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The light is getting stronger and stronger, and the shadow covered by the giant fingers is becoming more and more magnificent, until a huge sound of destroying heaven extinguishing earth blows up, and the silhouette of Youheng is shrouded in it!

“bang! !!”

9 Heavenly Layer Small Accomplishment, one of Youwolf patriarch’s oldest, Youheng die!

The giant finger turned into the sky and burst, but Youheng’s flesh was so insignificant.

This loud noise has attracted the attention of all powerhouses. When you see the sky shining, it’s all because the court is entirely to break.

“Youheng is dead !?”


“Little bastard, take your life!”

You Lan roared and looked terrified. He was no stranger to this blunt finger. Two months ago, his brother was crushed to death in front of him!

But just in February, this giant finger fell, and he was able to suppress and kill his Youlang patriarch!

The light burst, but saw a gun shadow fly out, and saw the dragon’s blood war gun flew into Qin Yichen’s hand. It was the relic of Youheng, and among them was a token of the Leopard clan!

In the face of this terrible finger, even Yuan Che felt a slight tremor in his heart, for he was afraid of his fleshhy body and was afraid to shake it!

Wu Chang is also stunned. Although Youheng is the weakest of their three people, it is also enough to cripple the existence of the audience. Who would have thought that he was beheaded by a junior of Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer!

Despite the fight after falling from the stone platform, Wu Changbian faintly noticed that Youheng can’t hold back the boy, but didn’t expect, he was defeated so simply, he died so quickly!

This refers to the many powerhouses who just want to open the butterfly Zhongshan and the others, and looked at each other in blank dismay, looking at the terror in the other’s eyes, no one dared to move!

Mei Wuyan is also embarrassed by flowers. If this finger falls on her head, it may be vanished fragrance and crumbled jade.

With a single finger of suppress and kill Youheng, Qin Yichen’s breath is more powerful, star eyes like electricity, glanced over, fell on Yuan Che, coldly smiled: “Now, it is 3 to 2!”

Yuan Che was shocked, but then smiled: “Also, You Heng’s tokens belong to the old man!”

However, it wasn’t waiting for Yuan Che to take action, but he saw that Qin Yichen’s 2 fingers were lightly raised. Then, the sky that had collapsed was a loud noise burst again, and 2 optimistic giant fingers came again!

These two Qingtian giant fingers covered the sky and shook the earth, shivering the earth and covering Yuan Che’s head. At that moment, Yuan Che was feeling cold, as if the air was shattered, making him short of breath!

“Ape Magical Powers Sky Arm!”

I saw Yuan Che screaming loudly. In the face of this terrible killing move, he didn’t dare to carelessly. Immortal strength surged into a 100 zhang high Tongtian ape demon.

And that ape demon has six arms, and the six arms are held high. It seems that it is necessary to measure the sky is how high, it is a sky for Yuan Che!

“hong long! ”

2 Qingtian giant fingers fell together, and the ape demon’s 6 arms stretched, but at the moment of touching, they saw the huge zhang ape demon’s huge body trembled, his feet suddenly sinking, making Yuan Che at his feet a wolf. Sudden change of face!

Yuan Che gritted his teeth and did not dare to relax in the slightest. He only urged immortal strength to support the strength of the hunted zhang ape demon.

Qin Yichen’s two fingers are slightly bent. It seems that the tiny movements of his fingertips are extremely slow, but every time his fingertip sinks, the Optimus giant finger will fall like 1000 mountains.

Gradually, the wide back of the ape demon was bent, his face was twisted, and his teeth were cracked, but it was like a stubborn monkey suppressed by the mountains.

“Not dead yet?”

Qin Yichen saw that the ape demon was very hard-hearted, and he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and in his sharp star eyes, he shot a fierceness.

Suddenly, it’s another finger, and I want to lift it slowly!

As Qin Yichen’s fingertips were lifted, the sky collapsed and collapsed, sending out a terrible wave, it seemed that even the sky would be shattered and shattered!

Under such fluctuations, Yuan Che shook like sieve bran and looked pale, and the ape demon had six arms twisted. If he was alive, his arm must be broken and the hand bones would be crushed.

Even so, the ape demon seems to be exhausted, and the body of the hunted zhang is difficult to support. Qin Yichen’s fingers are raised a little, but the ape demon’s knees are sinking and bending!

“and also!?”

Yuan Che’s eyes were cracking, and the two giant fingers were scary enough. This Third Finger fell down, for fear that it was the ape Magical Powers that the Heavenly Arm would be Shattered in an instant!

I saw a fingertip, pierced the sky, and looked away from it, as if a finger was raging casually.

But that rag is the sky hanging over everyone’s heads, and that finger’s prestige can be imagined!

At this moment, many powerhouses only felt trembling, blood was boiling back, their bodies were cracked, and their hearts were trembling.

Yuan Che’s teeth were almost cracked, and Wu Changna’s several ten zhang’s body was also restless, with 1000 feet trembling: “Qin Young Master, take Magical Powers!”

Qin Yichen ignored it, but the Great Finger had not yet fallen, but he heard a loud noise, and when he looked away, he saw that the statue of Shen Wuji was cracked.

“Not good !”

Even the statues in this Gods Vestige are broken, so this Gods Vestige is afraid to collapse!

Qin Yichen was right. He looked up and saw that because of his Third Finger, he pierced the sky, making the sky like a broken glass, and the cracks quickly extended.

Among the scars, Xianwei rages, and Yuwei in Gods Vestige has been squeezed into a ball, accelerating the collapse of Gods Vestige!

Yuan Che yelled: “If you fight again, no one can run away!”

Qin Yichen complexion sank, killing intent is not diminished, but seeing Mei Wuyan is pretty face frightened, converges all over the flowers and vines, flashes back: “Qin Young Master, leave quickly, Gods Vestige collapses, extremely dangerous!”

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered, Gods Vestige’s collapsed formidable power was overbearing, but he has personally seen it, even with the current realm, he dare not say that he can survive in the ruins of Shenguang’s Gods Vestige, let alone this Gods Vestige It is the most powerhouse left by the split sky leopard!

“It’s your life! Gods Vestige is out, it’s not too late to kill you!”

Qin Yichen put his fingers together, and the giant finger that tore the sky was slowly dissipating, and the suffocation that struck everyone was no longer available. Instead, it was extremely violent.

“Run! Gods Vestige is about to collapse!”

Yuan Che vomited a bite of old blood, looking at the slender back that turned into Jin Yao, the ape’s eyes were about to crack, and Wu Chang would still have more tubes, and immediately turned into a hunted zhang poisonous pupa, 1000 feet in the air.

Looking at it, the Golden Immortal who had previously wanted to face the sword, at this moment is turned into a bird and a beast, Gods Vestige collapses, and their realm, leaving a funeral is also skeleton doesn’t exist, leaving only the ashes.

During Qin Yichen’s flight, the White Tiger blade and dragon’s blood came out, and every time it was cut off, a wolf head flew down and blood light splashed.


Ziyun Long’s claws fell, like a predator, photographed on Youlan’s heavenly spirit. With the capacity of dragon claw, a wolf’s head squeezed and deformed, and his brain splashed!

“hong long long ……”

5 The statue of the Fissure Leopard slowly collapses, and everything seems to be buried. Gods Vestige is shattered, boulders are flying, and the sky is shining.

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