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With a toothblade in hand, Qin Yichen has a strong breath, just like War God, with a cold eyebrow against 1000 Royal League many powerhouses.

The fierceness of the quaint long knife actually made this great hall quiet for a while, and many powerhouses remained silent, especially when looking at the divine runes above the long knife. Although it was dim, it could be grooved in the groove. After so many years There is still a dark red, and I can’t help but feel a horror of blood flowing into a river!

Mei Wuru stared at the quaint toothblade, and the pump light flickered. The first impression that this knife gave him was the rather aggressive divine object! Even the death of this sword is more than Yin Xiao’s Mithril Double Sword!

“This knife … turns out to be a divide object!”

Yuan Che looked in his eyes, and the ape’s eyes trembled, “Must this be the treasure obtained by this little bastard !?”

The divine object is in hand, Qin Yichen is prestigious, and Yin Xiao’s already somber complexion is even more dignified.

“Boss, this knife is good!”

Seeing Ziyun’s eyes, Ziyun couldn’t help but burst of joy, sincerely rejoicing for Qin Yichen, it seemed that the boss’s gain was also quite weak.

However, I did not notice that while Yin Xiao was more dignified, the greed between expressions was even worse!

“Divine object …”

These 2 little bastards have got 2 treasures. The one in front of you is a divide object! Yin Xiao was immediately jealous, and the killing intent of 2 segments of Qin Yichen 10000 people was also more intense!

However, when Ziyun saw this, he sneered and dismissed: “Boss, leave this Stinking Insect to me, it’s been a long time!”

Ziyun has such a mighty fighting intent. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After the strength has increased, who does not want to show his fists?

Moreover, although relying on his own fierceness and Chunyang Bao Zhaocao, he finally got the bright orb. During the blood route in the space, most of Ziyun was actually being abused.

Now that I’ve managed to find an opportunity to raise my eyebrows, how can I miss it?

Of course, the most important thing for Ziyun is that when he first came out, he saw that Stinking Insect was doing something to the boss and did not crush Yin Xiao to death.

Qin Yichen hearing this, and he did not object. He could also see that the treasure that Ziyun obtained had greatly enhanced the strength, far exceeding expectations. How could he stop his brother from showing his strength?

“Be careful, and … will you use a knife?”

In fact, the second half of Qin Yichen’s sentence is equivalent to asking casually. Although Ziyun usually does not use a sword, only the pair of dragon claws can sweep and kill, but it is the Golden Immortal powerhouse, Martial Dao is arrogant, with all kinds of swords in hand Wouldn’t there be one to say?

However, Ziyun hearing this was a stun, and then he waved his hand: “Boss, let’s forget it, your knife …”

Ziyun waved and refused, and did not mention the name of the White Tiger blade, and in his eyes, although the boss’s immortal soldier was fierce, he was not as close as his own pair of dragon claws, and it was fun to kill.

This is by no means a purple cloud expansion, but a real fact. The pair of dragon claws are the dragon scales of the geneuine, as well as their own hands. During the battle, as the arm instructs, if there is no blessing from the ancestors of the battle, the The blade may not be stronger than the dragon claw.

What surprised Ziyun unexpectedly was that his boss hearing this was actually a corner of the mouth raise, and he could not help but refuse: “Then take the knife!”


A simple arc was drawn in the air, and Ziyun’s mouth was staggered. He didn’t expect the boss to give him, not the White Tiger blade, but the simple tooth blade!

God Realm powerhouse Divine object made by Leopard Teeth!

However, even though Ziyun was wrong, the response was quick. In front of the enemy, he didn’t catch the blade handed by the boss, and the joke was wide open.

However, Ziyun spirit slowly recovers, but Qin Yichen secretly squeezes his sweat. He is a bit worried that Ziyun will be able to control this divide object in a short time.

You know, this divine object toothblade, but Qin Yichen has been flying so many times, it took several days to surrender it.

Although it has been surrendered, this knife already recognizes Qin Yichen as the main, but the divine object is already psychic, but unlike the ordinary sword, it can be transferred to others at will.

If you do n’t say anything else, you can see from the eyes of Butterfly Chongshan who looked towards the ancient teeth with joy and fear. Even if the knife was thrown at him, he might not dare to take it!

However, Ziyun didn’t seem to consider this at all. Dragon claw turned into two palms, holding the simple tooth blade in the palm, and suddenly trembled, as if stabbed into the body by a knife.

But soon, as Ziyun Long’s body trembled, a simple heavenly blade screamed in his hands, which caused a tingling in the eardrums of many powerhouses in the presence, as if there were 1000 100 tiger leopards in his ears.

The purple cloud holding the simple tooth blade is even more ferocious. If Qin Yichen Jin Yao comes on and one man one blade is shot, he will dare to fight against many powerhouses, just like War God, that purple cloud It’s like a god who dares to stop me, who I kill!

“Thank you, boss!”

Zi Yun grinned, but didn’t see Qin Yichen expression, a little confused, came back to his senses when he heard this, and coughed 2 times: “You can use it smoothly …”

At the bottom of my heart was a stunned surprise that my brother could grow up! I’ve stabilized the divide object so quickly!

Although the Divine Object has recognized him as the master, it is not so easy to get!

Qin Yichen thought that there would be an accident, so he was always watching, but seeing Ziyun’s killing intent soaring in the sky, his concerns were immediately disappeared.

And Ziyun’s killing intent rose sharply at the moment, and the blade pointed at Yin Xiao, said with a malicious smile: “Stinking Insect, Young Master still advises you to wipe off your feet first, lest you be chopped by Young Master, I got your blood again, which made my boss unhappy! “

I have to say that this provocation to Yin Xiao is far better than all Qin Yichen’s previous words, which made him split his eyes and become angry!

What’s so special, the soft armor given by my ancestors of this lineage seems to have been ordered by this purple-haired Golden Immortal to wipe the feet!

This makes him not angry! ?

“Little bastard, you think you can scream with me if you have a divide object in hand !?”


Suddenly, the silver light surged like a moonlight pouring, but under the silver light was a cold glow piercing bone, Yin Xiao had not reached her shape, and the two swords were transformed into two strands of silver awns, like thin wings, cricket and yet Sharp!


Seeing this, Ziyun roared loudly in the sky, killing intent masterpiece, but did not avoid flashing, cut out a sword and went straight to Yin Xiao!

“bang bang bang!”

The sword confrontation, sword energy raging, that overbearing power is actually the immortal strength of many powerhouses that look good on the side, cracking the chaos, even if standing in front of Butterfly Chongshan, I am afraid that many The companion has been accidentally injured.

Not only that, the sharp sword energy sweeping through this space actually collapsed the great hall, even the vast but endless border between Heaven and Earth reveals a path of small Crevice.

Outside of Shen Wuji’s ruins, the silhouettes hiding in various places can’t help flashing surprise, because I saw the original calm mid-air, suddenly there was a hidden blade light sword energy flashing out, although it was very weak, but it was clearly Turbulent space!

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