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Youheng is no longer able to get the second token, he just wants to tear the slender silhouette into pieces!

However, even though Qin Yichen was aware of this bad pump light, he was not afraid, but stared back with a playful expression: “old dog, why not call? Are you ready to bite the Young Master?”

Youheng was extremely angry and smiled: “Hmph, boy, you can die in the ruins of God Realm powerhouse, it’s your blessing.”

Qin Yichen curl one’s lip: “If your old dog died here, you would insult the God Realm powerhouse a bit.”

With swords drawn and bows bent on both sides, any force can see it, but neither the Youlang clan nor Qin Yichen is the existence they can easily provoke.

Even now, there are very few popular pump lights, but more of them are avoiding people who are afraid of burning.

However, for each of the forces present, Qin Yichen never underestimated. At this moment, he saw the bear yelling, “Find the entrance to Gods Vestige!”

It’s an entrance, but it’s just a place where Yu Wei is relatively weak, where the Gods Vestige collapsed due to the years of baptism.

However, this rift is also enough for all parties to flock to it.

Qin Yichen followed the crowd and finally stepped into this Gods Vestige!

After entering it, the pretty face of Die 1000 is obviously a little pale, and it seems that this God Realm Yu Wei is not something she can compete with.

Even the 8 Heavenly Layer Great Accomplishment powerhouse like Butterfly Chongshan feels a little dull in breathing, but sees Qin Yichen indifferently smiled, a little bit of golden light, which makes people feel the warmth of the sun and the clouds.

The forces of all parties are also showing Magical Powers, using means to resist Yu Wei. Of course, if those weak people can’t even reach this threshold, there is no need to stay here.

“It is said that among the other Gods Vestige, treasure is everywhere, hurry up and look for it!”

When I first stepped into Gods Vestige, I saw that some powerhouses could not bear it and could take action. Qin Yichen hearing this was also a little tempted.

He did n’t know how the other three Gods Vestige were, but outside of Shen Guang ’s Gods Vestige, he encountered cultivation Supreme Treasure, such as top grade stalactin, and wanted to come to the relics of Shen Wuji, there should also be treasure.

However, those forces had just acted, but were quickly disappointed, because they could barely find any corners that could hide a treasure, except for the expansive square.

Said to be a square, it is a stone slab paved with light.

“Is it possible that, treasure is hidden underground?”

As some powerhouses looked at 4 places, Qin Yichen suddenly trembled for no reason. In the space ring, after the self-satisfied, the token of the Leopard clan was silent, and at this moment, there was a weak wave.

Despite the faint fluctuations, he was caught by Qin Yichen, or he was always watching the reaction of the token before entering Gods Vestige.

“What’s going on? Honglian Senior, don’t you say that the will in this letter is not even Remnant Soul?”

Qin Yichen turned to Honglian for help, and in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Honglian closed her eyes slightly and opened them again a moment later, but in the beautiful eyes that looked like lotus petals, at this moment, she was in doubt.

“Strange? Ben Senior is right, the will in this letter is weak and pitiful, and there can be no hidden dangers such as the Remnant Soul outbreak …”

Qin Yichen is still not assured: “The fluctuations just now, you should be able to perceive them, wouldn’t there be any surprises?”

Honglian wondered: “It should be fine … Anyway, be careful.”

Qin Yichen corner of mouth twitching: “What does it mean?”

Honglian seemed at a loss, and simply perfunctoryly said: “Ah, if your token is in an accident, the other few cannot be an exception.”

For this rather reluctant consolation, Qin Yichen can only hehe, but he has left a heart for it, and Hong Lian, who has always possessed remarkable abilities, can’t figure it out. This relic must not be simple.

Just at this moment, the forces of all parties stood on the glory and had time to look into the future, but they suddenly felt fiercely tremble at their feet.

“hong long! ”

This sudden tremor was like the shaking before heaven falls and earth rends. Even Qin Yichen couldn’t help but figure trembled. His feet, other forces, all turned scared with fright.

In fact, the forces of all parties are very clear. When they enter here, they are all robbers.

But the tremor seemed to be just the beginning, and then, the loud noise was actually under the feet of someone, breaking a path of cracks!


The fissures are like the earth breaking down, and they are like an abyss huge mouth, leading to the 9 faint end of the hard-to-see bottom. In a blink of an eye, the diffusion is 1000 meters!

The Golden Immortal, who happened to be standing on the rift, was too late to respond, or fell into it, leaving only a terrified plea for help.

But the cry for help became the last word of Golden Immortal’s life.

After the rift, there is no more life!

This scene can be said to scare the scalp from the forces of all parties, and suddenly spread out, and dare not approach half.

However, the fissure was getting bigger and bigger, spreading at an alarming rate, and she couldn’t dodge it at all. Mei Wuyan looked in her eyes and immediately tenderly shouted: “Go to heaven!”

Suddenly, all the powerhouses woke up like dreams and flew up into the air.

Qin Yichen and Ziyun glanced at each other, but also a bit afraid of this sudden variable, just like 10000 Huagu, rose into the air and stood in the air.

Standing in mid-air, you can see that in a short period of time, the fissure has spread to almost hunted zhang, and it continues to collapse, shining Shattered!

Not only that, Qin Yichen felt a suffocating coercion from that crack!

As if, a peerless ominous beast emerged from the cage!

“Boy, be careful, the things underneath are not simple! Don’t be strong!”

At this moment, there is no need for Honglian to remind, Qin Yichen did not dare to rush, not only him, but the powerhouse of all parties flashed pump light and looked dignified.

“bang! !!”

Finally, at a certain moment, the glorious paved ground seemed to be unable to bear the terrible coercion, a burst of blast, the collapse of the earth, a roaring roar, an eruption from the sky, a trembling eardrum trembling, and a dull chest .

The weaker ones only feel a sweetness in the throat, blood spewing, trembling in fear, shaking like sieve bran.

“roar! !!”

With that fierce roar, I saw an arm connecting to heaven penetrating the earth in the broken earth.

Said to be an arm, but only white bones, white bones like beast palms, covering the sky, breaking the sun, breaking the stars, breaking through the earth, suddenly stretched out, wherever they passed, those powerhouses that happened to stand above the arms were not spared , All were photographed as a ball of meat!

Blood light splattered, pitiful yell reaching the Heaven, but it seemed to have inspired the bloodthirsty of the peerless ominous beast, and it was an arm breaking through the earth. Gods Vestige, who had stepped into the moment for 100 Golden Immortal, was already bloody!

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