Ming are silent, and Yuan Che, who is assisted by a divide object, is indeed no longer comparable.


Seeing the attitude of the two people, Yuan Che’s face showed a touch of satisfaction, then his eyes fell on the round wheel, and in his eyes cold glow flashed, a cold voice sounded quietly.


With the change of Yuan Che’s fingerprints, the split-day bone wheel spins rapidly, in which the sharp bone teeth pierce the air and emit a burst of captivating sharp sounds, a terrifying Destruction that can destroy the Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse Aura, diffused.

“We should go.”

Mei Wu shook the head, and there was a touch of disappointment in her eyes, she said to Mei Wuyan.

Qin Yichen’s performance did surprise him a bit, but that’s all there is to it, geniuses, tombs of the gods, but if they are too proud and arrogant, or not careful enough, they will not survive .

In Wumei’s opinion, Qin Yichen is the best example.

With the Realm of Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer, he resisted Yin Xiao positively, and even if it fell in the downwind, no one dared to question its innate talent.

However, all this, as that silhouette is shrouded, will eventually be forgotten.

Regarding the charming murmur, Mei Wuyan seemed as if she hadn’t heard it. Her beautiful eyes looked closely at the spinning cracked sky bone wheel, as if waiting for a miracle.


Seeing Mei Wuyan’s appearance, Mei Wuyi could not help but sigh, and he did not urge, because the answer will be announced soon.

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