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With the departure of the two Yuan Che, the originally tense atmosphere between Heaven and Earth disappeared immediately, and a line of sight looked at the three silhouettes on the sky with various expressions.

If it weren’t for your own eyes, I’m afraid who would not believe that these three guys had won the token in front of Yuan Che, and there are as many tokens in the hands of that young man!

“It is indeed the tomb of the gods, and the black horses here are really endless!”

“Even Yuan Che has eaten in this kid’s hand, let’s have no fun, let’s go.”

“Well, I don’t know if the Gods Vestige is on. Can we have some soup when they eat meat?”

Some people murmured that they might be a hegemon outside, but when they came to the tombs of the gods, they could only be cautious. After all, there is too much Peak powerhouse here. If one is not careful, it may be possible. Meeting the body, Youheng is the best example.

“This is your reward.”

When Yuan Che’s breath completely disappeared into the sky, Qin Yichen stopped dragging, and threw the tokens taken from You Heng directly to Mei Wuyan.


When I saw the light group, in the powerhouse watching from below, there was a sudden chilling sound.

I don’t know how many powerhouses worked hard for a token, but in the end, it didn’t work. Qin Yichen gave out a token even without blinking!

“Many thanks Qin Young Master.”

Mei Wuyan smiled lightly, not immoral, and in a path of greedy gaze, directly collected the light group into her pocket.

“This is what you deserve. Without your help, it will be a question of whether my tokens can be kept.”

Qin Yichen waved and smiled.

If Mei Wuyan did n’t make a shot, he and Ziyun were two. If he wanted to compete with three powerhouses like Yuan Che, the situation would definitely be more dangerous. Even if they could escape, I ’m afraid there would be losses, and it would be impossible Balance, seized the token.

“Qin Young Master, what are your plans for these 3 days?”

Mei Wuyan’s beautiful eyes flickered and asked in a low voice.

“You can only hide in a quiet place.”

Qin Yichen shrugged, laughed, even if he gave Mei Wuyan a token, he still had 2 tokens in his hands, which would probably cause a lot of powerhouse cowardice.

Even with the battle with Yuan Che, many powerhouses are frightened, but greed always makes many powerhouses lose their minds. If they don’t find a place to hide, I am afraid there will be endless troubles to come to your door.

“Qin Young Master joked. With your strength, even if you are waiting here, few Xiaoxiao dare to shoot at you.”

Mei Wuyan gently covered her lips and laughed.

The strength of Qin Yichen and Ziyun, everyone has seen with their own eyes, these two guys don’t seem to be terrifying realm, but their strength is definitely comparable to the powerhouse of 2 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment, and in their hands, there is also cutting Killing Youheng ’s record is that even if it is the desire to smoke the heart, the body of 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse will sound the alarm for everyone.

For Mei Wuyan’s compliment, Qin Yichen just smiled indifferently. He naturally couldn’t wait here. After all, who would be willing to wait for trouble to come to your door? Moreover, he also needs to find a quiet place to take stock of the gains in Shen Wuji’s Gods Vestige.

“Qin Young Master, why don’t you go with me? I 10000 Huagu will never have any thoughts about the two tokens in your hands, and we can take care of them together.”

Seeing Qin Yichen’s expression, Mei Wuyan continued.

“I’ve got the kindness of Wuyan girl, but I have a lot of friends, so I won’t bother you.”

Qin Yichen shook the head, refused. Although they have cooperated with Mei Wuyan, they have not yet reached such a level of trust.

“Since Qin Young Master is not assured, he will not be reluctant to die.”

Mei Wuyan seemed to see Qin Yichen’s concerns and did not force her to stay. Before preparing to leave, she couldn’t help but remind her: “Qin Young Master, although the time on the 3rd is not long, but Yuan We will definitely invite reinforcements, and maybe when the time comes we can cooperate again. “

“To work with Wuyan Girl, this Qin wants it.”

Qin Yichen laughed heartily, said.

“See you in 3 days.”

Mei Wuyan was nodded, and then the lovable body moved with a scent of fragrance.

“This little girl is really Innate Charming Bone, no wonder that many powerhouses, looking towards her eyes are full of animal desires.”

After Mei Wuyan and the 10000 people in Huagu left, Hong Lian’s voice also quietly sounded: “Boy, Ben Senior can see that this little girl has a spring heart to you.”

“pu chi… ”

Hearing this, Qin Yichen almost lost self-control. His cooperation with Mei Wuyan was only to resist Yuan Che and the others. How could there be those things that Honglian said?

“Qin Young Master, old man has something to say to you.”

At this time, Butterfly Chongshan also swept beside Qin Yichen and whispered.

“Chongshan Elder can be honest.”

Qin Yichen ignored the gaze below, saying.

Die Zhongshan hesitated a little, and finally sighed, saying: “Young Master has 2 tokens in it. In my opinion, it is better to take out a token and get an ally …”

“Why did Elder say that?”

Qin Yichen slightly frowned, asked.

“Young Master has no idea. In the 1000 Royal League, none of them is someone who is easy to deal with. Although Yuan Che eats in your hands, he will never give up.”

“In three days, even if he does not invite power, it is not difficult to invite several powerhouses on a par with him.”

Speaking of which, Butterfly Chongshan couldn’t help shook the head. The foundation of these forces, even if they do n’t need any Gods Vestige, can reach a height that ordinary people ca n’t reach, and his estimation is very conservative, maybe, What they will face after 3 days will be more severe.

For the background of others, Qin Yichen has no jealousy. On the background, his Bloodline Strength, looking between Heaven and Earth, which force and race can be compared with? !!

The super powers are indeed enviable, but Qin Yichen believes that one day, True Dragon will roar Nagano, Human Race, and there will be a day beyond them!

“Elder doesn’t have to worry much, Yuan Che is not stupid. Even if he asks for help, he will do what he can. He won’t let himself be a supporting role.”

Qin Yichen chuckled, but didn’t worry too much.

Perhaps Yuan Men’s background is indeed beyond his imagination, but from these contacts, he can see that Yuan Che is a proud and arrogant person. Even if he asks a helper, he will not let anyone steal the halo from himself. .

Moreover, the intentional three-day period is to prevent Yuan Che from inviting those who are difficult to compete with.

Seeing Qin Yichen’s attitude like this, Butterfly Chongshan can only be nodded and will not mention it again.

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