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Qin Yichen laughed Without saying more, he really wanted to find an opportunity for Ziyun, and whether he can succeed depends on the ability of the two of them.

But Mei Wuyan was still curious, hesitating for a moment, with a bit of softness: “Qin Young Master, people are very curious, who are you, who is sect? Is there really difficult behind? to deal with the Supreme Expert? “

In this regard, Qin Yichen is only indifferently smiled. Of course, for a person like Mei Wuyan, he certainly will not recognize his identity. Of course, he is not frank enough to tell the latter that he has no backing, but is ambiguous. :”you guess.”

Mei Wuyan stared at her eyes, seeming to upset all sentient beings, but it was useless to Qin Yichen. In the end, she had to whisper: “This guy still sells you. If you are really powerful, please bring the power behind you … “

Then Qin Yichen looked up and murmured, but expression was dignified: “Next, should you see the true meaning of this Gods Vestige?”

The Shifang stone platform lost its energy, the formation mark was dim, and it was swept away by Yu Wei, Qin Yichen’s rivalry, and turned into dust.

At this moment, after many powerhouses have adjusted their interest rates, they look forward to the expression, because the stone platform is an ancient palace that looks like Heaven and Earth!

The ancient palace stands like a divine might, and the huge gate alone makes many powerhouses look like ants.

The entire ancient palace exuded an extremely fierce atmosphere, like a tiger and a panther who regarded the creatures of the world as prey, holding each powerhouse present.

“In the great hall, there should be Shen Wuji Senior’s token …”

Qin Yichen murmured, and the rest of the crowd, it seemed that they had the same mind, each and everyone pupil light flashed, eager to try.

Qin Yichen, however, was not too excited, but instead warned: “Be careful, this token is quite hot.”

After all, he had run through Shen Guang’s Gods Vestige in person, and the immortal spirit of the fissure in the temple mural Totem was fiercely murderous, and he almost buried them in it.

However, all the other powerhouses have heard about the fierce dangers of the remaining Gods Vestige of the Sky Leopard clan, each and everyone expression grave, but they still cannot resist the temptation of the Gods Vestige treasure, and finally took a step.

After all, dozens of silhouettes came to the dozens of people standing in front of them, without any congestion, but still in front of the majestic gate of the temple.

Qin Yichen looked at the powerhouse of the various forces, but saw Yuan Che shouted: “Dear everyone, open the door!”

At present, many powerhouses have chosen to cooperate again, a path of surging immortal strength, transformed into a giant palm that can be reclaimed from the mountains, and landed on the gate.

However, in the face of dozens of immortal strength coalesced palms, the door of the temple did not show any signs of shaking, and the speed of opening was extremely slow, which made people afraid to tremble. If the door of the temple fell, the Golden Immortal powerhouse would also It must be reduced to flesh on the spot.

“hong long long ……”

After all, the door of the temple opened. Through that gap, Qin Yichen finally saw the Gods Vestige of the most powerful powerhouse of the Split-Leopard clan!

It was a shock that was hard to describe in words!

Right in front of the gate is a statue of the Panthered Leopard!

The cracked leopard is the original leopard shape. As the door of the temple opens, it happens that he raises his head to roar. It seems that he wants to rush out of this Heaven and Earth and hit the world again!

That statue is extremely powerful. Even though it is only a statue, it came down like a god, and Leopard pupil glared angrily, so that every powerhouse entering the temple could not help but worship.

Qin Yichen took a deep breath, within the body immortal strength flowing, but in front of this split sky leopard statue, I still felt a burst of pressure, and the rest of the powerhouse felt that the moment they stepped into the temple door, it would become Prey!

Although Qin Yichen knew that Shen Wou-ki’s strength before his death was inferior to Hao Shuang’s ancestors and blades, but as God Realm, as the god admired by all living beings, his handwriting still showed divine might!

“Is this the statue that Shen Wou-ki Senior made for himself? It’s really impressive …”

In the face of that statue, many powerhouses were in awe of their hearts. When they talked about it, they also added the honorable title of Senior.

Yuan Che’s face was dignified, and he seemed to be supporting the 1000 Zhangzhang Mountain. He looked up and looked at the statue of Shen Wuji, but suddenly the ape shivered: “That’s … Shen Wuji Senior’s token!”

I saw a light cluster floating slowly in the mouth of the statue of Shen Wuji, Qin Yichen also looked up, his heart trembled. This light cluster was exactly the same as Shen Guang’s token, but it was filled with horrible power. Press, but it is as different as heaven and earth!

However, although I saw the token, many powerhouses did not dare to step into the temple.

There is no reason for it, whether it is the coercion of the great hall statue to the crowd that makes it difficult to move forward, or the token happens to float in the mouth of the statue, giving everyone a burial life like the prey in the entrance once they dye their fingers. !!

Apart from this, Qin Yichen did not forget to look all around to see if there is a dome in the ancient palace created by Shen Guang, which is full of cracked sky leopard Totem.

Fortunately, not at all is filled with Totem, the dome of immortal spirit.

However, when he noticed other things in the majestic great hall, Qin Yichen was sucked in a breath of cold air. To be honest, he would rather encounter the immortal spirit hidden in Totem!

But in Shen Wuji’s Gods Vestige, although immortal spirit does not exist, there are four statues in the great hall.

These four statues are also the four statues of the split sky leopard, sitting on four sides, and their heads are facing Shen Wuji, the burly and fierce body is slightly volt, it seems to show respect.

“Is this the other four statues of the God Realm powerhouse that split the sky?”

Qin Yichen speculated that although he had obtained Shen Guang’s relics, he had not seen Shen Guang’s respect.

Yuan Che seems to have collected intelligence in advance through the details of the 1000 League of Legends, but would he not tell the youth who had a hard hand with him a while ago?

However, Mei Wuyan’s beautiful eyes turned, and Qin Yichen finally puzzled: “These four statues are not the four God Realm powerhouses, but their strength and status are also quite Peak in the Sky Leopard clan.”

“According to legend, Senior Shen Wuji was the Great Elder of the Split-Leopard clan, and his strength was so great that these four people should be the four defenders Elder who followed them to fight together.”

Mei Wuyan looked to the four statues, I do n’t know if they really respected them, or the coercion from the statues was equally fierce, making her beautiful eyes awe: “The four guardians of the Elder are not as good as Shen Wuji Senior, but It’s also quite powerful. “

Qin Yichen secretly bowed his head, at first, because the statue of Shen Wou-ki sat in the town hall, engulfing Heaven and Earth, the most overwhelming, and he almost ignored the other four ways of protection, Elder.

But at this moment, if you feel the details, you will find the breath emitted by the four statues. Although it is not as good as Shen Wou-ki, it is also fierce and violent. I am afraid that none of the four elders could be provoked by the people present.

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