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Looking at it, Wu Chang did not show weakness, raising his tentacles under his feet, like 100 feet. Although his figure was stingy, his speed was not slow.

Mei Wuyan’s lovable body trembled, and even in front of that coercion, it was difficult to look up. As for realm, she was the lowest of the four.

No, I ’m lucky that it is 9 Heavenly Layer Small Accomplishment, and Qin Yichen is clearly the Golden Immortal 7 Heavenly Layer …

However, I still ca n’t wait for Mei to think about it, but suddenly I saw a burly silhouette coming head-on, showing no mercy, passing by, and bumping her into disgrace.

The person who hit her was Yuan Che.

On realm, Yuan Che is above her, and on fleshhy body, Yuan Che is better than the beautiful and charming Wu Wuyan.

In this collision, Mei Wuyan immediately stood unstable and set off her skirt with a stunning arc, which made her pretty face full of hatred and terror.

She hated Yuan Che’s small gestures, but she was even more afraid, because in the face of this coercion, once she fell, she could no longer stand up.

However, just at this moment, I saw a wide palm falling on the willow waist that was gripped by Yingying, holding the shadow of Qian Qian who was about to fall.

Mei Wuyan yelled loudly, and there were thorns rising from her white fingertips, and her subconscious shots were taken.

However, when the fingertips were within an inch of the star eyes, they were dumbfounded.

Mei Wuyan looked very clearly. The face was like a sword carving, masculine and handsome, but the silhouette was not in good shape at this moment, and sweat dripped from her forehead.

But on that face, there was no bit of pain, it seemed to be hiding all the hardships in his heart.

Mei Wuyan was afraid to imagine that at this time, someone would pull her!

At the moment of contact, Mei Wuyan wanted to take resentment and thought that Qin Yichen wanted to step on her foot and fall down after Yuan Che.

Who would have thought that the palms of both hands were warm and powerful, and the tender and tender willow waist was also soft and elastic.

At this moment, the flower core trembled, making the floral fragrance overflow, but there were no fluctuations in the eyes of the stars, and they were always modest and courteous.

“Girl Wuyan needs to stand still, but it will be difficult to catch up when she falls down here.”

Qin Yichen let go of Wu Wuyan, Changshu breath, and wanted to step forward.

Mei Wuyan is stunned in place, beautiful eyes are moving, that is the sincerity that comes from the flower core.

She didn’t understand that although she only needed a few breaths to support her, it was enough to get Yuan Che a few steps ahead.

Moreover, this guy obviously has a chance to make up for it.

“Qin Young Master …”

Mei Wuyan’s red lips lightly opened, she couldn’t understand, she and this guy clearly …

“A clear competitor, right?”

Qin Yichen didn’t look back, but came out with a grinning sound, poking at Zhongmei Wuyan’s mind, Gods Vestige’s tokens competed with each other, and it was normal for them to fall.

But Qin Yichen was laughed: “It’s an opponent, but it’s not an enemy.”

Mei Wuyan’s lovable body trembled, and suddenly smiled, smiling like flowers blooming, making 10000 things pale.

“Yes, the enemy is the enemy, and the opponent is after the competition …”

Maybe be friends!

In this scene, many powerhouses present were all moving and even envious.

Meiwu Yanfang has a long history, not to mention 10000 Flower Valley has suitors, 1000 Royal Leagues and many powerhouses present. Which one doesn’t want to sniff the flowers?

However, such thoughts can only be thoughts.

Because Mei Wuyan has an extremely powerful big brother who has released words, unless my younger sister is willing, otherwise, whoever dares to pick flowers will chop his hands!

And just now, the flowers that poured out all living beings, but were full of spikes, were actually taken by flowers and sniffed …

This kind of intimate contact makes everyone envious!

However, envy and envy, everyone can only look at them from afar, the flowers in front of them are not pleasing, and not to mention the blood that will be tied, just the great hall in front of them is not something they can set foot on.

At this moment, after extruding Mei Wuyan, Yuan Che actually took a few steps ahead. The vivid hair on the statue of Shen Wuji and the sharp and sharp minions can be seen clearly.

I don’t need to repent, you can see the scene just now, but in this regard, Yuan Che sneered: “In the end it is youngster, elegant and handsome, in front of Gods Vestige, do not forget to pick flowers.”

However, your boy picks flowers, but he is about to miss the last token lost!

Wu Chang also laughed strangely. Although the flowers are beautiful and alluring, how can it be more attractive than Gods Vestige?

I can only say that youngster is youngster after all …

In this regard, Qin Yichen was silent. Mei Wuyan was right in front of him at the time. He couldn’t make up another foot, and sorry crossed the lovable body.

Of course, if you can reap the friendship of one party, Qin Yichen thinks it is worth the effort.

At this moment, Yuan Che took the lead, and his overbearing coercion made him breathless. As he moved forward, his shirt burst, his breath became more burly, his hair skyrocketed, and the appearance of the ape-monster gradually revealed!

Wu Chang is also full of 100 feet, tentacles squirming, half crawling and walking, strange speed, not willing to fall behind!

Looking up at the magnificent statue that was approaching, Yuan Che did not forget to observe all around, and the Elder who first entered the great hall walked all the way, except that the coercion became more powerful and did not encounter other dangers.

This made Yuan Che a little relieved, and at the same time sneered, how could a boy who had grown up in the greenhouse protected by his brother, a Gods Vestige who still wanted to pick flowers, fight him?

Over time, Qin Yichen’s shirt has been wet with cold sweat, and even the coercion of the God Realm powerhouse, even if only a trace remains, is enough to make Golden Immortal collapse and fall!

Although in front of the True Dragon Seal, even cruel tigers and leopards can only lie down, but Qin Yichen is not exposed, but by his own footsteps, come here!

Even, to the surprise of Yuan Che, he had revealed his deity, and he still couldn’t get rid of the boy!

At this moment, when I heard cry out in surprise, I saw the powerhouse who entered the temple first, biting blood out of the teeth, and in front of the statue, like a gnat, it climbed a little under the leopard’s jaw.

Suddenly, the powerhouse seemed to have full strength and jumped suddenly, and fell into the leopard’s mouth in an extremely embarrassing posture, but it took the light group into his arms!

At this moment, many pump light fell on the powerhouse again, and saw that the light group emitted the rays of light, like a roar of tigers and leopards, which was deafening.

And the light group seems to be bursting from the arms of that powerhouse, and the drenched with blood that shines on that powerhouse is almost penetrated by the chest!

But despite that, the powerhouse is still exhausting its last strength to swallow the light group into the space ring!

The chance has already been taken!

And everyone’s pump light is most concerned about that sloppy leopard mouth.

At this moment, the absolute silence in the great hall, including many powerhouses including Yuan Che and Qin Yichen, stopped to look, but after seeing that the leopard mouth lost the light group, not at all the imaginary bite devoured, still quiet Jing Li stands there …

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