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When Yuan Che saw this, he was immediately overjoyed, and Yin Young Master shot in person. How could the boy have a way to live?

Even more how, he has a divide object in his hand, and it is not the time when Gods Vestige was overwhelmed by the Great Fingers!

While the nearby Mei Wuering this, it was light flashed, and did not care about Qin Yichen, because what she cared about was Mei Wuyan: “What about my younger sister?”

When Yuan Che saw this, his smile continued. Although Yin Young Master was present, he was not afraid that he would take him because he seduced Mei Wuyan, but he should give his face: “Back Woolly Young Master, Lingmei has gained a lot this time, and is also among them … “

After hearing this, Mei Wulei was relaxed, and it seemed that the girl finally came out of the greenhouse.

However, I haven’t had time to be happy for Mei Wuyan’s growth and harvest, but I saw what Yin Xiao suddenly thought of, and smiled: “Niang Pao, I heard that the boy was very close to your younger sister a few days ago, and now shrinks inside If you don’t dare to come out, will you be holding your younger sister’s pomegranate skirt and crying for help? “

After all, Yin Xiao was even more entertaining: “If your younger sister is really moving at first, will you protect him?”

Hearing the words “mother cannon”, her charming look instantly sank. If it was not because of the 2 Emperor Alliance in the tombs of the gods, he would definitely be irreconcilable with Yin Xiao!

Although the deity is from 10000 Huagu, his appearance is slightly feminine, but his means of acting are not inferior.

Immediately, I saw coldly said: “Stinking Insect is Stinking Insect. I am full of thoughts and seeing others as you are.”

“I heard Wu Yan say that the kid did take care of her. It is a dark horse, but my younger sister’s Fanghua can’t be blasphemed by anyone, don’t talk nonsense!”

When Mei Wuli came to this ruin, she also summoned with Mei Wuyan, and even asked the latter about Qin Yichen’s feelings.

However, Mei Wuyan was shy again, and finally shook her head to reject it. If you spend more time with each other, there may be changes and uncertainty, but now … not to mention her, just look at Qin Yichen’s appearance, just want to win allies, It’s not about love.

Yin Xiao ridiculed that she was ridiculous, and the latter was also relentless and called it Stinking Insect directly.

Because Yin Xiao’s deity is indeed a silkworm, it belongs to the 1000 Royal League Chongmen, and the Chong word and the insect are the same sound. Like Yuan Men, it is a side branch of the 1000 Royal League.

It ’s just this indecent title, Mei Wu does n’t like to listen, and Yin Xiao naturally feels harsh, and immediately gritted his teeth secretly, but he did n’t want the former, so he had to count his anger on Qin Yichen ’s head in advance, and said immediately: Okay, I’m going to kill people, but it’s a good thing that you’re broken. “

It’s useless to say more, and Yuan Che naturally won’t give Qin Yichen a chance to meet with Ziyun. Even if they invited 2 Young Masters to join.

At the same time, within the great hall.

Listening to the whispering whispers around, and even laughing at it loudly, Qin Yichen expression is unchanged. At this time, the panic is useless. It should always come, and the most realistic is how to face it.

Qin Yichen looked at Wu Chang. The face of this old poison insect was also glomyy and uncertain, but he no longer dared to rise up with the former.

The reason is very simple. If the knife holder of 1000 Emperor League is on Wu Chang’s neck, he will surely catch life-saving straws in 4 places. But now that the 1000 Emperor League has not attacked him, how dare he smash into the knife?

Wu Changyu, but Mei Wuyan was worried, dragging Qin Yichen’s sleeve: “Qin Young Master, rest assured, when the 1000 Royal League powerhouse comes in, my elder brother will definitely come in, and you are kind to me My elder brother spoils me most, and he will definitely protect you. “

“Many thanks Wuyan girl.”

Qin Yichen was warm for a while, and Mei Wuyan was really thinking about her, but it was not difficult to see from the irony that all around did not converge, Mei Wuyan’s elder brother’s face seemed not so big.

Moreover, Mei Wuyan is Mei Wuyan, her elder brother is his elder brother, and he runs by the mountain and runs by everyone. Qin Yichen knows this very well. He wants to walk with treasures in the tomb of the gods of powerhouse as clouds. In the end, you can only rely on your fists!

Butterfly Chongshan and the others are even more worried. It is the ability to get the treasure, but the more dangerous one is whether the treasure can be stabilized.

At this moment, I saw 3 silhouettes entering the light curtain.

I don’t need to say more about leading the way, it is Yuan Che, who is sneer at this moment, and sees Qin Yichen’s pump light full of jokes, as if laughing at a dying man.

And the two figures behind him, although far younger than Yuan Che, are nothing but gimmicks, out of the ordinary, just standing there, as if invisible coercion shrouded, whispering in the great hall Suddenly quiet.

Seeing the decent young silver robe, the young man with both hands and shoulders, all 1000 Royal Leagues are all light flashed, respectful: “I’ve seen Yin Young Master …”

pay respects to respectfully, and Xiong Lie’s many powerhouses have a more straight waist. His 1000 Royal League backers are here, still worried that he can’t shock the audience?

Yin Xiao was lightly nodded, but looking at those powerhouses who stepped onto the immortal dao earlier than herself and respected her, she looked respectfully at her mouth and raised her pride, saying, “All the leagues no need to be so polite … “

Not only the 1000 Royal League, many powerhouses in the presence also recognized Yin Xiao, most of them were saluted immediately, some of the forces that have a holiday with the 1000 Royal League, quietly backed off, fear of being caught.

“I’ve met Yoon Young Master.”

“I haven’t seen him for years, Yin Young Master is getting more and more out of the ordinary. I want to come to the gods and be immortal. It is just around the corner.”

“With Yin Young Master’s innate talent, becoming a god is naturally not a problem.”

It is not without reason that everyone is so polite. Although there is no more innate talent than Yin Xiao in the 1000 Royal League younger generation, Yin Xiao has a strong level, but Yin Xiao is indeed a Peak level.

“Well! It’s Yin Xiao!”

Mei Wuyan’s secretly thought was terrible. I heard that Yin Xiao had a good relationship with Yuan Men’s sect master. Even the token of Yuan Che was the earliest Yin Xiao got.

Now is not the time to talk about these details. When I saw Mei Wuli’s silhouette, Mei Wuyan’s beautiful eyes only filled with joy. Immediately, Ying Yan flew lightly and flew into the arms of the former: “Brother …”

The siblings reunited, the floral fragrance overflowed, and after going through some experiences, Mei Wuyan seemed to know more about the meticulous care of her brother. Beautiful eyes were full of emotions and tears.

Mei Wuru rubs the silky green silk, with a pampered face, but reprimands her mouth: “You this girl, so many Senior and brother sisters look at it, thinking that you have grown up, who knows what it looks like.”

Mei Wuyan didn’t listen, and it was only after she had coquettishly in her brother’s arms that she broke free, and Mei Wuhuan arched to 10000 Huagu: “These days, there are labor Jing seniors and your brothers and sisters who care for nothing Amazing … “

The thorny devil laughed: “Where is Lord Wuren? It should be Wu Yan Lord to protect us.”

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