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As soon as this word came out, and Mang hadn’t responded yet, many powerhouses, including Qin Yichen, were all surprised at the scene, and then have one’s hair stand on end!

“This Yuan Che, actually wanted to win over and Mang entered the 1000 Royal League ?!”

The 1000 League of Legends can’t control who he wins, but if this peerless ominous beast is really talked about by the 1000 League of Legends, then in this Gods Vestige, the 1000 League of Legends is afraid to stand by one’s word.

In terms of strength, Yuan Che is among the most pleasurable among the forces on the scene. If there is this peerless ominous beast to help, Rao is Qin Yichen.

Looking at it, Mei Wuyan and Wu Chang also changed their faces suddenly, with cold sweat flowing from their foreheads. Didn’t expect when they were still horrified and awakened, the 1000 Royal League had already thrown out the olive branch!

Qin Yichen’s eyes flickered. On the background, although the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance has been severely damaged and reduced to the current 1000 Royal League, after all, it is a major force in the world.

The first token was also discovered by the 1000 League of Legends. During this period, if the 1000 League of Legends said that there was no investigation of the Leopards, Qin Yichen would absolutely not believe it.

Suddenly, Yuan Che’s pull seemed to be flustered, but in fact it had already expected today’s situation!

At this moment, everyone’s heart is tense, watching the reaction of the broken Star God lion, and Yuan Che sees it, and he is enticing: “Senior must have heard of the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, and once Senior’s In the same category, among the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance, there is also a well-known and powerful force. “

However, at this moment, I saw that with both eyes there was a smattering of fierce awns. Although he had just woke up, he didn’t know many things. He was at a loss, even holding on to Remnant Soul.

However, looking at the unfamiliar face in front of me and the draw of the 1000 Royal League, the spiritual wisdom of lifehouse who never lost in the presence of powerhouse suddenly burst, and made Yuan Che’s throat sweet and his face suddenly changed.

“Either the 1000 Royal League or the Ten-Thousand Monster Alliance. It is a fake to wait for me to win. It is true to break into the tomb of the master!”

And Mang is not stupid. I can feel that although there are a few people present with the breath of the Tianbao people, even the tokens, but there is no person who is a true Tianbao family descendants!

Yuan Che stepped back a few steps, his heart was stunned, but the surface was strong, for no reason, this peerless ominous beast, if he can win, then his 1000 Royal League in this Gods Vestige, will be like a tiger that has grown wings.

Conversely, even with Yuan Che’s strength, he is unwilling to fight against the broken Star God Lion!

Immediately, he saw Yuan Che and Qiang laughed, “Senior is angry, Senior has just awakened, I am afraid I don’t know some things.”

“As the saying goes, a talented person chooses a patron of integrity, and the time wise person is Junjie, and Shen Wou-Gi Senior has fallen, and Junior is respectful and respectful. Senior’s life is loyal, but the grace of master and servant has been reported in previous lives.”

“Now the Sky Leopard clan is over, and the Senior is going to …”

“what did you say!?”

Yuan Che also wanted to say more, but when he saw that he was impatient and heard that the Fischer Leopard family was destroyed, the bones of the hunted zhang shuddered and the roar erupted, which made the entire Gods Vestige tremble, even more directly Yuan Che figure trembled, how dare to say it! ?

“Splinter Sky Leopard … Down ?!”

It seems that he can’t believe this fact when he sleeps in the eternal ages!

And among those hundred zhang bones, it seems to contain the monstrous grief and anger, straightening into a roar splitting the heavens and earth!

“roar! !!”

Roar is so loud, even 9 Heavenly Layer powerhouses like Mei Wuyan are look pale. Although it is impossible to hide the news of the destruction of the split sky leopard family, they still can’t help complaining about Yuan Che!

But compared to complaining about Yuan Che, everyone is most afraid that this deity is loyal to Shen Wuji, 2 and naturally the loyal ominous beast who is quite loyal to the split sky leopard family, it is completely outraged!

Sure enough, in those empty eyes, the green light shone even more fiercely, and even the last trace of reason was swallowed up. The fierce emergence of the battle that fought and killed in the tombs of the gods covered Heaven and Earth. At this moment, the powerhouses of all parties In front of you, it looks like an ant!

“Be careful, this guy is angry, Chong Hai Elder, you try to protect yourself later, don’t get involved in 10000000.”

Qin Yichen secretly reminded that the news of the destruction of the split sky leopard is definitely an unprecedented stimulus and blow to Qimang!

It is estimated that Mang thought that when he woke up, he would see the descendants of the Fischer Leopard family who found Gods Vestige, but the reality is that a bunch of robbers broke into his master’s tomb!

Qin Yichen can understand this kind of grief and hatred, but he doesn’t dare to have the slightest sympathy! Because of this peerless ominous beast, I am afraid that he will not ignore him because he has Shen Guang’s token.

Qin Yichen is just vigilant, but many forces are already guilty and fearful at the moment, because they once had their ancestors when they besieged the massacre of the Tianbao people!

Sure enough, I saw Qi Mang’s fierce soaring to the extreme, and his hoarse voice contained a huge anger: “The deity wants you all person to be buried with the master!”

Yuan Che was shocked, and quickly advised: “Senior 3 thinks, the past is a foregone conclusion, Senior should look into the future!”

However, the mang was ignored, the bones of the bone beast lifted up, covering the sky and hiding the sun, as the name suggests, under one palm, the stars were destroyed!


This palm directly makes people trembling in fear, Rao is Yuan Che’s first reaction, all dodge and escape, 1000 Royal League many powerhouses, no one dare to say more!

This scene made all powerhouses tremble in their hearts. At first, they still felt that it was a good thing that Qimeng was not attracted by the 1000 League. Now it seems that this is not the case at all!

What a terrible battle strength that a peerless ominous beast capable of encircling and killing in the tombs of the gods can erupt when provoked!

For the various forces in Gods Vestige, it is tragic!

Yuan Che winced, avoiding the palm that shattered the space, and wanted to make a final effort: “Senior 3 think! Don’t make mistakes!”

However, Wu 鈥檚 common symptoms are grinning teeth. 鈥淵uan Che, do n鈥檛 waste your words. This guy 鈥檚 owner is destroyed. Can you still rely on others?鈥?/p>

And the mang roar was indignant, but it was set off with one palm. Even though many Golden Immortal were able to escape and flee from this palm, it was just this palm wind that twisted the digital Golden Immortal into a blood mist!

“Master, and mang is useless, and he can’t protect your descendants for you. Today, I will use the blood of these younger generations to jealous of your reputation in the world!”

Yuan Che gritted his teeth and evaded his life. It was a rare wolverine that could not be won. Instead, he stirred up Qi Mang and opened his slaughter to his 1000 Royal League!

Seeing that the situation was difficult to converge, Yuan Che suddenly flashed his eyes, and he was surging, it was surging immortal strength, and he flew towards the 10000 Flower Valley where Mei Wuyan was.

“Everyone, and Senior is already unconscious, we should work together to have the possibility of life!”

Looking at Yuan Che who flew by, Mei Wuyan was embarrassed. The former was nothing but the problem was that this guy brought anger and mang hatred!

“Yuan Che, don’t come over! I 10000 Huagu but lacking hatred and enmity with you …”

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