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Although the more tyrannical beings are, the more they pay attention to the existence of faces, but who can guarantee the treasure at present?

Yin Young Master said, “That’s why I let Xiong Lie join them with you. The more people you have, the stronger you will be.”

“You don’t need to argue with that boy, as long as I’m here, everything is easy to say.”

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Che was relieved that the token given by his Master could be snatched again!

It was just this thought that made Yuan Che feel aggrieved. A day ago, he was thinking about how to snatch others’ tokens, but now, self-protection is trembling with fear!

“Then listen to Yin Young Master’s arrangements!”

Yuan Che arched his fist, and his heart regained his confidence. As long as Yin Young Master arrived, see how the boy was crazy!

When the time comes, the previous grievances, both principal and interest must be returned!

What’s more, even if Yin Young Master didn’t make it for him, in order to crack the treasure of the Tianbao tribe, he would not let the kid away easily!

Just when I was about to put away the news, but I saw what the silver robe youth thought about, and raised a mysterious smile: “But speaking, you have made great achievements in exploring the ruins of the split sky leopard.”

“The ruins of our Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance have been shocked!”

As soon as this remark came out, he was imagining how to avenge Yuan Che, the slender silhouette. The ecstasy in the ape’s eyes was even more excited than learning that Yin Young Master was coming to him!

“Really? The ruins of my Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance are finally here!”

Exclaimed, even the bears burst into excitement!

At the beginning, the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance was severely damaged. Although they knew it, they did not participate in it, but the background of the 1000 Royal League was far less than that of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, but it could not change.

I thought that the secret to open the ruins would no longer exist with the details of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance. Whoever dreamed of it, Shen Wuji’s Yu Wei, actually made a gap!

The young man in the silver robe bowed his head. It was quite anticipating to mention the matter. Yuan Che was suddenly startled and wondered: “This is a big thing, can Yin Young Master still pull back?”

In front of the ruins of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, the treasures of the split sky leopard are worthless, but they are also quite different!

The silver robe youth hearing this, but laughed: “Anyway, it’s just a gap, the ruins have been sealed for too long, and the monster is soaring, even if I dare not break in.”

“I estimate that at least one month will be allowed to enter.”

Yuan Cheh heard this, but regretted: “In this case, I am afraid that the forces of all parties will have to touch on the opportunities left by the ancestors …”

The silver robe youth also feel sorry, but there is nothing they can do. After all, the current 1000 Royal League is no longer the glory of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance.

Moreover, even if Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance is still alive, it can only be said that the cakes to be eaten are bigger and unrealistic!

“No way, this world strength is the biggest truth, we can’t swallow it, we can only do so.”

The young man in the silver robe was sighed, but then he was cheering up. Although he had a high spirit, he also knew that even if he could swallow it alone, how much would he get?

As long as you have the strength, it should be your own, whether it is the 1000 Royal League or the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance.

“The ruins have come out, and those guys who want to come should contact me. As long as they cooperate sincerely, they will definitely reap great opportunities. When the time comes, it will be one step closer to the resurgence of 1000 Royal Leagues!”

After saying this, the youth of the silver robe put away the messenger, leaving only Yuan Che to sit in place, his mouth slightly raised, and his smile sullen.

“Every token is a token, as long as it is protected by my Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance ancestors, what is the treasure of this split-Leopard clan?”

However, when Yin Young Master arrives, he must let the boy know how mighty his 1000 Royal League banner is!

For a while, the news that all five Gods Vestige of the Tianbao people were explored spread through the tombs of the gods. For example, Yuan Che, who has a backing to find a backing, but also no backing, is also a friend and a friend.

Even without propaganda, the treasures of the Split-Leopard clan were originally noticed by the forces of the tombs of the gods, but now they are even more lively.

Even some powerhouses that are notable enough to enter the Core Zone, or powerhouses that have already been in the Core Zone, have raised their minds and made four inquiries.

Under such inquiry, Qin Yichen’s reputation also caused the influence of all parties to become more prominent.

The reason is without him, don’t care if you give Mei Wuyan a token, at least Qin Yichen has held 3 tokens today!

Some powerhouses even suspect that if it isn’t for 10000 Flower Valley, the kid will go back on one’s word and swallow all three tokens.

However, there are other rumors that it was the surnamed Qin youth who was soaked in the fragrance of the flowers, and the flower was also full of hearts, and this was the only token he would give.

For similar news, Qin Yichen can be described as didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, didn’t expect that his behavior of keeping his promises has become a gift of affection in the eyes of other forces!

Mei Wuyan is also very distressed about this. She wanted to let the news explain, but she found that the more the explanation was more wrong, even her elder brother smiled and asked at the end that her sister had blossomed and she was going to be picked. Is it?

After all, the weight of a Gods Vestige token is not too light, and under such a lively situation, a powerhouse finally knows that the youth who is only Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer and is willing to work with a group of bright butterflies!

The reason why this matter is so powerful and more important is that Shen Wou-Ki Gods Vestige collapsed, and Yu Wei swept through, leaving the ruins of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance out of a gap!

The treasure of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance is enough to attract the hearts of all the forces in the tomb of the gods!

Soon, a powerhouse exploration room, through the Celestial Demon Mang concluded that if you want to enter, you have to wait at least another month.

However, even if the remains of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance have just come out, it is difficult to hide the hotness of the hearts of all powerhouses. Whether it is the inner perimeter or the Core Zone, you can see a path of tyrannical silhouettes running around, and the demon all directions, But it was already blinking, powerhouse gathered!

At night, the mountain stream.

“hu ……”

Qin Yichen’s eyes opened, Jin Yao, like the scorching sun, converged as much as possible, but under the night sky, it was still bright and sharp.

“It’s almost restored, and it’s time to see what inheritance Shen Senior has left.”

Qin Yichen pupil light flickered, with a look of anticipation. At the time, the opportunity left by Shen Guang had brought them a lot of gains, and Shen Wuji’s chance could not have only one token.

The Ziyun group was convened, and many fellow expressions were full of anticipation and curiosity, but Qin Yichen was not hiding, took out the light group, and the people gathered together at the campfire at night. The harvest after the war was quite warm.

The light group gradually dissipated, but when Qin Yichen saw the opportunity, he couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows slightly, and said quietly, “This is …”

Ziyun even wondered: “Just a token and a scroll?”

The tokens are naturally Shen Wuji’s tokens.

Apart from this, there is only one scroll left, which makes Ziyun a little disappointed. You must know that Shen Guang’s chance has an Immortal Technique and a divine object!

However, Qin Yichen was not discouraged, looking towards the scroll of the star eyes, the most powerful house of the split-Leopard clan battles the 8 parties, the only opportunity left by his side before falling, can never be disappointed!

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