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Qin Yichen glanced over and saw Yuan Che’s smile. Unimaginable 3 days ago, the two of them still played fiercely. Even if Gods Vestige collapses, I am afraid that it will take one person to fall.

“Yuan Che is really tolerable. I just stepped on him as a stepping stone, but my face turned to smile and greet me. It was a character.”

However, the more so, the more vigilant Qin Yichen is, but the two people are cherished, as if their old friends reunited: “Yuan Che Xiong I trust you have been well since we last met…”

The only difference is that Qin Yichen used to call the other senior Senior, but now, he is completely older.

Yuan Che didn’t mind, and stepped forward with a smile: “How is Qin Young Master recovering in the past few days? If it hasn’t been adjusted, wait a few more days, after all, no one knows whether there is any danger in this treasure. “

Yuan Che looks kind, but Mei Wuyan is merciless, coldly snorted: “Don’t listen to Qin Young Master, wait a few days, I am afraid that it is you who are more powerful in the 1000 Royal League. Is that right? “

2 people have revenge, Mei Wuyan didn’t bother to give Yuan Che face at this moment, glanced at the other side, and quietly said to Qin Yichen, “Qin Young Master, my brother said these days, 1000 Emperor League Yin Xiao, There are other forces in the Peak powerhouse, who are all interested in the treasure of this split-seal team. “

“Fortunately, you only made an appointment for 3 days, and while those amazing guys are not here, hurry up the treasure and don’t be blocked by them.”

It can be seen that after Shen Wuji’s Gods Vestige and his party, Mei Wuyan and this Ken helped one another, fighting side by side, and sharing a token with her. The youth had a very good impression, and it was rare to be so heartfelt.

Even, looking at that handsome face, Mei Wuyan pretty face slightly red, who was a sexy bearing and charming temperament, rarely showed the shyness of the buds, for no reason, because the past few days brother talked about the most It is not the treasure of the split sky leopard, but how about the surnamed Qin youth? How strong or bad is the strength, even the background can be worth 10000 Huagu …

They all say that their elder brother is like a father, but now Mei Wuyan is shameful in her heart, and she is not so stupid. She was embarrassed when she was stung.

Qin Yichen hearing this, thanking Mei Wuyan with a smile, although he had expected it 3 days ago, otherwise he would not agree so, but the former’s goodwill would not be false.

Mei Wuyan saw this, hesitated, and said with shame: “There is a lot of Peak powerhouse this time, my elder brother is one. Qin Young Master will help you, people will not forget, but, Even if it is my brother’s face, I can only cover my 10000 Huagu, and then I want to protect Bao Qin Young Master … “

Suddenly, even the elder brother Mei Wuyan, in the tombs of the gods, can only say that one of the powerhouses, can’t scare the heroes.

And Qin Yichen’s enemies who have offended these days, nothing else, just terrifying the 1000 Royal League!

Just at this moment, I saw the thorny demon coughing softly: “But if Qin Young Master can join me in 10000 Huagu, then it will be another matter.”

Qin Yichen froze, and did not notice that Mei Wuyan’s pretty face was even more embarrassed: “This Senior is kidding me? This Qin isn’t a plant …”

On the contrary, the thorny demon stunned, and then reminded with your eyes: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t, you can add more …”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching, for whom?

I glanced at Mei Wuyan, but I saw this pretty woman with a pretty face full of pink clouds, more lovely and lovely: “Jing Senior, outsiders will spread that’s all, how can you chew your tongue? root?”

Ziyun was also unconvinced, but his focus was not Mei Wuyan: “How is my boss and the others, how can it be redundant!”

“What am I special…”

Is this a superfluous question?

Qin Yichen glanced at Ziyun. If he wasn’t his own brother, he would really like to send him 10000 Flower Valley for the flowers to gather!

In embarrassment, Yuan Che smiled and said, “Qin Young Master is really a hero, even 10000 Flower Valley has a pull.”

Qin Yichen coughed 2 times, no longer answering this question, but Mei Wuyan reminded him to keep his mind in mind.

Obviously, getting a token does not mean that it is a winner. As the young silver robe Yin Yin said, it is one thing to be able to touch the treasure or hold the treasure in your hands. Whether you can bring out the tombs of the gods alive is another. One thing.

“Let’s take advantage of the treasure powerhouse before the big powers come.”

Quietly in the bottom of his heart, Qin Yichen looked at Yuan Che with a faint smile, but his eyes were full of splendor: “However, if anyone dares to grab, I can destroy the Youlang tribe, and everyone else!”

Even Qin Yichen is considering whether to solve Yuan Che first. After all, this Old Ape demon is not someone who is easy to deal with.

However, looking at Yuan Che’s side and Xiong Lie, Qin Yichen finally gave up. Whether these two people really helped Yuan Che for the time being, can stand here, which represents the face of the 2 Royal League.

At this moment, Wu Chang also urged: “It’s not too late, a few hurried tokens, and open the treasure of the split sky leopard!”

Qin Yichen also no longer hesitated, and as he took out the token, he suddenly felt all around immortal strength rolling, and many sloppy pump light could not bear it.

Qin Yichen ignored it, but handed a token to Ziyun’s hand: “Ziyun, this is yours.”

Qin Yichen apologized to the crowd of butterflies, and where did the bright butterflies feel that the former was in debt? They are now hoping that the 2 Young Masters will succeed in winning the treasure, and it will be better to live in peace.

The moment when Ziyun, who was full of heart, took over the token, it was trembling, and the eyes of the dragon were full of incredible: “Boss, this … this token …”

This is Shen Wuji’s token!

How did Ziyun not be surprised?

Although it is difficult to say what is in the treasure, according to common sense, Shen Wuji is the most powerful house of the Tianbao people, and the treasure is probably the most out of the ordinary.

The boss gave him Shen Wou-ki’s token, and he only left the Shen Guang token of God Realm just before the fall!

This sentiment made Ziyun only feel that the token in his hand was extremely heavy and could not move.

This scene is also stunned by the powerhouse of all parties.

“This boy, actually gave Shen Wuji the token to the Zifa Golden Immortal?”

Yuan Che couldn’t believe it. You should know that Qin Yichen was desperately fighting for a token for Brother in Gods Vestige at that time, which has shocked the powerhouse of all parties. No one can imagine that 2 tokens. This surnamed Qin youth turned even more A precious one for brother!

Mei Wuyan’s beautiful eyes are trembling, which is also the scene of didn’t expect. How can this hero who reaches up to the clouds be the best?

Although how the Treasure of the Split-Leopard clan is still uncertain, many powerhouses ask themselves, but how many people can give more valuable tokens to their companions?

Don’t say that, like Qin Yichen, you can say that you can’t swallow it alone.

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