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Qin Yichen hearing this, but it was a flash of star eyes, taking out the night fairy tree, that is to crush his Sea of ​​Consciousness!

This guy wants treasure, but he doesn’t want to keep him in trouble!

Qin Yichen turned back and glanced, seeing that there was still nothing in the middle of the great hall. He turned back, staring at Yin Xiao with a scornful look, and suddenly smiled.

“Just a Stinking Insect, dare to say something here?”

As soon as this word came out, the entire space was actually quiet and scary. The next instant, I saw 1000 Royal League many powerhouses exploded!

“Little bastard, what do you say !?”

Yuan Che is angrily said: “little bastard, dare to be disrespectful to Yin Young Master? Old man tears your dog’s mouth!”

The forces of all parties were even more shocked. The boy thought that if he could step on Yuan Che, he could beat Yin Xiao?

Not to mention that Yuan Che is not the same day after entering and exiting from the treasure space. The key is that your purple-haired brother is not there!

Then look at the 1000 Royal League, 3 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouse, and Yin Young Master in person. Where is your courage?

It can be said that in this space at this moment, the 1000 Royal League’s fist is the largest, so large that it can suppress all provocative voices!

In many powerhouses, Qin Yichen dared to do so, clearly going all the way, arrogant, deserve courting death!

After being shocked, a path of pupil light became even more playful. Originally, there was no flirtatious presence. They only thought that this good play was at best a party to admit, and could not see much blood, but when the words came out, it was definitely more Hot!

Mei Wuyi also froze for a moment, then shook her head and sighed, sighing, her bitter bitterness just now wasted.

Mei Wuyan is also anxious jade foot lightly, she also knows that Qin Yichen is a proud person, but when proud, also score points, at this time, you anger Yin Xiao, did you not let down my brother’s care for nothing?

Butterfly Chongshan was panicking. Inwardly grumbled, Qin Young Master, even if he couldn’t swallow this breath, you’d better wait for Ziyun Young Master to come out and make a late statement. Now we are all alone, except for prayers. I’m afraid it won’t help at all!

Just at this moment, she saw Yin Xiao sneer and raised her hand slightly to stop Yuan Che’s roar, but the former was looking at Qin Yichen again.

Mei Wuli can call him Stinking Insect, because the two have the same strength and both have a backing, which does not mean other people, they can also call him such a joke!

Yuan Che laughed beside him. The last one was not strong enough and arrogant. He dared to call Yin Young Master Stinking Insect. It was said that it was ugly to die.

Yin Xiao’s mouth angled slightly: “What’s the anxiety, seeing the calamity is approaching, it’s normal to say a few hard words.”

Although Yin Xiao still smiles, everyone who knows him knows how terrifying the anger and killing intent behind this smile!

Sure enough, Yin Xiaowang’s voice was over, “Xiaomiao, your face can only be counted as an old account, but the provocation just now is a new feud. Wouldn’t you still want to start for him?”

Mei Wu is sighed, raising his hopes to Qin Yichen: “You … ask for blessing.”

After all, Mei Wuli stepped back a half step, it was a clear position, not that he did not help, he has done his best, but can only blame the boy himself for not being funny.

Now I just hope Yin Xiao can give this boy a breath, so as not to do anything.

When Yin Xiao saw this, she looked towards Qin Yichen again, but this time, the pump light cold and severe was extremely incomparable, and she had a gorgeous but killing intent. The sound of silver awn rose: “little bastard, give you one last chance to kneel yourself Next, put your hands on your treasure, and then dispose of Sea of ​​Consciousness with your own arms, and climb out from here, otherwise, not only you, your companions, you all have to die! “

Qin Yichen was even more sneer: “9 Heavenly Layer Peak, you ask the ape monster next to you, if Gods Vestige collapsed a while later, how could he stand still like this?”

Yin Xiao hearing this, smirking unabated: “It seems that your arrogant capital is still in the past, not to mention that Yuan Che is different from the past. Do you think that I am better than 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment, is it just realm? ! “


The next moment, the silver light surges, it’s gorgeous, it’s more powerful!

I saw Yin Xiao shot abruptly, and the whole person turned into a silver streamer that was extremely fast. The streamer was sharp and unparalleled, as if no stronghold one cannot be overcome, no one can stop it!

When Qin Yichen saw this, he was well prepared. Stars were cold, and Jin Yao emerged: “You have good clothes.”

“Use you!”

Yin Xiao’s mouth was sloppy, and he wanted to abolish Qin Yichen, and then be casually laid down, not only giving Mei Wuren’s explanation, but also not dirty his hands.

But who wants to be flattered and willing to take him in, this seems to have left him with trouble, but this little bastard is so arrogant that he is disrespectful to himself … in this case, don’t blame him for being cruel!

“I’d like to see if 10000 Flower Valley will take a disused person!”

Qin Yichen ’s body is flying, Jin Yao is like a scorching sun, and Jin Yao ’s condensed boxer is like a big day of falling down: “I will let you know, Stinking Insect, it should be trampled to death fate!”

Seeing that Qin Yichen had never exposed the immortal soldiers, Yin Xiao had never used the immortal soldiers. The palm front was covered with countless silver wires, and the silver wires condensed into a sharp palm front!


Gold and silver intersect, within the great hall, space trembles, immortal strength is violent, Yu Wei rages!

“This kid, dare to start working with Yin Young Master, it’s almost act recklessly!”

“In front of Yin Young Master, this little bastard is the ants. Yin Young Master can crush the ants with a finger!”


Gold and silver Guangyao confronted in one place, gradually becoming distorted and distorted, and finally turned into a sky full of light burst, and Qin Yichen’s body was quickly backwards flying.

“This guy, a soft armor is indeed out of the ordinary …”

Just now Qin Yichen felt clearly, and his own palm front fell on Yin Xiao, while the palm front’s fierce strength was inexplicably drawn to the silver robe.

The smoothness of the silver robe made his immortal strength difficult to condense into one point, let alone penetrate the onslaught, and hurt Yin Xiao’s mystery.

Not only that, the silver robe dragged his immortal strength 4 times, eventually, all scattered to Yin Xiao’s back, I saw the silver robe on the back dancing for a while, and the fierce and fierce strength was actually dispersed!

After a punch, Yin Xiao felt the touch from Zhang Feng and looked at Qin Yichen’s gold bronze immortal armor. She couldn’t help but light flashed and became more greedy.

“You are pretty good, too!”

It seems that the gains this time are even richer than expected!

After being blessed by the martial arts ancestors, 10000 Taoism armors have the same mysterious power, but that is the overbearing swallowing of the Dai people and giving backlash to the enemy.

And Yin Xiao’s silver robe has the same purpose, not only can disperse the force, but also can distribute the immortal strength from the bombardment.

Within the great hall, it was turbulent due to the palm of the two people. Everyone can see it. The end of Qin Yichen is obviously worse than Yin Xiao!

Although many powerhouses know that Qin Yichen still has one sword and two shots of two strong and horizontal immortal soldiers, but Yuan Che even knows how powerful Yin Young Master’s double swords are!

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