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Within the great hall, absolute silence, but right now, listening to a roar, deafening!

“Little bastard, I want to kill you !!!”

The tokens have been collected by Qin Yichen, the coercion is no longer, Yuan Che’s breath suddenly erupts, the ape’s eyes are red, and the fierceness is fully manifested. The immortality of 9 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment is emerging, making every powerhouse present. Shaky.

This little bastard, even stepping on him like a stepping stone, got the token! The last token!

Unforgivable! ! !

Outside the great hall, Youheng no longer fights with Ziyun. Looking at the young man who has caused heavy losses to your Youlang tribe, there is no jealousy in the pupils of the wolf. Instead, he looks up and laughs wildly: “little bastard, good! Good! That’s great! “

“Do you think you have just taken the last token? You don’t know it is a life sign in your hands!”

Wu Chang is no longer arguing with Yuan Che, looking at the slender silhouette that stands at the mouth of the leopard, and suddenly raises a weird smile, the pair of spiteful within both eyes, is tumbling with Murderous intention.

Wu Chang sighed, his voice was more hoarse and deep: “Little baby, this thing is not something you can touch, now hand it over, maybe there is still a way to live.”

The young man who stood at Leopard’s mouth didn’t say a word, just a blade in his hand and a gun.

Wu is common, and the last smile on the old face is also convergent, and his voice is hoarse like 10000000 poison insect. He dug into his ears: “Boy, the road is your own choice. After you die, you must not resent the old man.”

“Brother Yuan Che, how about the token on this kid’s hand?”

Yuan Che’s eyes were red, but he also knew that it was really difficult to defeat the little bastard on his own, and he gritted his teeth and said, “Okay!”

You Heng is also laughing more and more madly. Although the two Yuan Yuan directly cut him out, but You Heng doesn’t care. As long as the kid can smash 2 segments, everything is easy to say!

Moreover, the biggest fists present were indeed Wu Chang and Yuan Che!

For a moment, looking out, bear storm, You Lan, 1000 Royal League and Tianduo many powerhouses, all are fierce and murderous aura.

“Little bastard, I said a long time ago, my appetite is too big, and sooner or later I will kill myself, today, it is you who reap what you have sown!”

Even not only the 1000 monsters of the Royal League, but also the forces of the other parties, harboring malicious intentions looking at Qin Yichen, although they don’t expect to compete with the powerhouse such as Yuan Che for tokens, but the kid’s There are so many treasures, each one is quite attractive!

What’s more, a battle was fought and killed. Although this kid couldn’t escape the fate of being shot by Yuan Che, but if he could be severely wounded, then they may not have the chance to touch the treasure of the Tianbao people!

At this moment, Butterfly Chongshan looked pale, and in the face of the powerhouse that was several times more than them, the pair of greedy and fierce pump light was cast, making them unable to tremble, even more inwardly grumbled.

“Qin Young Master’s move seems to be prestigious, but he is in a situation of consigned to eternal damnation!”

Dozens of murderous-looking, even no shortage of 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouse’s fierce immortal strike, Qin Yichen is unchanged, standing at the mouth of the leopard, one hand of White Tiger blade, one hand of dragon’s blood war gun, just like War God!

Suddenly, Qin Yichen looked at the beautiful shadow of Jiaohua Qian who was standing in place, and a rare smile appeared: “Girl Wuyan, do you think about it? Join hands with them, the token in this Qin’s hands is afraid that it is not yours … “

Mei Wuyan’s lovable body trembled, and beautiful eyes looked at the young men holding the fairy soldiers intricately, and they knew exactly what the other party meant.

Qin Yichen has only 2 tokens in her hand. Even if she teamed up with the 1000 Imperial League, with Yuan Che and Wu Chang Zai, even if the former was chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, she could not be divided into one.

However, the last token was robbed, and Mei Wuyan’s heart was 100% intersecting. She wanted to bite the teeth of the enemy against the young man. It is expected that when she was an opponent, not only did she fail, but she also willing to pull a silhouette, Among the beautiful eyes that look like petals, the killing intent cannot always rise.

However, when the thorny demon saw this, it was shouted eagerly: “Boy, you courting death, don’t you want to involve us!”

Having said that, it was Mei Wuyan’s arch fist again: “Master Wuyan is cautious, this token … let’s not, it’s better than ignite the fire!”

Just kidding, now 1000 Royal League, Sky Poison Clan, Youlang clan, and forces from all sides can’t wait to chop this kid, and courting death can’t even take them to 10000 Flower Valley!

However, just at this moment, Mei Meiyan suddenly looked up, and the confused hesitation of beautiful eyes is no longer, it is still smiling like a flower, which makes all beings fall, and it is still a bright tooth like a jade.

“It’s so easy to get to this step and say no, don’t you? Wait for the next cultivation, then reach out to my brother to ask for Fairy?”

Mei Wuyan is tenderly shouted and captures the soul: “Qin Young Master, this token, can I have a copy !?”

Qin Yichen smiled: “Naturally.”

When the thorny demon saw this, it was anxious, but looking at each and everyone around him, and then looking at the 1000 Royal League like a wolf, finally he had to grit his teeth and say, “Well, today, it is all for Brothers and sisters take revenge! “

Ziyun also smiled, the smile was fierce, and Longyan was violent: “Boss, I heard that the monkey brain is also delicious.”

“Then let’s try it today!”

Qin Yichen’s smile converges, and the two-handed fairy soldiers are like the arms of War God, and the whole person instantly turns into a shock. Jinyao: “Kill !!!”

Ziyun’s feet moved, dragon claw appeared, predatory like Heavenly Dragon, extremely cruel!

Mei Wuyan’s lovable body is not moving, but there are countless vines flowing under the jade foot. Above the vines, the flower thorns are glowing with red, which seems to be able to easily pierce the soul.

However, Yuan Che looked at all this, but the corner of his mouth raised a contemptuous radian: “little bastard, block the deity’s palm, really when you can get ahead !?”

“There are 10000 Flower Valleys. I want to die. Today I have 1000 Royal Leagues to fulfill you!”

“Give me kill!”


Yuan Che’s arms are like two celestial pillars, which can penetrate the sky, and his palms are like mountains, exuding blue golden light.

Wu Chang’s dry lips were violently stretched, and a black light suddenly appeared. The poison contained in it soaked into the extreme. Wherever he went, there was a poison mist in the air.

And Youheng was a wolf howling, all wolf dancing, his claws were sharp, and his throat was cut off from Qin Yichen!

“Boom ~ boom ~ …”

I saw several powerhouses grabbing Elder’s tokens while guarding, Gods Vestige was already collapsing, and the raging celestial power made the great hall crack and tremble.

Inside and outside the great hall, demon winds emerged, there were violent and sturdy bear roars, and piercing wolverines!

At this moment of trembling in the heart, Butterfly Chongshan and the Thorns came together, behind each other.

Suddenly the thorny demon laughed and said, “In the past, your bright butterfly took care of us, and didn’t expect. Now we have lost our momentum, and we have a chance to join forces.”

A pair of butterfly wings are displayed, shining and holy, a tree covering the ancient trees in bloom, a path of thorns penetrating underfoot, spreading wildly!

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