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“I don’t know what a fool, I thought you could compete with me ?!”

It seemed that he felt the expression change of the people around him, and Yin Xiao’s face couldn’t help getting completely dark.

From Yuan Che’s mouth, he already knew that this young man with purple hair was headed by the Golden Immortal. He was also surprised that the latter could take his own blow. However, do these guys really think that a Golden The purple-haired boy of Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer also has the capital to compete with himself?

Ziyun didn’t say a word, a pair of dragon eyes stared at Yin Xiao, swimming in the rays of light around him, faintly, there seemed to be the sound of 蛟 Dragon-Tiger leopard groaning, and his muscles were creeping out .

“I will make you die terribly!”

At this time, Yin Xiao had no demeanor at all, and the fierce look on his face made people extremely palpitated.

“Stinking Insect, you also deserve the shout of the Young Master ?!”

For the former’s anger, Zi Yun backed up, violent energy swept away, he stepped on the ground, the ground cracked, and then mixed with his strength, he smashed away at Yin Xiao.

With the keel, Ziyun’s fleshhy body is absolutely beyond doubt. Now he is doing his best, the harsh and explosive sound of the tearing air, even Yin Yin, expressions all is one, and then The imposing immortal strength surged, the body shook, and the rays of light on the silver robe flickered, condensing into a substantial silver mask directly on its entire body.

“Well, is this Stinking Insect still so cautious?”

Seeing this scene, Mei Wurui could not help but utter a surprise, quite surprised.

Mithril silkworm, cautious by nature, is also one of the most important capitals that Yin Xiao can grow to today.

When seeing the provocation by Qin Yichen and Ziyun, Mei Wurui was quite happy. Originally, he thought that the provocation by two Golden Immortal 2 Heavenly Layers could make Yin Xiao lose her anger in an angry way, but did n’t expect At this point, the latter was so cautious that he first tested the strength of his opponent.


Ziyun’s punch hit heavily on the silver mask. Suddenly, a sound of gold and iron rang out. The rays of light on the silver mask circulated. The terrifying explosive power from the former punch was dissipated. .

“It’s not weak, but it can’t break through my defense.”

The silver light flickered, and there was a smirk on Yin Xiao’s face. It seemed that he was too careful. Although this young man with purple hair was a little brute, he could not threaten him!

The next instant, Yin Xiao punched out, penetrated the mask, immortal strength condensed into a silver silkworm on his fist, and then, mixed with the waves of terrifying, blasted into Ziyun’s chest.


Seeing this, Ziyun’s arms crossed her chest, and the muscles on her arm moved, immortal strength surged into a rays of light flashing shield, which seemed extremely out of the ordinary.


The next moment, Yin Xiao’s fist fell heavily on that shield. Suddenly, as if the sound of a dragon-Tiger leopard rang, a violent force swept out, and even resisted its strength.


With the frusty body’s hard blow, a cloud of ferocious color also appeared in Ziyun’s eyes, his arm dancing, a path of fist shadow with violent fluctuations, hiding the sky and covering the earth like Yin Xiao shroud And go.

Looking at the offensive like Ziyun, Yin Xiao is also full of face baleful qi, immortal strength surging, the next instant turned into a silver silkworm whistling, with extreme swings, and fiercely with the sky-fisting shadow hit.

“bang! bang!”

In the great hall, watching such a fierce battle, many powerhouses all showed a deep shock. No one had thought that the purple-haired boy standing behind Qin Yichen became so powerful!

When Ziyun and Yin Xiao played against each other, Qin Yichen did not help.

Ziyun said that Yin Xiao gave it to him. This is also the opportunity for the former to prove himself. Although Qin Yichen was a bit worried, he chose to believe in his brother!

However, Qin Yichen is also tense, with immortal strength surging throughout his body, and it is clear that he can shoot support at any time.

“bang! bang!”

The fist shadow roared, and from time to time there was a path of fist shadow smashing the silkworm shadow, falling on the silver mask, and a crisp golden iron sound erupted.

The two men played extremely fiercely, but Yin Xiao was sheltered by a silver robe, and Ziyun’s fleshhy body was terrifying. Therefore, the apparently fierce battle did not show any obvious injuries on the two men.

And this scene obviously made the dissatisfied parties somewhat dissatisfied.

Yin Xiaonai is the powerhouse of the Golden Immortal 9 Heavenly Layer Peak. Even in the tombs of the gods, it is also a powerhouse with a great reputation. However, he was unable to directly win 2 Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer guys. It almost made him feel lost in face!

It is not difficult to imagine that after this war, the mother guns watching the war there will certainly use this as a laughingstock to laugh at themselves.

In the same way, Ziyun, who played against him, finally managed to fight successfully in front of the boss, and he got a great chance, and he wished to show his skills and directly defeated Yin Xiao to prove himself.

What he wants is not this heated battle, but real victory!


Thinking of this, Ziyun suddenly stopped temporarily, and suddenly, the sky boxing shadow disappeared. At the same time, within its body, Purple Gold rays of light surged, and there was a faint dragon roar. , Full of a unique coercion.


And Ziyun didn’t stop there. The immortal strength like the tide poured out from within the body, and the voice of tiger and panther filled the great hall. In the next moment, earthen-colored rays of light gathered behind it. Faintly formed a huge leopard shadow.

“This is, the inheritance of Heavenly Leopard Clan? How do you feel something wrong?”

Looking at the shadow of the leopard, Mei Wuru’s brow could not help but slightly frown. Although he did not break into the relics of the Leopard clan, but his keen perception made him realize that there was some secret in Ziyun’s body, but this kind of His perception was so vague that even he could not be sure.

He naturally didn’t know that Ziyun was carrying a keel. This is just to conceal the existence of the keel. There are too many people watching here, and he is not good at turning into a dragon body. But he found a way to hide it.


Ziyun roared, and the leopard shadow behind him turned into a yellow rays of light, mixed with violent waves whistling out.

“Hmm! Hmm!”

Where the leopard shadow passed, the air exploded and opened, yellow rays of light were extremely fast, almost the next instant, and they tore open the space. In a path of shocking eyes, fiercely’s bang in Yin Xiao’s whole body Road above the silver mask.


Amazing violent waves swept away. In a path of shocked eyes, Yin Xiao’s pupils suddenly shrank, a tiny cracking sound sounded, and a crack appeared on the shield urged by his silver robe!

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